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This won't run

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This won't run

For some reason, this routine won't run, it calls it and stops; The following shows it in my acad.lsp, my menu.mns, the routine itself (of which I did not write), and what happens at the command line:

the acad.lsp:

(autoload "C:/Program Files/AutoCAD 2002/Support/cenlin.lsp" ' ("ce") )

the menu.mns:

[Center Line]^C^C_ce

The routine:

(setq *error* olderr)
(if (not stlerr)
(if osn(setvar "osmode" osn))
(if cmd(setvar "cmdecho" cmd))
(if blp(setvar "blipmode" blp))
(if clr(setvar "cecolor" clr))
(if lay(setvar "clayer" lay))
(if ltyp(setvar "celtype" ltyp))
(if ltypsc(setvar "celtscale" ltypsc))
(if sph1(command "._erase" sph1 ""))

(if (= "1" (get_tile "stylea"))
(setq stylea2 1)
(setq stylea2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "styleb"))
(setq styleb2 1)
(setq styleb2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "proponce"))
(setq proponce2 1)

(set_tile "proptxtce" "Use cline properties")
(setq proponce2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "propoffce"))
(setq propoffce2 1)

(set_tile "proptxtce" "Use cad properties")
(setq propoffce2 6)

(if (= "1" (get_tile "stylea"))
(mode_tile "splscale" 1)
(mode_tile "sndlscale" 1)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "styleb"))
(mode_tile "splscale" 0)
(mode_tile "sndlscale" 0)

(if (= "1" (get_tile "defstylea"))
(setq defstylea2 1)
(setq defstylea2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "defstyleb"))
(setq defstyleb2 1)
(setq defstyleb2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "defproponce"))
(setq defproponce2 1)
(setq defproponce2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "defpropoffce"))
(setq defpropoffce2 1)
(setq defpropoffce2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "defreactcenl"))
(setq defreactcenl2 1)
(setq defreactcenl2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "defcenterot"))
(setq defcenterot2 1)
(setq defcenterot2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "defcenterlay"))
(setq defcenterlay2 1)
(setq defcenterlay2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "defcengroup"))
(setq defcengroup2 1)
(setq defcengroup2 6)

(if (= "1" (get_tile "proponce"))
(set_tile "centerlaylt"(nth(atoi layercenl3)listcenlay))
(set_tile "centerlinelt"(nth(atoi ltypecenl3)listcenltype))
(set_tile "centerlineltsc" scalcenl3)
(mode_tile "centerprop" 0)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "propoffce"))
(mode_tile "centerprop" 1)
(set_tile "centerlaylt" lay)
(set_tile "centerlinelt" ltyp)
(set_tile "centerlineltsc" (rtos ltypsc 2 2))

(if (= "1" (get_tile "reactcenl"))
(setq reactcenl2 1)
(setq reactcenl2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "centerot"))
(setq centerot2 1)
(setq centerot2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "centerlay"))
(setq centerlay2 1)
(setq centerlay2 6)
(if (= "1" (get_tile "cengroup"))
(setq cengroup2 1)
(setq cengroup2 6)

