Starting "/afs/" This plugin does not support createPlatformOpenGLContext! 00:00:00 710MB | log started Fri Nov 17 17:42:05 2023 00:00:00 710MB | Arnold [1fee86c4] linux x86_64 clang-15.0.7 oiio-2.4.1 osl-1.12.9 vdb-7.1.1 adlsdk- clmhub- rlm-14.2.5 optix-6.6.0 2023/10/17 03:09:19 00:00:00 710MB | running on, pid=3533542 00:00:00 710MB | 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz (24 cores, 24 logical) with 256719MB 00:00:00 710MB | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9 (Ootpa), Linux kernel 4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64 00:00:00 710MB | soft limit for open files changed from 65536 to 65534 00:00:00 710MB | 00:00:00 710MB | Installing system handler with mask 255 00:00:00 719MB | [metadata] loading metadata file: /opt/crc/m/maya/2024-2/usr/autodesk/arnold/maya2024/bin/arnold.mtd 00:00:00 722MB | [color_manager_ocio] default ocio.config found in /opt/crc/m/maya/2024-2/usr/autodesk/arnold/maya2024/bin/../ocio/configs/arnold/config.ocio 00:00:00 722MB | loading plugins from /opt/crc/m/maya/2024-2/usr/autodesk/bifrost/maya2024/ ... 00:00:00 766MB | bifrost_graph uses Arnold 00:00:00 767MB | bifrost_object uses Arnold 00:00:00 767MB | bifrost_multires_volume uses Arnold 00:00:00 767MB | bifrost_multires_implicit uses Arnold 00:00:00 767MB | bifrost_volume uses Arnold 00:00:00 767MB | bifrost_points uses Arnold 00:00:00 767MB | bifrost_implicit uses Arnold 00:00:00 768MB | bifrost_polymesh uses Arnold 00:00:00 768MB | bifrost_blocks uses Arnold 00:00:00 768MB | loaded 9 plugins from 1 lib(s) in 0:00.35 00:00:00 768MB | loading plugins from /opt/crc/m/maya/2024-2/usr/autodesk/arnold/maya2024/bin/../plugins ... 00:00:00 768MB | alembic uses Arnold 00:00:00 787MB | usd uses Arnold 00:00:00 788MB | cryptomatte uses Arnold 00:00:00 788MB | cryptomatte_filter uses Arnold 00:00:00 788MB | cryptomatte_manifest_driver uses Arnold 00:00:00 788MB | [metadata] loading metadata file: /opt/crc/m/maya/2024-2/usr/autodesk/arnold/maya2024/bin/../plugins/cryptomatte.mtd 00:00:00 788MB | loaded 5 plugins from 3 lib(s) in 0:00.20 // Bifrost: Pre-loaded mayaUsdPlugin to access proper Maya USD libraries. Loading Bifrost version Warning: Bifrost: Failed to read library config file /usr/autodesk/bifrost/maya2024/ Warning: Bifrost: Failed to read library config file /usr/autodesk/bifrost/maya2024/ Bifrost: Loading library: Amino, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: AminoMayaTranslation, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: bif, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: bifrostObjectMayaTranslations, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: geometries, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: fluids, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: particles, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: file, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: mpm, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: modeling, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: nucleus, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: simulation, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: riv_types, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: riv, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: scatter_pack, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: graphs, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: usd_pack, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: usdMayaTranslations, from: Autodesk. Bifrost: Loading library: UserCompounds, from: User. Error: line 1: Error: Failed to locate Json doc 'bifrost:/usr/autodesk/bifrost/maya2024/'. Error: line 1: Error: Failed to locate Json doc 'bifrost:/usr/autodesk/bifrost/maya2024/'. Error: line 1: RuntimeError: file line 1: Plug-in, "mayaUsdPlugin", was not found on MAYA_PLUG_IN_PATH. Warning: line 1: Unrecognized node type for node 'mayaUsdLayerManager1'; preserving node information during this session. Warning: line 1: