I opened you played with your file in both Max 2023 and 2025. The result was the same. Something became corrupt on that next to the last Edit Poly. If you turn off those last two Edit Polys and turn on the Symmetry and OpenSubdiv, the model behaves normally. But, it's missing whatever modeling you did on those last two Edit Polys.
I tried repairing with Mesh Cleaner, I tried removing stray isolated verts, I Welded vertices with various thresholds up to about 0.7 when I started to see the mesh change shape. It only welded 4 or so verts. Then I put that problematic Edit Poly back on and things still went wonky.
I think this is one of those unfortunate times when some corruption occurred during the writing of that Edit Poly. Maybe your computer did some other task in the background and during that, the writing of the Max data file glitched and the coordinates of those verts got corrupted or had and extra digit added or something. I believe your best case here is to just redo the edits that were in those last two Edit Polys for now. Then if you put the Symmetry and OpenSubdiv back on, it will work nicely.
If this keeps happening to future models, then there is cause to investigate further and see what's causing it. But on this one I just think it's just a random unfortunate thing. I once had and entire file that had nearly a million polys become corrupt out of nowhere when I opened it one day. It was all spiky too, like yours. I spent hours trying to figure it out and finally decided it would be quicker to completely rebuild it. In your case I expect you can redo the edits in an hour or so or you can spend all day trying to figure it out. I'd suggest just scratching your head and then go redo it for now.
I wish I could have found something more helpful. Maybe in the future, just save an iteration of the file when the stack gets high and things look good as a backup. Keep cycling 3 or 4 backup versions of the file so you can always go back a step if corruption occurs again. If you figure out what caused it do write back. I wish I could have been more helpful.
Rob Holmes

3ds Max (2023-2025), V-Ray 6.2, Ryzen 9 3950-X Processor, DDR 4 128MB, Gigabyte Aorus X570 Master motherboard, Sabrent Rocket NVMe 4.0 M.2 drives, NVidia RTX 4090, Space Pilot Pro, Windows 11 Pro x64, Tri-Monitor, Cintiq 13HD, Windows 11 x64