(DEFUN ROMO_CENL_SRT ( );;/ rd2 rt1)
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(setvar "cecolor" "7")
(setq spd(* aradius 0.125))
(if (wcmatch (getvar "acadver") "14*,15*")
(arxload "geom3d" [onfailure])
(if (wcmatch (getvar "acadver") "13*")
(if (/= geom3d2 1) (xload "geom3d"))
(setq geom3d2 1)
(command "_.sphere" pnt1 spd)
(setvar "cecolor" clr)
(setq sph1 (entlast))
(setvar "osmode" osn)
(setq pnt2 (getvar "lastpoint"))
(or (initget 129 "Base Copy Move mIrror Rotate Scale")
(/= "" (setq rm1 (getkword "\nBase/Copy/Move/mIrror/Rotate/Scale: "))))
((= rm1 "Move")
(prompt "\nSecond point of displacement or enter distance:")
(command "._move" sscenline "" pnt1 pause)
(setq pnt1 (getvar "lastpoint"))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(command "._move" sph1 "" pnt2 pnt1)
(setvar "osmode" osn)
(setq pnt2 pnt1)
((= rm1 "Base")
(while(= (setq pnt1(getpoint "\nPick Base Point:"))nil)(alert "\nPlease pick a point. "))
(command "._erase" sph1 "")
(setvar "cecolor" "7")
(command "._sphere" pnt1 spd)
(setvar "cecolor" clr)
(setq sph1 (entlast))
(setq pnt2 pnt1)
((= rm1 "Scale")
(prompt "\nSecond point or Scale factor:")
(command "._scale" sscenline "" pnt1 pause)
(setq pnt1 (getvar "lastpoint"))
((= rm1 "mIrror")
(= (setq pnt1m (getpoint "\nPick 1st. point of mirror line: ")) nil)
(alert "\nPlease pick a point. ")
(= (setq pnt2m (getpoint pnt1m "\nPick 2nd. point: ")) nil)
(alert "\nPlease pick a point. ")
(command "._mirror" sscenline "" pnt1m pnt2m "n")
((= rm1 "Rotate")
(initget "Define 22.5 30 45 90 180 ")
(setq rd1 (getkword "\nRotation degrees: Define/22.5/30/45/<90>/180: "))
(if(or (= rd1 "") (null rd1))
(setq rd1 "90")
(setq rd2 (atof rd1))
(if (= rd1 "Define")
(setq rd2 (getreal "\nRotation Angle: "))
(initget 129 "X Y Z")
(/= ""
(setq rt1 (getkword "\nRotate center line: X/Y/Z: "))
(rotate3d sscenline rt1 pnt1 rd2)
((= rm1 "Copy")
(prompt "\nSecond point of displacement or enter distance:")
(setq a (entlast))
(command "._copy" sscenline "" pnt1 pause)
(setq pnt1 (getvar "lastpoint"))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(command "._move" sph1 "" pnt2 pnt1)
(setvar "osmode" osn)
(setq pnt2 pnt1)
(setq sscenline (ssadd))
(while(setq b(entnext a))
(ssadd b sscenline)
(setq a b)
(command "._erase" sph1 "")
(setq olderr *error*
*error* err_cenl_srt)

(setq tlistcenl1 (list
"1/8 of radius"
"1/4 of radius"
"3/8 of radius"
"1/2 of radius"
"5/8 of radius"
"3/4 of radius"
"7/8 of radius"
"1 of radius"
"1.1/8 of radius"
"1.1/4 of radius"
"1.3/8 of radius"
"1.1/2 of radius"
"1.5/8 of radius"
"1.3/4 of radius"
"1.7/8 of radius"
"2 of radius"
(start_list "fstlscale")
(mapcar 'add_list tlistcenl1)
(if(or(= fstlscale3 nil)(> (atoi fstlscale3) 15))
(set_tile "fstlscale" rdstlscale)
(setq fstlscale3 rdstlscale)
(set_tile "fstlscale" fstlscale3)

(setq tlistcenl2 (list
"1/8 of radius"
"1/4 of radius"
"3/8 of radius"
"1/2 of radius"
"5/8 of radius"
"3/4 of radius"
"7/8 of radius"
"1 of radius"
"1.1/8 of radius"
"1.1/4 of radius"
"1.3/8 of radius"
"1.1/2 of radius"
"1.5/8 of radius"
"1.3/4 of radius"
"1.7/8 of radius"
"2 of radius"
(start_list "sndlscale")
(mapcar 'add_list tlistcenl2)
(if(or(= sndlscale3 nil)(> (atoi sndlscale3) 15))
(set_tile "sndlscale" rdsndlscale)
(setq sndlscale3 rdsndlscale)
(set_tile "sndlscale" sndlscale3)