Errors have occurred while reading this scene that may result in data loss. File read in 13.6 seconds. Result: /afs/ Exporting Arnold Scene... remark: :0:0: loop not vectorized: call instruction cannot be vectorized remark: :0:0: loop not vectorized: call instruction cannot be vectorized warning: :0:0: loop not vectorized: the optimizer was unable to perform the requested transformation; the transformation might be disabled or specified as part of an unsupported transformation ordering warning: :0:0: loop not vectorized: the optimizer was unable to perform the requested transformation; the transformation might be disabled or specified as part of an unsupported transformation ordering Updating Arnold Scene... 00:00:19 1529MB | log started Fri Nov 17 17:42:24 2023 00:00:19 1529MB | Arnold [1fee86c4] linux x86_64 clang-15.0.7 oiio-2.4.1 osl-1.12.9 vdb-7.1.1 adlsdk- clmhub- rlm-14.2.5 optix-6.6.0 2023/10/17 03:09:19 00:00:19 1529MB | host application: MtoA 4d32feb2 (fix-5.3.4) Maya 2024 00:00:19 1529MB | running on, pid=3533542 00:00:19 1529MB | 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz (24 cores, 24 logical) with 256719MB 00:00:19 1529MB | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9 (Ootpa), Linux kernel 4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64 00:00:19 1529MB | soft limit for open files changed from 65536 to 65534 00:00:19 1529MB | 00:00:19 1529MB | 00:00:19 1529MB | authorizing with default license managers: rlm, network, user ... 00:00:19 1549MB | [network] authorized for "87893ARNOL_2024_0F" in 0:00.16 00:00:19 1549MB | [network] expiration date: 2026/06/18, in use: 3/3000 00:00:19 1549MB | 00:00:19 1551MB | [color_manager] using color manager of type "color_manager_ocio" 00:00:19 1553MB | [color_manager_ocio] using config file /opt/crc/m/maya/2024-2/usr/autodesk/maya2024/resources/OCIO-configs/Maya2022-default/config.ocio 00:00:19 1553MB | [color_manager] rendering color space is "ACEScg" 00:00:19 1603MB | 00:00:19 1603MB | there are 0 lights and 3 objects: 00:00:19 1603MB | 1 persp_camera 00:00:19 1603MB | 2 utility 00:00:19 1603MB | 1 standard_surface 00:00:19 1603MB | 1 driver_png 00:00:19 1603MB | 2 box_filter 00:00:19 1603MB | 1 gaussian_filter 00:00:19 1603MB | 1 polymesh 00:00:19 1603MB | 2 list_aggregate 00:00:19 1603MB | 3 color_manager_ocio 00:00:19 1603MB | 1 bifrost_graph 00:00:19 1603MB | 00:00:19 1603MB | rendering image at 960 x 540, 3 AA samples 00:00:19 1603MB | AA samples max 00:00:19 1603MB | AA sample clamp 00:00:19 1603MB | diffuse samples 2 / depth 1 00:00:19 1603MB | specular samples 2 / depth 1 00:00:19 1603MB | transmission samples 2 / depth 8 00:00:19 1603MB | volume indirect 00:00:19 1603MB | total depth 10 00:00:19 1603MB | bssrdf samples 2 00:00:19 1603MB | light 00:00:19 1603MB | transparency depth 10 00:00:19 1603MB | initializing 12 nodes 00:00:19 1603MB | [bifrost] /flameTorch/flameTorchShape: no graph specified, translating inputs directly instead 00:00:19 1603MB | [proc] /flameTorch/flameTorchShape: loaded 0 nodes (0 objects, 0 shaders) 00:00:19 1603MB | creating root object list ... 00:00:19 1603MB | node initialization done in 0:00.00 (multithreaded) 00:00:19 1603MB | updating 13 nodes 00:00:19 1605MB | [color_manager_ocio] using config file /opt/crc/m/maya/2024-2/usr/autodesk/arnold/maya2024/bin/../ocio/configs/arnold/config.ocio 00:00:19 1605MB | scene bounds: (-15.8975792 -17.8300056 -17.1010895) -> (7.50864029 18.0971642 10.9641457) 00:00:19 1605MB | node update done in 0:00.01 (multithreaded) 00:00:19 1606MB | [aov] parsing 1 output statements ... 00:00:19 1606MB | [aov] registered driver: "defaultArnoldDriver/driver_png.RGBA" (driver_png) 00:00:19 1606MB | [aov] * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "defaultArnoldFilter/gaussian_filter" (gaussian_filter) 00:00:19 1606MB | [aov] done preparing 2 AOVs for 1 output to 1 driver (0 deep AOVs) 00:00:19 1618MB | starting 24 bucket workers of size 64x64 ... 