I tried it again now a few weeks later just for the heck of it. Yep, still won't open.
I'm not sure it's necessarily a bug. In many years using Max, there have only been a couple of times an .fbx has failed to import for me. I'm thinking there is some small error in the file that Max just can't resolve. Maybe Max has a tighter implementation on FBX imports and it's not willing to just skip over it. I'm not a programmer so I'm just guessing.
Regardless, it appears you have a lot of other programs that can open it. Why not just open it in one of them, export it out again, import in Max and keep on peddling? Often times we have to be creative to get around a bump in the road so we can keep on going without wasting too much time. If all FBX's were not opening, then that's reason for worry. But, for this one, just do the workaround and keep going.
Rob Holmes

3ds Max (2023-2025), V-Ray 6.2, Ryzen 9 3950-X Processor, DDR 4 128MB, Gigabyte Aorus X570 Master motherboard, Sabrent Rocket NVMe 4.0 M.2 drives, NVidia RTX 4090, Space Pilot Pro, Windows 11 Pro x64, Tri-Monitor, Cintiq 13HD, Windows 11 x64