(setq tlistcenl3 (list
"1/8 of radius"
"1/4 of radius"
"3/8 of radius"
"1/2 of radius"
"5/8 of radius"
"3/4 of radius"
"7/8 of radius"
"1 of radius"
"1.1/8 of radius"
"1.1/4 of radius"
"1.3/8 of radius"
"1.1/2 of radius"
"1.5/8 of radius"
"1.3/4 of radius"
"1.7/8 of radius"
"2 of radius"
(start_list "splscale")
(mapcar 'add_list tlistcenl3)
(if(or(= splscale3 nil)(> (atoi splscale3) 15))
(set_tile "splscale" rdsplscale)
(setq splscale3 rdsplscale)
(set_tile "splscale" splscale3)

(setq tlistrep1 (list "1""2""3""4""5""6""7""8""9""10""100"
(start_list "repeatcenl")
(mapcar 'add_list tlistrep1)
(if (or(= repeatcenl3 nil)(> (atoi repeatcenl3) 10))
(set_tile "repeatcenl" rdrepeatcenl)
(setq repeatcenl3 rdrepeatcenl)
(set_tile "repeatcenl" repeatcenl3)

(setq olderr *error*
*error* err_cenl_srt)
(setq osn(getvar "osmode"))
(setq cmd(getvar "cmdecho"))
(setq blp(getvar "blipmode"))
(setq lay(getvar "clayer"))
(setq clr(getvar "cecolor"))
(setq ltyp(getvar "celtype"))
(setq ltypsc(getvar "celtscale"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setvar "blipmode" 0)
(if (< (setq undovar (getvar "undoctl")) 5);;sets undo to auto
((= undovar 0)(command "._undo" "_a"))
((< undovar 4)(command "._undo" "_c" "_a"))
(if (= (tblobjname "ltype" "HIDDEN") nil)(command "._linetype" "s" "HIDDEN" ""))
(if (= (tblobjname "ltype" "CENTER") nil)(command "._linetype" "s" "CENTER" ""))
(command "._linetype" "s" ltyp "")
(if (= (tblobjname "layer" rdcenllay) nil)
(if (wcmatch (getvar "acadver") "14*,15*")
(if (= (getvar "tilemode") 0)
(command "._vplayer" "newfrz" rdcenllay "")
(command "._vplayer" "thaw" rdcenllay "" "")
(command "._-layer" "_new" rdcenllay "")
(if(wcmatch (getvar "acadver") "13*")
(if (= (getvar "tilemode") 0)
(command "._vplayer" "newfrz" rdcenllay "")
(command "._vplayer" "thaw" rdcenllay "" "")
(command "._layer" "_new" rdcenllay "")
(setq dcl_id (load_dialog "cenlin.dcl"))
(if (not(new_dialog "cenlin" dcl_id))(exit))
(setq lt_type rdcenlltype)
(layvis_cenl_srt) ;;creates existing layer list
(layvisvar_cenl_srt);;checks for layer problems
(ltvis_cenl_srt) ;;creates existing linetype list
(ltvisvar_cenl_srt);;checks for linetype problems
(if(and(= stylea2 nil)(= styleb2 nil))
(if(= rdstylea "1")
(set_tile "stylea" "1")
(setq stylea2 1)
(if(= rdstyleb "1")
(set_tile "styleb" "1")
(setq styleb2 1)
(if (= stylea2 1)
(set_tile "stylea" "1")
(mode_tile "splscale" 1)
(mode_tile "sndlscale" 1)
(if (= styleb2 1)
(set_tile "styleb" "1")
(mode_tile "splscale" 0)
(mode_tile "sndlscale" 0)
(if(and(= proponce2 nil)(= propoffce2 nil))
(if(= rdproponce "1")
(set_tile "proponce" "1")
(setq proponce2 1)
(if(= rdpropoffce "1")
(set_tile "propoffce" "1")
(setq propoffce2 1)
(if (= proponce2 1)
(set_tile "proponce" "1")

(set_tile "proptxtce" "Use cline properties")
(mode_tile "centerprop" 0)
(if (= propoffce2 1)
(set_tile "propoffce" "1")