00:00:19 1641MB | [accel] polymesh bvh4 done - 0:00.00 (wall time) - 100 prims, 1 key 00:00:19 1655MB | 1% done - 81 rays/pixel 00:00:19 1655MB | 5% done - 83 rays/pixel 00:00:19 1656MB | 10% done - 102 rays/pixel 00:00:19 1656MB | 15% done - 121 rays/pixel 00:00:19 1662MB | 20% done - 158 rays/pixel 00:00:19 1662MB | 25% done - 45 rays/pixel 00:00:19 1662MB | 30% done - 77 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1664MB | 35% done - 151 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1664MB | 40% done - 49 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1665MB | 45% done - 50 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1666MB | 50% done - 109 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1667MB | 55% done - 85 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1668MB | 60% done - 60 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1668MB | 65% done - 0 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1669MB | 70% done - 140 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1670MB | 75% done - 115 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1670MB | 80% done - 78 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1670MB | 85% done - 12 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1670MB | 90% done - 61 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1670MB | 95% done - 9 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1671MB | 100% done - 7 rays/pixel 00:00:20 1671MB | render done in 0:01.612 00:00:21 1671MB | [driver_png] writing file `/afs/' 00:00:22 1671MB | render done 00:00:22 1671MB | 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | scene creation time 0:19.01 machine utilization (0.00%) 00:00:22 1671MB | unaccounted 0:19.01 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | frame time 0:03.24 machine utilization (39.27%) 00:00:22 1671MB | node init 0:00.01 00:00:22 1671MB | driver init/close 0:01.24 00:00:22 1671MB | rendering 0:01.61 00:00:22 1671MB | pixel rendering 0:01.60 00:00:22 1671MB | unaccounted 0:00.36 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | top session self-times by category 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | top session self-times by node 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | peak CPU memory used 1671.82MB 00:00:22 1671MB | at startup 710.82MB 00:00:22 1671MB | AOV samples 15.36MB 00:00:22 1671MB | output buffers 2.99MB 00:00:22 1671MB | framebuffers 8.44MB 00:00:22 1671MB | node overhead 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | message passing 0.05MB 00:00:22 1671MB | memory pools 36.94MB 00:00:22 1671MB | geometry 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | polymesh 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | accel structs 0.01MB 00:00:22 1671MB | strings 24.50MB 00:00:22 1671MB | unaccounted 872.72MB 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | ray counts ( /pixel, /sample) (% total) (avg. hits) (max hits) 00:00:22 1671MB | camera 4799790 ( 9.26, 1.00) ( 11.96%) ( 0.95) ( 2) 00:00:22 1671MB | diffuse_reflect 18209523 ( 35.13, 3.79) ( 45.38%) ( 0.00) ( 0) 00:00:22 1671MB | specular_reflect 17115856 ( 33.02, 3.57) ( 42.66%) ( 0.00) ( 1) 00:00:22 1671MB | total 40125169 ( 77.40, 8.36) (100.00%) ( 0.11) ( 2) 00:00:22 1671MB | by ray depth: 0 1 2 00:00:22 1671MB | total 12.0% 88.0% 0.0% 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | shader calls ( /pixel, /sample) (% total) 00:00:22 1671MB | primary 4552396 ( 8.78, 0.95) (100.00%) 00:00:22 1671MB | total 4552396 ( 8.78, 0.95) (100.00%) 00:00:22 1671MB | by ray depth: 0 1 2 00:00:22 1671MB | total 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | geometry (% hit ) (instances) ( init mem, final mem) 00:00:22 1671MB | lists 1 (100.0%) ( 0) ( 0.00, 0.00) 00:00:22 1671MB | polymeshes 1 (100.0%) ( 0) ( 0.00, 0.00) 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | geometric elements ( min) ( avg.) ( max) 00:00:22 1671MB | polygons 100 ( 100) ( 100.0) ( 100) 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | triangle