Benchmark Study (Texture Library and Resolution)


Benchmark Study (Texture Library and Resolution)

Not applicable
Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm looking for some information as part of a benchmark study for visualisation-software..
Maybe you can give me some helpul information about the Autodesk Programs VRED, MAYA, MOTIONBUILDER and 3DS MAX.
Does each of these Programs have their own Texture-Libraries to access with a number of ready-to-use Textures?
Or is it necessary in some or all programs to import own textures and add them to the models? Maybe both is possible and a library can be modified.
Furthermore I'd like to know which maximum image / video resolutions are possible in each program for rendering, and what framerates can be used in videos. Is there a limitation for resolution or is it just system-depending (Hard-/Software)?
I would welcome your response.
Kind regards
Florian Smiley Happy
Accepted solutions (2)
2 Replies
Replies (2)

Accepted solution

Hello @Anonymous and welcome to the community,


I will do my best to answer your questions, though my expertise is limited to Max and a bit of Maya.  You may need to ask on the VRED and Motionbuilder forums for more specifics about those two packages but I'll try to answer the questions as best I can.  


Max and Maya don't come with a texture library.  There are a few textures that ship with Max that are primarily used for tutorials and sample files, and the same with Maya.  Motionbuilder is an animation application so there would be no texture library there.  VRED comes with some pre-built material archetypes from what I understand, but I am unsure about a texture library.  Max does have an asset library organizer you can download and install to keep track of assets on your asset/file server.  


The maximum supported resolution depends on the renderer in some cases.  For the Max frame buffer and scaline it's 32768 x 32768, but with say Vray that goes up to 50k x 50k.  In Maya I don't think there is a hard cap but memory would be your limiting factor.  VRED also has no cap except for time and memory.  Motionbuilder isn't a rendering application so I'm not sure there. 


In Max the highest frame rate is 4800 fps, and in maya I believe it's 48000.  Neither is used very often at those ranges, it's just not practical for the average project.  

Best Regards, 


Accepted solution

Hello @Anonymous,


I just wanted to follow up here, any thoughts on my previous post?

Best Regards,