(set_tile "proptxtce" "Use cad properties")
(mode_tile "centerprop" 1)
(if(= centerot2 nil)(setq centerot2(atoi rdcenterot)))
(if(= reactcenl2 nil)(setq reactcenl2(atoi rdreactcenl)))
(if(= centerlay2 nil)(setq centerlay2(atoi rdcenterlay)))
(if(= cengroup2 nil)(setq cengroup2(atoi rdcengroup)))
(if(= scalcenl3 nil)(setq scalcenl3 rdcenltysc))
(if(=(distof scalcenl3) nil)(setq scalcenl3 rdcenltysc))
(if(= colorledcenl1 nil)
(setq colorledcenl1 rdcolorledcenl1)
(if(or(= colorledcenl1 "BYLAYER")(= colorledcenl1 "BYBLOCK"))
(if(= colorledcenl1 "BYLAYER")(setq colorledcenl1 256))
(if(= colorledcenl1 "BYBLOCK")(setq colorledcenl1 0))
(setq colorledcenl1 (atoi colorledcenl1))

(if(= proponce2 1)
(set_tile "centerlaylt"(nth(atoi layercenl3)listcenlay))
(set_tile "centerlinelt"(nth(atoi ltypecenl3)listcenltype))
(set_tile "centerlineltsc" scalcenl3)
(if(= propoffce2 1)
(set_tile "centerlaylt" lay)
(set_tile "centerlinelt" ltyp)
(set_tile "centerlineltsc" (rtos ltypsc 2 2))
(setq can1cenl1(get_tile "stylea"))
(setq can1cenl2(get_tile "styleb"))
(setq can1cenl3 fstlscale3)
(setq can1cenl4 splscale3)
(setq can1cenl5 sndlscale3)
(setq can1cenl6(get_tile "proponce"))
(setq can1cenl7(get_tile "propoffce"))
(setq can1cenl8 repeatcenl3)

(action_tile "stylea" "(setq stylea2 1)(settile1_cenl_srt)(settile2_cenl_srt) (centimage1_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "styleb" "(setq styleb2 1)(settile1_cenl_srt)(settile2_cenl_srt) (centimage1_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "propoffce" "(setq propoffce2 1)(settile1_cenl_srt)(settile4_cenl_srt)(settile7_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "proponce" "(setq proponce2 1)(settile1_cenl_srt)(settile4_cenl_srt)(settile7_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "fstlscale" "(setq fstlscale3 $value)")
(action_tile "splscale" "(setq splscale3 $value)")
(action_tile "sndlscale" "(setq sndlscale3 $value)")
(action_tile "repeatcenl" "(setq repeatcenl3 $value)")
(action_tile "centerdefault" "(setprop_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "misc-cl" "(misccline_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "infocenter" "(infocen_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "centerprop" "(properties_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "accept" " ")
(action_tile "cancel" "(cancel1cenl_cenl_srt)(settile1_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "help" "(cenlhelp_cenl_srt)")
(unload_dialog dcl_id)

(set_tile "stylea" can1cenl1)
(set_tile "styleb" can1cenl2)
(setq fstlscale3 can1cenl3)
(setq splscale3 can1cenl4)
(setq sndlscale3 can1cenl5)
(set_tile "proponce" can1cenl6)
(set_tile "propoffce" can1cenl7)
(setq repeatcenl3 can1cenl8)

(help "cenlin.hlp")

(if (not (new_dialog "infocenter" dcl_id))(exit))

