Hello, I'm currently trying to get the API token, both for the 2 legged and 3 legged, and i seem to be unable to get it and I have a feeling its due to a slight problem with my syntax. Each time I do a post request trying to get this data I get a 404 and any changes don't change it from just returning a 404, so I'm having a bit of difficulty figuring out exactly where my problem is. I'm guessing its the way I concat my ID and Secret. So I'm using python for this and the code for getting the authorization token is this
Client_ID = b'<Client_ID>'
Client_Secret = b'<Client_Secret>'
and I seem to get the right value from this based on the == at the end of it, similar to how it shows in the documentation. I then pass it into the headers as 'Authorization': 'Basic <Token>' where token is the output from the b64encode function, copied and pasted into the string. I feel that the way I'm moving the output of b64encode into this is the incorrect thing, but I'm not entirely sure. Any ideas?