tessellation ( min) ( avg.) ( max) (/ element) (% total) 00:00:22 1671MB | polymeshes 200 ( 200) ( 200.0) ( 200) ( 2.00) (100.00%) 00:00:22 1671MB | unique triangles 200 00:00:22 1671MB | CPU memory use 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | vertices 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | vertex indices 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | packed normals 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | normal indices 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | uv coords 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | uv coords idxs 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | uniform indices 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | userdata 0.00MB 00:00:22 1671MB | largest polymeshes by triangle count 00:00:22 1671MB | 200 tris -- /pPlane1/pPlaneShape1 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | acceleration structures: (% total) 00:00:22 1671MB | list 1 ( 50.00%) 00:00:22 1671MB | bvh 1 ( 50.00%) 00:00:22 1671MB | total 2 (100.00%) 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:22 1671MB | performance warnings: 00:00:22 1671MB WARNING | Rendering CPU utilization was only 39%. Your render may be bound by a single threaded process or I/O. 00:00:22 1671MB WARNING | Scene creation was a significant amount of total time (85%). Consider optimizing this process first. 00:00:22 1671MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exporting Arnold Scene... Updating Arnold Scene... 00:00:23 1623MB | log started Fri Nov 17 17:42:28 2023 00:00:23 1623MB | Arnold [1fee86c4] linux x86_64 clang-15.0.7 oiio-2.4.1 osl-1.12.9 vdb-7.1.1 adlsdk- clmhub- rlm-14.2.5 optix-6.6.0 2023/10/17 03:09:19 00:00:23 1623MB | host application: MtoA 4d32feb2 (fix-5.3.4) Maya 2024 00:00:23 1623MB | running on, pid=3533542 00:00:23 1623MB | 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz (24 cores, 24 logical) with 256719MB 00:00:23 1623MB | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9 (Ootpa), Linux kernel 4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64 00:00:23 1623MB | soft limit for open files is set at 65534 00:00:23 1623MB | 00:00:23 1623MB | 00:00:23 1623MB | authorizing with default license managers: rlm, network, user ... 00:00:23 1623MB | [network] authorized for "87893ARNOL_2024_0F" in 0:00.01 00:00:23 1623MB | [network] expiration date: 2026/06/18, in use: 3/3000 00:00:23 1623MB | 00:00:23 1623MB | [color_manager] using color manager of type "color_manager_ocio" 00:00:23 1623MB | [color_manager_ocio] using config file /opt/crc/m/maya/2024-2/usr/autodesk/maya2024/resources/OCIO-configs/Maya2022-default/config.ocio 00:00:23 1623MB | [color_manager] rendering color space is "ACEScg" 00:00:23 1644MB | 00:00:23 1644MB | there are 0 lights and 3 objects: 00:00:23 1644MB | 1 persp_camera 00:00:23 1644MB | 2 utility 00:00:23 1644MB | 1 standard_surface 00:00:23 1644MB | 1 driver_png 00:00:23 1644MB | 2 box_filter 00:00:23 1644MB | 1 gaussian_filter 00:00:23 1644MB | 1 polymesh 00:00:23 1644MB | 2 list_aggregate 00:00:23 1644MB | 3 color_manager_ocio 00:00:23 1644MB | 1 bifrost_graph 00:00:23 1644MB | 00:00:23 1644MB | rendering image at 960 x 540, 3 AA samples 00:00:23 1644MB | AA samples max 00:00:23 1644MB | AA sample clamp 00:00:23 1644MB | diffuse samples 2 / depth 1 00:00:23 1644MB | specular samples 2 / depth 1 00:00:23 1644MB | transmission samples 2 / depth 8 00:00:23 1644MB | volume indirect 00:00:23 1644MB | total depth 10 00:00:23 1644MB | bssrdf samples 2 00:00:23 1644MB | light 00:00:23 1644MB | transparency depth 10 00:00:23 1644MB | initializing 12 nodes 00:00:23 1644MB | [bifrost] /flameTorch/flameTorchShape: no graph specified, translating inputs directly instead 00:00:23 1644MB | [proc] /flameTorch/flameTorchShape: loaded 0 nodes (0 objects, 0 shaders) 00:00:23 1644MB | creating root object list ... 