I just have to say that I've seen a number of people on forums complaining that Autodesk doesn't properly support their main software. Wanting them to devote any time to a free option would mean less time spent developing and fixing the software that earns revenue.
"do you really think that autodesk will loose licenses just because an older version of 3DSMax is released?"
Yes, but not a lot. There would be some people that would not purchase a license and choose to get by with a free version and deal with the limitations.
"they should exist to do the right thing in life not to "Make money"".
Well, that's Blender. Funded largely by donations, as well as a few smaller revenue streams, it's a free software open to everyone to do anything. But I feel that makes them more reactive, adding features that are requested and not really trying to innovate anything new on their own. Corporations, especially publicly traded ones, need to generate revenue, show growth, and have value. That gives them the ability to look forward, develop things people never knew they needed, and try to justify the cost of their product to the consumer.
Chris Medeck
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