(if (not (new_dialog "misccline" dcl_id))(exit))
(if (= centerot2 1)
(set_tile "centerot" "1")
(setq centerot2 6)
(if (= reactcenl2 1)
(set_tile "reactcenl" "1")
(setq reactcenl2 6)
(if (= centerlay2 1)
(set_tile "centerlay" "1")
(setq centerlay2 6)
(if (= cengroup2 1)
(set_tile "cengroup" "1")
(setq cengroup2 6)
(if(= scalcenl3 nil)(setq scalcenl3 rdcenltysc))
(if(=(distof scalcenl3) nil)(setq scalcenl3 rdcenltysc))
(setq can6cenl1(get_tile "centerot"))
(setq can6cenl2(get_tile "centerlay"))
(setq can6cenl3(get_tile "cengroup"))
(setq can6cenl4(get_tile "reactcenl"))
(action_tile "reactcenl" "(setq reactcenl2 1)(settile5_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "centerot" "(setq centerot2 1)(settile5_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "centerlay" "(setq centerlay2 1)(settile5_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "cengroup" "(setq cengroup2 1)(settile5_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "accept" " ")
(action_tile "cancel" "(cancel6cenl_cenl_srt)(settile5_cenl_srt)")

(set_tile "centerot" can6cenl1)
(set_tile "centerlay" can6cenl2)
(set_tile "cengroup" can6cenl3)
(set_tile "reactcenl" can6cenl4)

(if(= stylea2 1)(setq cenlpicture1 "cenlin(cenl1)"))
(if(= styleb2 1)(setq cenlpicture1 "cenlin(cenl2)"))
(start_image "imagecenl1")
(fill_image 0 0 (dimx_tile "imagecenl1")(dimy_tile "imagecenl1") 0)
(slide_image 0 0 (dimx_tile "imagecenl1")(dimy_tile "imagecenl1")cenlpicture1)


(setq cenlpicture2 "cenlin(cenlogo)")
(start_image "cenllogo")
(fill_image 0 0 (dimx_tile "cenllogo")(dimy_tile "cenllogo") 0)
(slide_image 0 0 (dimx_tile "cenllogo")(dimy_tile "cenllogo")cenlpicture2)


(setq cenlpicture3 "cenlin(cenl3)")
(start_image "imagetayd")
(fill_image 0 0 (dimx_tile "imagetayd")(dimy_tile "imagetayd") 0)
(slide_image 0 0 (dimx_tile "imagetayd")(dimy_tile "imagetayd")cenlpicture3)


(setq centerprop (open (findfile "cenlin.txt")"r"))
(setq rdcolorledcenl1(read-line centerprop));;sets default centerline color
(setq rdcenllay(read-line centerprop));;sets default centerline layer
(setq rdcenlltype(read-line centerprop));;sets default centerline linetype
(setq rdcenltysc (read-line centerprop));;sets default centerline linetypescale
(setq rdcenterot (read-line centerprop)) ;; sets default rotate toggle
(setq rdcenterlay (read-line centerprop)) ;; sets default layer toggle
(setq rdcengroup (read-line centerprop));; sets default group toggle
(setq rdreactcenl (read-line centerprop));; sets default react toggle
(setq rdstylea (read-line centerprop));; sets default react toggle
(setq rdstyleb (read-line centerprop));; sets default react toggle
(setq rdstlscale (read-line centerprop));; sets 1st line length
(setq rdsplscale (read-line centerprop));; sets space
(setq rdsndlscale (read-line centerprop));; sets 2nd line length
(setq rdproponce (read-line centerprop));; sets default prop on
(setq rdpropoffce (read-line centerprop));; sets default prop off
(setq rdrepeatcenl (read-line centerprop));; sets default repeat number
(setq retdf (close centerprop))

(DEFUN PROPERTIES_WRT_CENL_SRT ( );;all from set default properties dialog box
(setq centerpropw (open (findfile "cenlin.txt") "w"))
(write-line spcolorcenl3 centerpropw) ;; sets default centerline color
(write-line (strcase splayercenl3) centerpropw) ;; sets default layer
(write-line (strcase defltypecenl3) centerpropw) ;; sets default linetype
(write-line defltypescenl3 centerpropw) ;; sets default linetype scale
(write-line (itoa defcenterot2) centerpropw) ;; sets default rotate toggle
(write-line (itoa defcenterlay2) centerpropw) ;; sets default layer toggle
(write-line (itoa defcengroup2) centerpropw) ;; sets default group toggle
(write-line (itoa defreactcenl2) centerpropw) ;; sets default react toggle
(write-line (itoa defstylea2) centerpropw) ;; sets default style a
(write-line (itoa defstyleb2) centerpropw) ;; sets default style b
(write-line defstlscale3 centerpropw) ;; sets default 1st. line
(write-line defsplscale3 centerpropw) ;; sets default space
(write-line defsndlscale3 centerpropw) ;; sets default 2nd line
(write-line (itoa defproponce2) centerpropw) ;; sets default prop on
(write-line (itoa defpropoffce2) centerpropw) ;; sets default prop off
(write-line defrepeatcenl3 centerpropw) ;; sets default repeat function
(setq retdf (close centerpropw))