00:00:23 1644MB | node initialization done in 0:00.00 (multithreaded) 00:00:23 1644MB | updating 13 nodes 00:00:23 1647MB | [color_manager_ocio] using config file /opt/crc/m/maya/2024-2/usr/autodesk/arnold/maya2024/bin/../ocio/configs/arnold/config.ocio 00:00:23 1647MB | scene bounds: (-15.8975792 -17.8300056 -17.1010895) -> (7.50864029 18.0971642 10.9641457) 00:00:23 1647MB | node update done in 0:00.00 (multithreaded) 00:00:23 1647MB | [aov] parsing 1 output statements ... 00:00:23 1647MB | [aov] registered driver: "defaultArnoldDriver/driver_png.RGBA" (driver_png) 00:00:23 1647MB | [aov] * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "defaultArnoldFilter/gaussian_filter" (gaussian_filter) 00:00:23 1647MB | [aov] done preparing 2 AOVs for 1 output to 1 driver (0 deep AOVs) 00:00:23 1656MB | starting 24 bucket workers of size 64x64 ... 00:00:23 1662MB | [accel] polymesh bvh4 done - 0:00.00 (wall time) - 100 prims, 1 key 00:00:23 1675MB | 1% done - 81 rays/pixel 00:00:23 1676MB | 5% done - 87 rays/pixel 00:00:23 1677MB | 10% done - 98 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1680MB | 15% done - 208 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1683MB | 20% done - 107 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1683MB | 25% done - 68 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1683MB | 30% done - 14 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1685MB | 35% done - 164 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1685MB | 40% done - 76 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1685MB | 45% done - 34 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1686MB | 50% done - 42 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1688MB | 55% done - 109 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1688MB | 60% done - 68 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1689MB | 65% done - 68 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1689MB | 70% done - 157 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1690MB | 75% done - 35 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1690MB | 80% done - 55 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1690MB | 85% done - 62 rays/pixel 00:00:24 1690MB | 90% done - 53 rays/pixel 00:00:25 1691MB | 95% done - 25 rays/pixel 00:00:25 1691MB | 100% done - 11 rays/pixel 00:00:25 1691MB | render done in 0:01.420 00:00:25 1691MB | [driver_png] writing file `/afs/' 00:00:25 1691MB | render done 00:00:25 1691MB | 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | scene creation time 0:23.54 machine utilization (0.00%) 00:00:25 1691MB | unaccounted 0:23.54 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | frame time 0:01.72 machine utilization (69.62%) 00:00:25 1691MB | driver init/close 0:00.24 00:00:25 1691MB | rendering 0:01.42 00:00:25 1691MB | pixel rendering 0:01.40 00:00:25 1691MB | unaccounted 0:00.05 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | top session self-times by category 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | top session self-times by node 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | peak CPU memory used 1691.96MB 00:00:25 1691MB | at startup 710.82MB 00:00:25 1691MB | AOV samples 15.36MB 00:00:25 1691MB | output buffers 2.99MB 00:00:25 1691MB | framebuffers 8.44MB 00:00:25 1691MB | node overhead 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | message passing 0.05MB 00:00:25 1691MB | memory pools 36.94MB 00:00:25 1691MB | geometry 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | polymesh 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | accel structs 0.01MB 00:00:25 1691MB | strings 24.50MB 00:00:25 1691MB | unaccounted 892.86MB 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | ray counts ( /pixel, /sample) (% total) (avg. hits) (max hits) 00:00:25 1691MB | camera 4791825 ( 9.24, 1.00) ( 11.96%) ( 0.95) ( 2) 00:00:25 1691MB | diffuse_reflect 18179069 ( 35.07, 3.79) ( 45.38%) ( 0.00) ( 0) 00:00:25 1691MB | specular_reflect 17087123 ( 32.96, 3.57) ( 42.66%) ( 0.00) ( 1) 00:00:25 1691MB | total 40058017 ( 