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3ds Max 2017 crashes on saving after opening same file


3ds Max 2017 crashes on saving after opening same file



I'm kind of new to this forum so I hope I can explain my problem correctly. 


I'm working on a big project for almost two week and with the beginning of this week, my saved file from last week opens up correctly and I'm able to continue my work. But when I'll try to save my file with just a small changes to the last file, my 3ds max crashes and is given me the attached reports (I've added 3 reports, since they are somehow different and somehow the same).


When I open a early file of the project, let's say 3 versiones earlier, everything is working just fine. But by doing this, I always lose some of my work and have to do it again.


I'm using the lastets version of VRay and have installed all updates for 3ds max. Just like I said, it's kind of strange, that this problem hasen't occured times before.


I hope you guys can help me out somehow.

2 Replies
Replies (2)

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello @david.kaiser


Thanks for bringing your issue to the forums! I'm curious, when 3DS Max crashes, does it give you chance to submit a CER report? If so, you can post your CER number and I can look it up in our internal search tools 😄


Are you doing anything specific in your workflow in between saves that you think may be causing the issue? If you are able, I can try testing your file on my side...although I don't have Vray, I may still be able to reproduce the file crash. 


You can attach your scene directly to your next message, or send it via a filesharing tool in a private message to me.


I look forward to helping with this issue,



Hagen Deloss
Community Manager | Media & Entertainment
Installation & Licensing forums | Contact product support | Autodesk AREA



Community Manager
Community Manager



I wanted to check back and see if my previous post helped you with your problem? It would be super helpful if you could add a post with how you decide to proceed, and your results. That way other Community members can benefit from your process 😄


Please select the Accept as Solution button if a post solves your issue or answers your question.



Hagen Deloss
Community Manager | Media & Entertainment
Installation & Licensing forums | Contact product support | Autodesk AREA