First of all, criticism and mockery here on this basically "User-To-User" forum gains nothing and is not necessarily seen by any of the developers. Aside from that, it's unprofessional on an otherwise "professional" forum.
I think all or your 3 assumtpions are unfair and unwarranted. Mabye you don't understand what it takes to create a massive piece of software like Max, Maya, Blender, or any other program like these and the unique development challenges they have to overcome.
I know a number of the developers and they are kind, caring, compassionate people and very, very dedicated to the job they do to develop the functions they are responsible for. A lot of teams develop Max and it may seem like it takes a long time or that we users aren't being listened to. But, we are listened to if we participate in the process the correct way.
The way to express your wants, frustrations and opinions is by not asking "leading" and unfair questions like the ones above, but to:
1. Report bugs in the proper way and places (Hagen has a permanent thread at the top of the main forum listing things)
2. Submit "wants" to the 'Ideas Forum'. Nearly 80 of those have been implemented over the years and not because they had the most votes. Many becasue the devs felt they were great ideas.
3. Sign up to participate in the Max Beta program. There you can talk about issues, bugs, wants and needs for upcomming releases.
If you do all of that, then you'll be helping build a better product, you'll have more understanding about what it takes to make software that's as complicated as Max, and you may find you don't feel the need to make comments like the ones above about how Max is created.
Rob Holmes

3ds Max (2023-2025), V-Ray 6.2, Ryzen 9 3950-X Processor, DDR 4 128MB, Gigabyte Aorus X570 Master motherboard, Sabrent Rocket NVMe 4.0 M.2 drives, NVidia RTX 4090, Space Pilot Pro, Windows 11 Pro x64, Tri-Monitor, Cintiq 13HD, Windows 11 x64