So...first my story.
I have to say farewell to 3DS Max and everyone here who has helped me in the past.
I cannot afford to pay for 3DS Max and I wish I could use it forever. My 3 year term for Max 2020 is running out. and I have to make the switch to "Blender".
But now here's my issue.
I need to know how to fix the gimbal lock warning when exporting to .FBX in order for it to import to Blender properly, and I need to know if there's a faster way of fixing object positions due to the skinning modifier. I'll explain as much detail as I can.
- When I temporarily disable the skin mod on one of the objects of a model, the object goes into the position from before it was skinned. Meaning being out of place.
- I know I could make a clone of the object, convert the original to editable mesh and skin wrap it but, I'm just trying to see if there's a faster way of fixing the issue because I have to go through a ton of scenes else, I won't have access to my files anymore, and time is ticking!
- I have 30 days to bring all of my Max scenes into Blender by exporting them to .FBX. If I don't do it in time, I'd be highly upset and I'll lose seven years worth of work.
So please, as my last and final request before moving on to Blender, I need to know how to solve the "Gimbal lock exists" warning. (I've seen the one video on how to fix it but, as I said. I'm trying to see if there's a bit of a faster way.)
After my issues are solved, I will then say my farewell to all you wonderful people.