The links has to form in the brain, there is no shortcut to conforming ideas into concrete functional code.
No programmer has any solution before it's done, nor does the programmer have the ability to forsee all corner cases or special rules, better interop before start.
Its a process where you identify the initial parts and investigate properties around them and establish link through code to obtain a result in the end.
And you use the manual as only reference, for when you are stuck.
Only resort to broad general video material if you fail to understand a general concept, or details you cant get working while looking at the documentation. You need to get familiar with the syntax and manual and how to search for things you think that gives meaning, in any or all particular cases.
And first of all, start to look at, read, consume, understand every single character in a random script, then the next then the next, the content is irrelevant, the important thing is that you brainwash yourself to look at the code in no particular order and you will then start to see patterns, structures and then you have come far.
Do this for as long as it is needed, so you feel confident explaining a random script, pretending you are at an examn.