(setq cengzz(getvar "pickstyle"))
(if(= 0 cengzz)(setvar "pickstyle" 1))
(if(= 2 cengzz)(setvar "pickstyle" 3))
(command "-group" "" "*" "" sscenline "")

(DEFUN LAYVIS_CENL_SRT ( );;puts together layer list for list box
(setq ltlaycenl (tblnext "layer" T) listcenlay' ())
(while ltlaycenl
(if (/= (logand 16 (cdr (assoc 70 ltlaycenl))) 16);;separates out any xref
(setq laytycenl1 (cdr (assoc 2 ltlaycenl)))
(setq listcenlay (cons laytycenl1 listcenlay))
(setq ltlaycenl (tblnext "layer"))
(setq listcenlay (acad_strlsort listcenlay))
(start_list "layercenl")
(mapcar 'add_list listcenlay)

(DEFUN LAYVISVAR_CENL_SRT ( );;checks layer for a number of problems
(if(= layercenl3 nil);;if layer list number is nil set # to "rdcenllay"
(setq layblst13(length listcenlay))
(setq layblst12(member rdcenllay listcenlay))
(setq layblst12 (length layblst12))
(setq layblst14 (- layblst13 layblst12))
(setq layercenl3 (itoa layblst14))
(if(= clayercenl nil)(setq clayercenl(nth(atoi layercenl3)listcenlay)));;if layer name is nil set to "0"
(if(=(member clayercenl listcenlay) nil) ;;if current layer name got deleted by a purge or undo set layer to "0"
(setq layblst13(length listcenlay))
(setq layblst12(member "0" listcenlay))
(setq layblst12 (length layblst12))
(setq layblst14 (- layblst13 layblst12))
(setq layercenl3 (itoa layblst14))
(progn ;;if layer got added that resets counter this will set counter to current layer
(setq layblst13(length listcenlay))
(setq layblst12(member clayercenl listcenlay))
(setq layblst12 (length layblst12))
(setq layblst14 (- layblst13 layblst12))
(setq layercenl3 (itoa layblst14))

(DEFUN LTVIS_CENL_SRT ( ) ;;puts together visible linetype list for list box
(setq ltvis (tblnext "ltype" T) listcenltype' ())
(while ltvis
(if (/= (logand 16 (cdr (assoc 70 ltvis))) 16);;seperates out any xref
(setq ltype1 (cdr (assoc 2 ltvis)))
(setq listcenltype (cons ltype1 listcenltype))
(setq ltvis (tblnext "ltype"))
(setq laybov1(list(cdr(assoc 2(tblsearch "ltype" "bylayer")))))
(setq laybov2(list(cdr(assoc 2(tblsearch "ltype" "byblock")))))
(setq listcenltype (append laybov1 listcenltype))
(setq listcenltype (append laybov2 listcenltype))
(setq listcenltype (acad_strlsort listcenltype))
(start_list "ltypecenl")
(mapcar 'add_list listcenltype)

