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"Unwrap UV" modifier bug, other bugs, and some ideas.

"Unwrap UV" modifier bug, other bugs, and some ideas.

Stupid "Unwrap UVW" bug in MAX 2017:
Unwrapper was a thing that worked so well since Max 2012, but it was destroyed in Max 2017 by dumb bugs and developer choices...


If you assign a "Unwrap UVW" bellow any other modifier, the selected edges won't appear, so editing UVs turns into a very annoying work.
You have 2 ways to avoid this:
1 - You assign the Unwrapper above all modifiers
2 - Delete all the modifiers, and assign the Unwrapper before assigning any other modifier.
If you do any different from these two options the bug in edge selection occurs.


Another problem with 2017's Unwrapper:
When you use the peel the selected uv shell rescale to a tile size. This and the the "avoid overlap" options should be options turned off by default (at least avoid overlap you can turn off)


Can I turn off the gizmo for "free transform tool" in the UV editor? I know that probably some people liked but for me it is very annoying and disrupts the process.


MassFX cloth little bug:
Whe I use MassFX cloth modifier (mCloth) a warning message "mCloth Warning: object has isolated vertices" starts to pop up in the scene, even if there is no isolated vertices in scene.
ex: simply create a new scene, create an object and add a mCloth modifier to it, then create any primitive and try to assign a turbosmooth. The warning message pops up...


Bridge hotkey problem:
A simple thing that doesn't make sense not fixed for years: If you assign a hotkey to the "Bridge" operation, it will ignore you selection and work only as a "Target Bridge".
Of course that with the macro recorder you can do a script that fixes that problem, but why autodesk can't fix this simple thing by itself?


A good idea that could make the life a little simpler: a function that you rigth click in a button (in editable poly for example) and have a option to put a shortcut for that button.
It would make incredibly easier to set new hotkeys, like in Zbrush.


Modeling Ideas:
Make these features native to 3ds max


This evolution of bridge:


This extend feature:
In the "Arrimus3D" youtube channel, he show a little "problem" in extrude that can be avoided with this script:


And another 2 videos in "Arrimus3D" youtube channel showing scripts that would be good to have it in native Max:


Thanks to all who read the whole post


Good ideas but I suggest you report the bugs at the appropriate place so they can be taken care of (if you haven't done so already, of course). This way it's much more likely that the bugs are seen and fixed.

Not applicable

Thanks office! I should have done this before.
I reported the bugs in UVW, MassFX and bridge. Can i edit or delete my post to do a proper one?

Status changed to: Future Consideration

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