Hi @denisT.MaxDoctor,
Thank you for helping me with this headache! Here is the source code:
macroScript RV_Tools
Category: "RV Tools"
tooltip: "RV Tools"
buttonText:"RV Tools"
icon: #("RVTools",1)
local RVT_UserPath = ((getDir #userScripts) + "\RV_Tools\\")
local RVT_INIfile = RVT_UserPath + "RV_Tools.ini"
local RV_tools_path = getINISetting RVT_INIfile "UIpaths" "RVtoolsPath"
function fn_SetPath =
local NewPath = undefined
NewPath = getSavePath () + "\\"
if NewPath != undefined then (
setINISetting RVT_INIfile "UIpaths" "RVtoolsPath" NewPath
return true;
) else (return false;)
on execute do(
if doesFileExist (RV_tools_path + "\\" + "RV_Tools.ms") then
filein (RV_tools_path + "\\" + "RV_Tools.ms")
if doesFileExist RV_tools_path
if queryBox "@RV_Tools.ms@ does not exist in the folder. Change the folder?" then (
if fn_setPath() then (
RV_tools_path = getINISetting RVT_INIfile "UIpaths" "RVtoolsPath"
filein (RV_tools_path + "\\" + "RV_Tools.ms")
) else())
if queryBox "Folder does not exist. Change it?" then (
if fn_setPath() then (
RV_tools_path = getINISetting RVT_INIfile "UIpaths" "RVtoolsPath"
filein (RV_tools_path + "\\" + "RV_Tools.ms"
)) else())
As you can see, the MCR is calling a MS file from a remote directory, which stores the actual code. In that MS file there are functions for reading/writing to that same .ini file and the Security Preference is blocking them.
I suspect that the problem appears because the MCR is calling a MS from the server, which is writing settings into INI in the local machine. (position, opened rollouts, size, docking state and etc.)
Probably Security preference is preventing malicious codes from behaving like that but this is a controlled network and intentional behavior. The reason for that is to share the same source code across multiple workstations, while in the same time it is handled from a single file, globally. I can not find is any information for whitelisting in that new(to me) security feature. Any ideas?
Looking forward to your response,