77.27, 8.36) (100.00%) ( 0.11) ( 2) 00:00:25 1691MB | by ray depth: 0 1 2 00:00:25 1691MB | total 12.0% 88.0% 0.0% 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | shader calls ( /pixel, /sample) (% total) 00:00:25 1691MB | primary 4544778 ( 8.77, 0.95) (100.00%) 00:00:25 1691MB | total 4544778 ( 8.77, 0.95) (100.00%) 00:00:25 1691MB | by ray depth: 0 1 2 00:00:25 1691MB | total 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | geometry (% hit ) (instances) ( init mem, final mem) 00:00:25 1691MB | lists 1 (100.0%) ( 0) ( 0.00, 0.00) 00:00:25 1691MB | polymeshes 1 (100.0%) ( 0) ( 0.00, 0.00) 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | geometric elements ( min) ( avg.) ( max) 00:00:25 1691MB | polygons 100 ( 100) ( 100.0) ( 100) 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | triangle tessellation ( min) ( avg.) ( max) (/ element) (% total) 00:00:25 1691MB | polymeshes 200 ( 200) ( 200.0) ( 200) ( 2.00) (100.00%) 00:00:25 1691MB | unique triangles 200 00:00:25 1691MB | CPU memory use 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | vertices 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | vertex indices 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | packed normals 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | normal indices 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | uv coords 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | uv coords idxs 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | uniform indices 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | userdata 0.00MB 00:00:25 1691MB | largest polymeshes by triangle count 00:00:25 1691MB | 200 tris -- /pPlane1/pPlaneShape1 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | acceleration structures: (% total) 00:00:25 1691MB | list 1 ( 50.00%) 00:00:25 1691MB | bvh 1 ( 50.00%) 00:00:25 1691MB | total 2 (100.00%) 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | number of warnings, warning type: 00:00:25 1691MB | 1: Rendering CPU utilization was only %.00f%%. Your render may be bound by a single threaded process or I/O. 00:00:25 1691MB | 1: Scene creation was a significant amount of total time (%.00f%%). Consider optimizing this process first. 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:25 1691MB | performance warnings: 00:00:25 1691MB WARNING | Scene creation was a significant amount of total time (93%). Consider optimizing this process first. 00:00:25 1691MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exporting Arnold Scene... Updating Arnold Scene... 00:00:25 1698MB | log started Fri Nov 17 17:42:30 2023 00:00:25 1698MB | Arnold [1fee86c4] linux x86_64 clang-15.0.7 oiio-2.4.1 osl-1.12.9 vdb-7.1.1 adlsdk- clmhub- rlm-14.2.5 optix-6.6.0 2023/10/17 03:09:19 00:00:25 1698MB | host application: MtoA 4d32feb2 (fix-5.3.4) Maya 2024 00:00:25 1698MB | running on, pid=3533542 00:00:25 1698MB | 2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz (24 cores, 24 logical) with 256719MB 00:00:25 1698MB | Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9 (Ootpa), Linux kernel 4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64 00:00:25 1698MB | soft limit for open files is set at 65534 00:00:25 1698MB | 00:00:25 1698MB | 00:00:25 1698MB | authorizing with default license managers: rlm, network, user ... 00:00:25 1698MB | [network] authorized for "87893ARNOL_2024_0F" in 0:00.01 00:00:25 1698MB | [network] expiration date: 2026/06/18, in use: 3/3000 00:00:25 1698MB | 00:00:25 1698MB | [color_manager] using color manager of type "color_manager_ocio" 00:00:25 1698MB | [color_manager_ocio] using config file /opt/crc/m/maya/2024-2/usr/autodesk/maya2024/resources/OCIO-configs/Maya2022-default/config.ocio 00:00:25 1698MB | [color_manager] rendering color space is "ACEScg" 00:00:25 1699MB | 00:00:25 1699MB | there are 0 lights and 3 objects: 00:00:25 1699MB | 1 persp_camera 00:00:25 1699MB | 2 utility 00:00:25 1699MB | 1 standard_surface 00:00:25 1699MB | 1 driver_png 00:00:25 1699MB | 2 