Only time will tell about 2017, but then again time was going to tell about 2016 and 2015 : )
Let's see this time..
Swiss army knife is a good thing if it's done right, here's a hint and seriously I say that 3ds max version 9 is good enough and more for any architecture work "Civil view" people : ), (no archviz designer goes without Vray installed anyway). Stop all architecture/design/ motion graphics/ CAD work on Max Development not to mention "3d printing" ( which is a big Hype these days, funny that it is so easy to do I don't know what the big fuss is all about you just have to plan right for it just like any other thing, but its not a novelty to invest tech in software development and ignore the community, move on.
Lets not bother integrating max with a game engine, hint Stingray... (by the way if it was Unreal integration I wouldn't have complained, just for the record, because it can actually be used in production, instead of an engine being advertised for some aristocrat "design" house showing off its sorry excuse of an interior render realtime to their gullible clients in VR going "ooo, aaa" while getting screwed by an overpriced price tag and horrid quality output (I can only imagine a few places in the world who would fall for this kind of cr*p, while you could do the same and much much more with any other engine for free or quarter of the price) But i'm stearing off now.
Instead focus all effort on performance and restructuring: Character tools, animation layers, rigging (Spline IK new form of reaction manager etc.., muscles, Cloth, skinning (honestly extension 1 2016 had a slight slight glimmer of hope, voxel and heat deformations OK effort but not good enough if painting weights with skin is utterly useless not to mention the Horrid performance, even the guy in Autodesk tutorials ended up using Vertex selection he ended up putting in sharp values for the skinning, he is lucky that the mesh is so low poly that he could get away with that!
Come on guys this is not 1998, we are dealing with millions of poly counts and hundreds of layers. Compare the experience with Maya's skining tools and weight painting and then come and talk about it. ( Also improve biped to start with, that thing has been sitting there for a decade and no one has touched it, yet it is the most used skeletal system in Max and far more stable and production ready than Cat with far superior features. yet it is neglected. Although I secretly wish it was 1998 those were the glory days of true innovation, you could feel every effort and see it in your tools!
Finally some of you mentioned what can be done about the interface. Well the interface in max personally is good and straight forward but it lacks customization, you can't scale windows in cetain modifiers or control tools for instance, also introduce shortcuts for modeling tools such as those in Maya's which are intuitive, at the moment I have a very hard time assigning shortcuts to any Ribbon modeling tools I have to resort to Scripts! Some of the tools are not even exposed for proper shortcuts in there. Oh and someone mentioned that I can "remove" the file menu box at the top left corner which is eating up my screenspace for no good reason other than "to look good" apparently, if so please show me how becuase i honestly haven't seen this done before.
Last but not least, I mentioned Zookeeper, I hope the good folks from management at Autodesk take good products out there as reference for good implementation, the current state of Scene explorer in Max is in a shameful state in performance and intuitive workflow, don't go too far just download outliner for 3ds max 2014 it's a free script, work on that for a few hours then try 2016 scene explorer and tell me how it feels.
For FX, I've said it before guys at best you can ask for and probably will get is a fluid system to make quick smoke/fume and maybe some clouds, but anything more I doubt Autodesk would invest the time, effort and heart to even come close to Phoenix or even fume fx for some of the other stuff. Believe me just invest in those and you'll be happy for your money well spent and made up for.
With all that said i'll be happy to be proven wrong in 2017.