[SOLVED!] How to export a UVW map to be the same size as the object would be IRL (for printing a fabric pattern)?


[SOLVED!] How to export a UVW map to be the same size as the object would be IRL (for printing a fabric pattern)?

EDIT: I found a solution! Not exactly by anoyone's suggestion, but in the end I did as follows: I selected the whole object and applied the 'UWV Map' modifier to it (making sure my world units/unit setup was 1 unit=1cm and that the model was the correct size). I ticked 'real-world scale' in the 'scale' part of the sidebar, and set the unwrap projection type to 'plane' (this didn't really matter since I was going to manually unwrap it anyway). I collapsed that modifier and applied a 'Unwrap UWV' modifier. I then scaled the whole UWV island down to 1% of its original size (enter 1 in the scale box and make sure you're maintaining aspect ratio between x y and z) so that it would fit in the UV tile (which was equal to 1cm). I unwrapped the object as normal (in a way which would work best when sewing the object IRL), but only using the 'quick peel', 'relax until flat', and 'stitch' options (with 'avoid overlap' turned off in quick peel settings) so that none of the islands would change size, just shape. Finally, I arranged everything and exported it onto a 1024x1024 png.
I took it into my editing program (Clip Studio Paint, but you could use Photoshop or whatever), and changed the DPI of the image to '300'. 3ds Max exports at 72 DPI, so setting the DPI to 300 scales the image back up to the correct 'real life' size.
Then I just saved it, pulled it into MS paint, told it to print to '100% of real size' in the page setup print setting, and hit print! Pattern printed and ready to be transferred onto fabric 🙂 I'll update with the final product for proof of concept! 😄
This one's probably pretty niche, so thanks in advance if you decide to take on the uh.. interesting task of helping! 🙂
Here's the rundown:
1) I made a boot in 3DS Max (It's Yoshi's boot!). The boot is, in Max, a size of 18 x 32 x 21 cms.
2) I unwrapped the boot into pieces that would work/fit together if I made the boot IRL out of fabric and toy stuffing.
3) I now want to export the UWV maps so that I can print them out the same size as the boot is in 3DS max. So the pattern pieces would form a boot IRL that is 18 x 32 x 21 cms.
4) Please god, how do I do that?



I've gotten as far as figuring out that I can print an image the exact size that the image actually is by using MS paint (rather than any other program trying to resize it to fit on the page), so that part's not a problem. The problem is that I don't know how to export a UVW map in a way that makes it the same size as the IRL dimensions.
Any help on this is incredibly appreciated, and you will be rewarded handsomely with a bounty of 'omg thank you so much you're the best I love you' 😄
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