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Problem with mouse controls in the viewport


Problem with mouse controls in the viewport

Not applicable

Hi, I'm having trouble with the actions associated with my MMB (middle mouse button) in the viewport.


I changed two of the mouse controls in Main Menu -> "Customize" -> "Customize User Interface", as follows:

1) Arc Rotate ... is now "Alt+RMB" ... (default is "Alt+MMB")

2) Pan View ... is now "Alt+LMB" ... (default is "MMB")

Zoom is still "Ctrl+Alt+MMB" (that's the default).


It worked for awhile. So when I clicked and held Alt+RMB and moved the mouse around, Arc Rotate worked fine. And holding Alt+LMB and moving the mouse around panned the view. Everything was great. Then I must have accidentally changed something, because all the sudden pressing Alt+RMB started opening the quad context menu. And pressing Alt+LMB unselects anything you press that is selected. Why? I have no idea.


Here's what I know:

- I restarted Max and opened the scene I was working on. Still had the problem.

- I uninstalled and reinstalled Max then opened the scene. Still had the problem.

- I already tried pressing "Keyboard Shortcut Override Toggle", which was suggested in another thread on this forum. Still had the problem.


Then I noticed something. When I first startup Max, and I don't load the scene I was working with, I just leave everything as is when Max starts, with the exception of making those two changes I want for the mouse controls... meaning, the scene is completely empty... and I just try pressing and holding Alt+RMB and moving the mouse around, Arc Rotate works fine. And so does Alt+LMB for Pan View. But when I load the scene I was working with, that's when the problem starts. It seems the problem persists with the settings for that scene.


Anyone have any ideas of settings that I might have accidentally changed without knowing it? Maybe by pressing a hotkey? Or are there more settings for the mouse I don't know about? I checked all the settings under Main Menu -> "Customize" -> "Customize User Interface" -> "mouse" tab ... and I don't see anything that applies to this problem.


Any help or ideas are appreciated.





Note: I'm using 3ds Max 2021.


Accepted solutions (1)
3 Replies
Replies (3)

Not applicable

My explanation is kinda complicated, so here's a video of me explaining the problem better.


I'm still having this issue. Thanks for any suggestions.


Not applicable

Ok, I still have the problem, but it seems that the problem might be with the quad menus. Does anyone know if I can reassign the default mouse controls for quad menus? For instance, if I go to customize -> customize user interface -> Quads, and change the dropdown in the upper right to "Lighting | Render [ctrl + alt + RMB]"... I can't figure out how to change the [ctrl + alt + RMB] to something else. You can assign an additional hotkey to bring up this quad menu, but you can't seem to change the mouse behavior for it.




Not applicable
Accepted solution

Aha!! I got it! The Arc Rotate and Pan View mouse controls in the viewport do not work when the viewport is set to a camera. I switched the viewport from camera to perspective and now everything works fine! Woohoo!


Note that when the viewport is set to a camera view instead of perspective view, the icon for Orbit in the lower right icon menu gets changed to Orbit Camera, and Zoom gets changed to Dolly Camera. But they are in the same place, so it's a subtle difference. The icons do change when you switch between camera and perspective, I just wasn't paying attention to that because they do the same type of thing in either mode and the icons are in the same place for both.


Yay! Super stoked.