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Context sensitive hotkeys (like Blender)

Context sensitive hotkeys (like Blender)

Context sensitive hotkeys, like they are used in Blender, allows for reusing hotkeys in various contexts and depending on the active toolset/ window. For instance, hide layer could be set to the same hotkey as hide object as long as the scene explorer is the active window. Similarly, in Blender, shortcuts in the sculpting workspace take priority over other view related shortcuts ('F' for brush strength overrides 'F' for front view). By prioritising certain command hotkeys over others, commands for Edit Poly could 'override' hotkeys tied to scene management, which not only frees up hotkeys, but also reduces the amount of required combinations for all user mapped commands.

1 Comment

I think that you could add some kind of hotkey system, so when you are using a tool or doing some operation, it will override the standard one and allows for other actions to be made, like when Extruding, being able to add edge loops, twisting the the extruded face and stuff like that using context snesitive hotkeys, mouse dragging and scroll wheel.

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