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Vertex Colors reset after Skin Edit Envelopes

Message 1 of 8
763 Views, 7 Replies

Vertex Colors reset after Skin Edit Envelopes

3ds Max 2025 (+2025.1)

This is a returning issue from 2022/23 where assigned vertex colors are set to grey after editing a Skin modifier. This happens randomly (no repo) but is irreversible.




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  • bug
Message 2 of 8

So I think I found the repo for this bug:

1. Enter "Edit Envelopes" on a skinned mesh
2. Move the Time Slider 
3. Observe other meshes losing vertex colors (set to grey)


I've also experience the weight preview colors getting stuck as vertex colors in the model.


This is a work breaking bug for me and I really don't want to start porting things back to previous version of 3ds Max.

Message 3 of 8
in reply to: benjamin4MQAH

I can't repo what you are trying to describe. 
If the Vert Colors get "Stuck", right click on the object and go to Object Properties and uncheck them here 




Paul Neale

Paul Neale


Message 4 of 8

Let me see if I can clarify; the object already has vertex colors assigned (painted) that I want to keep but when entering Edit Envelopes AND scrolling the time slider the vertex colors CAN get reset - and not only on the object I'm editing, it happens randomly on other objects in the scene. I'm going to try and provide a video of my findings. My assumption is that 3ds Max uses vertex coloring to display the bone weights and somehow doesn't cache the original values.

Message 5 of 8

Ok so I've recording a video of the issue. Problems seem to arise once I have more than 1 skinned object in the scene. Important bits happen around the 2:50 after I've copied the object and editing weights and moving time slider.


Message 6 of 8
in reply to: benjamin4MQAH

Can you right click on the second one and check what the Object Properties are? Is it still displaying the vertex colours?

Paul Neale

Paul Neale


Message 7 of 8

It's still displaying vertex colors - they are just set to gray.




Message 8 of 8
in reply to: benjamin4MQAH


We are aware of this issue! The cause is the second skin, you can see it in your video. After you clone and select one Box, the other breaks. When one skin displays its envelopes, it confuses the other into writing its vertex color data into the stack. This is a critical issue that we have logged on our end to prioritize and work out a fix.


Thank you for sharing! Keep 'em coming 🙂

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