sorry, I haven't really resolved it. I have had to go to the NVIDIA web
site to manually download and install the latest drivers - and manually
install any updates for Max also. I've moved over to Max2019 and I'm
finding it much more stable particularly when I make sure I the latest
version of Arnold is there.
There are a bunch of variables that could be causing it - and 'it' varies -
my main problem was crashing in viewports and crashing even if I just had a
file open but didn't work on it for an hour or so.
It also seems to be interactive with Windows 10 updates - something goes on
when Windows 10 wants an update to the bios. Something also goes on with
some of MCG scripts I have downloaded - these seem to upset the modifier
panel - and there is possibly something specifically wrong with edit poly.
I'm sorry that these don't specifically answer your issue - but maybe if
these clues help then you could get back to the forum.
Oh - and I'm assuming you have had a go at setting your view port drivers
to legacy GL? (this was the work around for the viewport crashing). Seems
to be fixed in 2019 and I have been using the Nitrous direct 3D 11 - with
no problems - but again - I do have to go and manually collect the drivers
every now and again.
All the best.