' 0:< Initial VM: Avail 134217334 MB, Used 17 MB, Peak 17; RAM: Avail 5667 MB, Used 60 MB, Peak 17 ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9999, Used 1, User: Used 3 'C 29-Aug-2019 21:50:05.123; 0:< started recording journal file ' Build: 20180328_1600(x64) ' Branch: RELEASE_2019.0.1 Dim Jrn Set Jrn = CrsJournalScript 'C 29-Aug-2019 21:50:05.170; 0:< ->desktop InitApplication 'C 29-Aug-2019 21:50:05.217; 0:< <-desktop InitApplication 'C 29-Aug-2019 21:50:05.217; 0:< ->desktop InitNativeInstance ' 0:< Options::loadOptions: m_strDataLibraryLocations=Metric Library=C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\New Zealand\,Metric Detail Library=C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries\New Zealand\Detail Items (defaultLib==\Library) ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -35 -> 134217299 MB, Used +4 -> 22 MB, Peak +4 -> 22 MB; RAM: Avail -38 -> 5629 MB, Used +13 -> 73 MB, Peak +13 -> 73 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9983, Used 17, User: Used 31 'C 29-Aug-2019 21:50:07.342; 0:< License initialization complete ' 0:< License version: ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -186 -> 134217114 MB, Used +32 -> 54 MB, Peak +34 -> 56 MB; RAM: Avail -85 -> 5544 MB, Used +51 -> 125 MB, Peak +51 -> 125 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9983, Used 17, User: Used 57 ' 0:< SystemSettings: ' 0:< 4=multiCoreCharacteristic ' 0:< true=isDotNetInstalled ' 0:< 4.7.03062(461814)=dotNetInstalledVersionString ' 0:< false=isProcessUserModeExceptionPolicyDisabledForCallbackFilter ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -32 -> 134217082 MB, Used +8 -> 63 MB, Peak +6 -> 63 MB; RAM: Avail -6 -> 5539 MB, Used +18 -> 143 MB, Peak +18 -> 143 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9977, Used 23, User: Used 72 'C 29-Aug-2019 21:50:08.599; 0:< manage licensing ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -53 -> 134217030 MB, Used +4 -> 68 MB, Peak +4 -> 68 MB; RAM: Avail -111 -> 5428 MB, Used +11 -> 155 MB, Peak +11 -> 155 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9954, Used 46, User: Used 75 ' 0:< License mode: Standalone ' 0:< Status: Your license will expire in 1060 days. ' 0:< Type: Standalone - Locked ' 0:< Usage: Student Version ' 0:< Behavior: Extendable ' 0:< Expiration: Sunday, July 24, 2022 ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -606 -> 134216424 MB, Used +47 -> 115 MB, Peak +48 -> 116 MB; RAM: Avail -97 -> 5331 MB, Used +44 -> 200 MB, Peak +44 -> 200 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9921, Used 79, User: Used 86 ' 0:< Setting WPF rendering mode to SoftwareOnly ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -29 -> 134216396 MB, Used +40 -> 155 MB, Peak +43 -> 159 MB; RAM: Avail -137 -> 5194 MB, Used +45 -> 245 MB, Peak +49 -> 249 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9852, Used 148, User: Used 144 ' 0:< DBG_INFO: Loading GrphOGS3 library fails.: line 80 of D:\Ship\2019_px64\Source\Foundation\Utility\Managers\OptionalFunctionalityManager.h. ' 0:< DBG_WARN: Fail to create TaskDialog from file. Object at key is not TaskDialog: line 62 of TaskDialog\AdWindowsTaskDialog.cpp. ' 0:< DBG_WARN: Create TaskDialog from file failed.: line 62 of Dialog\ATaskDialog.cpp. ' 0:< TaskDialog "" 'CommonButtons : Ok ' 0:< Exception occurred 'C 29-Aug-2019 21:50:15.152; 0:< ExceptionCode=0xc0000005 ExceptionFlags=0x00000000 ExceptionAddress=00007FFBA77D5BC9 ' 0:< BC: 2,0,1 ' 0:< System (MB) [Available / Total ] [Revit Memory Usage (MB) ] ' 0:< RAM Statistics: 5193 / 8046 246=InUse 249=Peak ' 0:< VM Statistics: 134216397 / 134217727 155=InUse 159=Peak ' 0:< ::0:: Delta VM: Avail -93 -> 134216303 MB, Used +3 -> 159 MB; RAM: Avail -51 -> 5144 MB, Used +3 -> 249 MB, Peak +0 -> 250 MB ' 0:< GUI Resource Usage GDI: Avail 9852, Used 148, User: Used 138 ' 0:< Unconverted MessageBox "An unrecoverable error has occurred. The program will now be terminated. All of your data has been recently saved, so there is no need to create recovery files." ' 0:< Exception occurred during Revit crash protection. UI might be locked. Unsaved document changes might be lost.