box_filter 00:00:25 1699MB | 1 gaussian_filter 00:00:25 1699MB | 1 polymesh 00:00:25 1699MB | 2 list_aggregate 00:00:25 1699MB | 3 color_manager_ocio 00:00:25 1699MB | 1 bifrost_graph 00:00:25 1699MB | 00:00:25 1699MB | rendering image at 960 x 540, 3 AA samples 00:00:25 1699MB | AA samples max 00:00:25 1699MB | AA sample clamp 00:00:25 1699MB | diffuse samples 2 / depth 1 00:00:25 1699MB | specular samples 2 / depth 1 00:00:25 1699MB | transmission samples 2 / depth 8 00:00:25 1699MB | volume indirect 00:00:25 1699MB | total depth 10 00:00:25 1699MB | bssrdf samples 2 00:00:25 1699MB | light 00:00:25 1699MB | transparency depth 10 00:00:25 1699MB | initializing 12 nodes 00:00:25 1699MB | [bifrost] /flameTorch/flameTorchShape: no graph specified, translating inputs directly instead 00:00:25 1699MB | [proc] /flameTorch/flameTorchShape: loaded 0 nodes (0 objects, 0 shaders) 00:00:25 1699MB | creating root object list ... 00:00:25 1699MB | node initialization done in 0:00.00 (multithreaded) 00:00:25 1699MB | updating 13 nodes 00:00:25 1701MB | [color_manager_ocio] using config file /opt/crc/m/maya/2024-2/usr/autodesk/arnold/maya2024/bin/../ocio/configs/arnold/config.ocio 00:00:25 1701MB | scene bounds: (-15.8975792 -17.8300056 -17.1010895) -> (7.50864029 18.0971642 10.9641457) 00:00:25 1701MB | node update done in 0:00.00 (multithreaded) 00:00:25 1701MB | [aov] parsing 1 output statements ... 00:00:25 1701MB | [aov] registered driver: "defaultArnoldDriver/driver_png.RGBA" (driver_png) 00:00:25 1701MB | [aov] * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "defaultArnoldFilter/gaussian_filter" (gaussian_filter) 00:00:25 1701MB | [aov] done preparing 2 AOVs for 1 output to 1 driver (0 deep AOVs) 00:00:25 1701MB | starting 24 bucket workers of size 64x64 ... 00:00:25 1702MB | [accel] polymesh bvh4 done - 0:00.00 (wall time) - 100 prims, 1 key 00:00:25 1702MB | 1% done - 81 rays/pixel 00:00:25 1702MB | 5% done - 81 rays/pixel 00:00:25 1702MB | 10% done - 95 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1702MB | 15% done - 216 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1702MB | 20% done - 73 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1702MB | 25% done - 61 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1702MB | 30% done - 96 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1702MB | 35% done - 116 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1702MB | 40% done - 61 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1702MB | 45% done - 53 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1702MB | 50% done - 109 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1702MB | 55% done - 72 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1703MB | 60% done - 48 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1703MB | 65% done - 78 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1703MB | 70% done - 149 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1703MB | 75% done - 55 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1703MB | 80% done - 31 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1703MB | 85% done - 46 rays/pixel 00:00:26 1703MB | 90% done - 58 rays/pixel 00:00:27 1703MB | 95% done - 26 rays/pixel 00:00:27 1703MB | 100% done - 25 rays/pixel 00:00:27 1703MB | render done in 0:01.470 00:00:27 1703MB | [driver_png] writing file `/afs/' 00:00:27 1703MB | render done 00:00:27 1703MB | 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | scene creation time 0:25.53 machine utilization (0.00%) 00:00:27 1703MB | unaccounted 0:25.53 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | frame time 0:01.72 machine utilization (70.86%) 00:00:27 1703MB | driver init/close 0:00.20 00:00:27 1703MB | rendering 0:01.47 00:00:27 1703MB | pixel rendering 0:01.46 00:00:27 1703MB | unaccounted 0:00.04 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | top session self-times by category 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | top session self-times by node 