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Delete stops working - restart required


Delete stops working - restart required


I must reboot MAX 2025 4-5 times daily because delete stops working. Shortcuts and menus.


[Post title modified 11/27/24 by CGBenner]

Accepted solutions (1)
26 Replies
Replies (26)


Hmmm, good info. Not surprising that an add-on plugin is causing the issue. It's just difficult to find which one. I don't currently have Itoo Plugins installed and my 'delete' key works fine. 


Users frequently post about how Max is misbehaving and throw all kinds of blame at it and the Devs. What they don't realize is how incredibally well tested Max is internally, within its own code. It's not often that Max has a fundamental flaw that isn't caught and fixed in the next patch. I'd say 98% of the these annoyances that pop up and irritate users are due to some 3rd party script was installed and that don't get the rigorous testing that Max does to verify functionality. 

Rob Holmes


3ds Max (2023-2025), V-Ray 6.2, Ryzen 9 3950-X Processor, DDR 4 128MB, Gigabyte Aorus X570 Master motherboard, Sabrent Rocket NVMe 4.0 M.2 drives, NVidia RTX 4090, Space Pilot Pro, Windows 11 Pro x64, Tri-Monitor, Cintiq 13HD, Windows 11 x64


Totally, the thing is that, it always happens in the new version, and knowing that in the last one is not present, its easier to blame the new one, also finding the relation between the tools its really misleading. Along ago I had a very big issue with slate material editor, there was a biiiiiiig lag, and I only had a couple of materials, the solution was to collapse all objects.


Right now Im having a very problematic issue with Corona 12, this version crash aaaaall the time, with everything (edit objects, materials, open library, undo, whatever) and is caused by Interactive Rendering (even without using it, everything crash as soons as I use it 1 time), but they say its not it, even when the log says that the crash is caused by CoronaRender, soooo what is it? is it another 3rd party?


Mostly all of us are currently working in proyects continously and we cannot afford the time to test unstalling everything just to see what is it. In Corona forums always asks me to do this, meanwhile in Vray they test everything (at least in every problem that i had in the past) and has bringed me a solution, as long Vray has caused the issue.


Now that this issue is probably caused by a 3rd party, the only one thats missing is applying materials.



I had problems like that with Corona a few years ago before Chaos bought them. I used both Coroan and V-Ray and quit paying for Corona because of it. 


One thing I always do, even still, is in Slate I set all the libraries to display 'text' only for each material. If I have the icon on or visible, things slow way down. But if the list is just text, then Slate doesn't have to chew on those tiny icons and slow everything down. That might help on the lag issue. 


Chasing down and proving to Chaos that CoronaRender is causing the crash is going to be a harder battle. I did have a similar issue with Corona (pre Chaos) and they kept saying, "it's not us." I kept pushing and untimately, they were able to reproduce it and admitted it was in fact them. I forgot what the issue was, but those battles are winable if you keep at it. It really helps if some other user sees your post and days, "yea, I have that too." 

Rob Holmes


3ds Max (2023-2025), V-Ray 6.2, Ryzen 9 3950-X Processor, DDR 4 128MB, Gigabyte Aorus X570 Master motherboard, Sabrent Rocket NVMe 4.0 M.2 drives, NVidia RTX 4090, Space Pilot Pro, Windows 11 Pro x64, Tri-Monitor, Cintiq 13HD, Windows 11 x64


Yeah the thing with Corona is that I have to use it because the company where I work pays for it, I personally dont like it, the forum its really a big issue to me, they dont solve anything and always wants us to bring the solution, I have publish alooooot of issues in there and sometimes theres one good samaritan that helps me solving it, mostly all of the time their answer is "This is the Corona Way". With this crash issue many people has reply that happens too, but everytime is "send us the problematic file", mostly all of us cannot send the file, and when we do, thats not enough.


About the SME lag, I always use Text because of what youre saying, this was another thing that was solved collapsing all objects. 



I don't use Corona and it happens to me.



Corona isnt the issue, this was some chit chat, it seems that the error comes from ForestPack/RailClone.

In their forum theres a new update that "solves" a Delete bug. I dont know if thats the case because I havent update it yet.






I just read this on the Itoo Forum. People, including myself, are still experiencing the issue.


We could reproduce it by consistently opening and closing the Lister or the Library Browser.
We will prioritize a fix for the next update. I apologize for the inconvenience.