3ds Max Indie License explanation - help.


3ds Max Indie License explanation - help.

Not applicable



"Your annual gross revenue from creative work must be less than USD $100,000/year. You may not use the license on any project valued over $100,000 USD."


There are tons of discussions over other forums about this license quote. My simple question is. What means any "project valued over 100k USD"? What means project? 


Option 1

The project is 10 renders of 10 buildings for example 500 per view USD so everything cost 5000 USD. It's okay?




Option 2

The project is 10 renders of 10 buildings but the developer bought land for 200k bought materials for 500k, pay workers 500k and the 5k usd visualisation is a part of this project of 1200k USD? So I can't do this?


A small company needs a visualisation of the boat they designed. They spent 100k usd on this project. They want to spend 2k on visualisation of their boad.  I can't do this also or I can?


One treacherous record what does it mean?

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