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | peak CPU memory used 1703.92MB 00:00:27 1703MB | at startup 710.82MB 00:00:27 1703MB | AOV samples 15.36MB 00:00:27 1703MB | output buffers 2.99MB 00:00:27 1703MB | framebuffers 8.44MB 00:00:27 1703MB | node overhead 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | message passing 0.05MB 00:00:27 1703MB | memory pools 36.94MB 00:00:27 1703MB | geometry 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | polymesh 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | accel structs 0.01MB 00:00:27 1703MB | strings 24.50MB 00:00:27 1703MB | unaccounted 904.81MB 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | ray counts ( /pixel, /sample) (% total) (avg. hits) (max hits) 00:00:27 1703MB | camera 4799925 ( 9.26, 1.00) ( 11.96%) ( 0.95) ( 1) 00:00:27 1703MB | diffuse_reflect 18210005 ( 35.13, 3.79) ( 45.38%) ( 0.00) ( 1) 00:00:27 1703MB | specular_reflect 17116002 ( 33.02, 3.57) ( 42.66%) ( 0.00) ( 1) 00:00:27 1703MB | total 40125932 ( 77.40, 8.36) (100.00%) ( 0.11) ( 1) 00:00:27 1703MB | by ray depth: 0 1 2 00:00:27 1703MB | total 12.0% 88.0% 0.0% 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | shader calls ( /pixel, /sample) (% total) 00:00:27 1703MB | primary 4552512 ( 8.78, 0.95) (100.00%) 00:00:27 1703MB | total 4552512 ( 8.78, 0.95) (100.00%) 00:00:27 1703MB | by ray depth: 0 1 2 00:00:27 1703MB | total 100.0% 0.0% 0.0% 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | geometry (% hit ) (instances) ( init mem, final mem) 00:00:27 1703MB | lists 1 (100.0%) ( 0) ( 0.00, 0.00) 00:00:27 1703MB | polymeshes 1 (100.0%) ( 0) ( 0.00, 0.00) 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | geometric elements ( min) ( avg.) ( max) 00:00:27 1703MB | polygons 100 ( 100) ( 100.0) ( 100) 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | triangle tessellation ( min) ( avg.) ( max) (/ element) (% total) 00:00:27 1703MB | polymeshes 200 ( 200) ( 200.0) ( 200) ( 2.00) (100.00%) 00:00:27 1703MB | unique triangles 200 00:00:27 1703MB | CPU memory use 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | vertices 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | vertex indices 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | packed normals 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | normal indices 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | uv coords 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | uv coords idxs 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | uniform indices 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | userdata 0.00MB 00:00:27 1703MB | largest polymeshes by triangle count 00:00:27 1703MB | 200 tris -- /pPlane1/pPlaneShape1 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | acceleration structures: (% total) 00:00:27 1703MB | list 1 ( 50.00%) 00:00:27 1703MB | bvh 1 ( 50.00%) 00:00:27 1703MB | total 2 (100.00%) 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | number of warnings, warning type: 00:00:27 1703MB | 1: Rendering CPU utilization was only %.00f%%. Your render may be bound by a single threaded process or I/O. 00:00:27 1703MB | 2: Scene creation was a significant amount of total time (%.00f%%). Consider optimizing this process first. 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00:27 1703MB | performance warnings: 00:00:27 1703MB WARNING | Scene creation was a significant amount of total time (94%). Consider optimizing this process first. 00:00:27 1703MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scene fire.mb completed. 00:00:27 1606MB | unloading 11 plugins 00:00:27 1606MB | closing ... 00:00:27 1606MB | closing ... 00:00:27 1606MB | closing ... 00:00:27 1606MB | closing ... 00:00:27 1606MB | closing ... 00:00:27 1606MB | closing ... 00:00:27 1605MB | closing ... 00:00:27 1605MB | closing ... 00:00:27 1605MB | closing ... 00:00:27 1605MB | closing ... 00:00:27 1605MB | closing ... 00:00:27 1605MB | unloading plugins done 00:00:27 1605MB | Arnold shutdown