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Smart Extrude Subtraction function

Smart Extrude Subtraction function

Smart Extrude should be able to perform all the functions of Boolean operations. Add a subtraction function to Smart Extrude. When you press Shift + Alt, the selected geometry only subtracts the intersected geometry in the extrusion area. The geometry outside the intersection is deleted.

Example in the picture

Smart Extrude Subtraction.png


In 3ds Max 2022.2 you can perform the action you have described using the Shift + LMB (Drag) operation of Smart Extrude




Planes Smart Extrude.gif

It's great, but still sometimes it doesn't work. And unfortunately it doesn't work at all on planes.

anybody else can confirm this ?

Yeah I can confirm it doesn't really work on planes. And on non planar objects it also doesnt work when the object  to extrude on negative its a planar object (like negative extruding only a cylinder cap like in example above)

Please log as a bug, not as an ideas request

@logan_foster_adsk @as this been addressed  with the 2022.3 update ?

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