Look into SPLINES if you want a faster method. You can make use of the SWEEP modifier to enhance your workflow.
I made this Sceencast to demonstrate one possible way of doing this kind of structures.
There are more than one method, and this is one of them.
I didn't try to get it 100% like the photo, but as close as possible.
Hope it will be helpful
Adding to @miledrizk's great screencast, for the sake of your object, convert your object into an EDITABLE MESH instead of an EDITABLE POLY so as to get the Diagonal segments as well. When you convert your edge selection to a shape, make sure to uncheck IGNORE HIDDEN EDGES. The rest is everything from the mile's screencast. See Attachment-1 for an illustration.
Adding to @miledrizk's great screencast, for the sake of your object, convert your object into an EDITABLE MESH instead of an EDITABLE POLY so as to get the Diagonal segments as well. When you convert your edge selection to a shape, make sure to uncheck IGNORE HIDDEN EDGES. The rest is everything from the mile's screencast. See Attachment-1 for an illustration.
Adding to @miledrizk's great screencast, for the sake of your object, convert your object into an EDITABLE MESH instead of an EDITABLE POLY so as to get the Diagonal segments as well. When you convert your edge selection to a shape, make sure to uncheck IGNORE HIDDEN EDGES. The rest is everything from the mile's screencast. See Attachment-1 for an illustration.
My Apologies for the previous duplicates. My browser stopped responding and executed multiple instances as I clicked POST.
@Fadhil_Farook Good point regarding the fact that, in case you need to create inner diagonals, it's better to have at the end an Editable Mesh modifier.
Quick Edit: If you want to collapse your model, first make a copy of your file, and do the collapsing in the copied file,
This way you can keep the original as a template that you can modify the different steps in the process and extract different variations
Of the structure.
Thank you som mush for this great video
Welcome! 🙂