Yes, and the Name of this someone is called Autodesk. I don´t know what they are doing, but they worsening better more and more. I did an export in FBX only on some Geometries, even no animation or rigs inside. But If I checked this before giving it to my customers, I reimported it again, and Max was always hanging - without a chance to come back.
Tested in BLENDER - and it worked like a charm! Hey you Guys from AD - Broken Quadmenues, broken FBX functionalities, broken Vertexpaint tool just to name a few ... what's next?
You can read my threads... the development of 3D max is a total mess.
I know why lots of People are leaving even the Beta forum. They are talking against walls.
"from the bottom of my heart" (*) ... and I know what they are doing: They are learning Blender.
Its development is full of power speed and spirit - not to compare like the fat cats dev. in slow motion acting like someones working at a Tax Office or so. It happen here at AD .. sorry guys, this is a bad show, really! 😃
It one or two years, Blender will kick Max over Board and you know it! Huge companies are already supporting Blender (you see, that the Versions and features of blender are beeing pushed like hell) Autodesk will one Day wake up and see: something has overtaken me!! Ughh! Thats what history told us million times, but here is everyone def and blind. So sad.
* (a quote from a Product manager here from AD who wanted to sell me, that Autodesk is really doing "everything" to develop 3DMax well, I am tending to believe him, but maybe he is also only fighting against Windmills and cannot say the truth somehow. Of course.)
Sorry... after also broken Quadmenues in Max 2023 ( decreasing font sizes) and the pure inability not to get this little one fixed during an update of 2023, this is farce! After 100 times of requesting little things like : Shift Drag drop extending Splines, setting the automatic update in the Grapheditor to "default ON" - which is all little jokes, yes, it finally comes after Years of waiting, but it gives the picture to the community, that there is only 2,3 Guys developing Max... is that true!?