(DEFUN LTVISVAR_CENL_SRT ( );;checks linetype for a number of problems
(if(= ltypecenl3 nil);;if ltype list number is nil set # to "lt_type"
(setq vislst13(length listcenltype))
(setq vislst12(member lt_type listcenltype))
(setq vislst12(length vislst12))
(setq vislst14(- vislst13 vislst12))
(setq ltypecenl3(itoa vislst14))
(if(= lintpcenl nil)(setq lintpcenl(nth(atoi ltypecenl3)listcenltype)));;if ltype name is nil set to ltypecenl3 list number
(if(=(member lintpcenl listcenltype) nil) ;;if current ltype name got deleted by a purge or undo set linetype to "continuous"
(setq vislst13(length listcenltype))
(setq lt_typetestv(cdr(assoc 2(tblsearch "ltype" "continuous"))))
(setq vislst12(member lt_typetestv listcenltype))
(setq vislst12 (length vislst12))
(setq vislst14 (- vislst13 vislst12))
(setq ltypecenl3 (itoa vislst14))
(progn ;;if ltype got added that resets counter this will set counter to current ltype
(setq vislst13(length listcenltype))
(setq vislst12(member lintpcenl listcenltype))
(setq vislst12 (length vislst12))
(setq vislst14 (- vislst13 vislst12))
(setq ltypecenl3 (itoa vislst14))

(if(not(new_dialog "propercenl" dcl_id))(exit))
(set_tile "layercenl" layercenl3)
(set_tile "ltypecenl" ltypecenl3)
(set_tile "scalcenl" scalcenl3)
(setq can2cenl1 colorledcenl1)
(setq can2cenl2 layercenl3)
(setq can2cenl3 ltypecenl3)
(setq can2cenl4 scalcenl3)

(action_tile "layercenl" "(setq layercenl3 $value)(color2_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "ltypecenl" "(setq ltypecenl3 $value)")
(action_tile "scalcenl" "(setq scalcenl3 $value)")
(action_tile "centercol" "(color1_cenl_srt)(setq colorledcenl1 (color_cenl1_srt))")
(action_tile "colorcenl" "(setq colorcenl2 1)")
(action_tile "f_colorcenl" "(color1_cenl_srt)(setq colorledcenl1 (color_cenl1_srt))")
(action_tile "centerdefault" "(setprop_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "accept" "(test_prop1_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "cancel" "(cancelcenl2_cenl_srt)")
(set_tile "centerlaylt"(nth(atoi layercenl3)listcenlay))
(set_tile "centerlinelt"(nth(atoi ltypecenl3)listcenltype))
(set_tile "centerlineltsc" scalcenl3)

(setq colorledcenl1 can2cenl1)
(setq layercenl3 can2cenl2)
(setq ltypecenl3 can2cenl3)
(setq scalcenl3 can2cenl4)

(setq tlistcenl4 (list
"1/8 of radius"
"1/4 of radius"
"3/8 of radius"
"1/2 of radius"
"5/8 of radius"
"3/4 of radius"
"7/8 of radius"
"1 of radius"
"1.1/8 of radius"
"1.1/4 of radius"
"1.3/8 of radius"
"1.1/2 of radius"
"1.5/8 of radius"
"1.3/4 of radius"
"1.7/8 of radius"
"2 of radius"
(start_list "defstlscale")
(mapcar 'add_list tlistcenl4)
(if(or(= defstlscale3 nil)(> (atoi defstlscale3) 15))
(set_tile "defstlscale" rdstlscale)
(setq defstlscale3 rdstlscale)
(set_tile "defstlscale" defstlscale3)

(setq tlistcenl5 (list
"1/8 of radius"
"1/4 of radius"
"3/8 of radius"
"1/2 of radius"
"5/8 of radius"
"3/4 of radius"
"7/8 of radius"
"1 of radius"
"1.1/8 of radius"
"1.1/4 of radius"
"1.3/8 of radius"
"1.1/2 of radius"
"1.5/8 of radius"
"1.3/4 of radius"
"1.7/8 of radius"
"2 of radius"
(start_list "defsplscale")
(mapcar 'add_list tlistcenl5)
(if(or(= defsplscale3 nil)(> (atoi defsplscale3) 15))
(set_tile "defsplscale" rdsplscale)
(setq defsplscale3 rdsplscale)
(set_tile "defsplscale" defsplscale3)

(setq tlistcenl6 (list
"1/8 of radius"
"1/4 of radius"
"3/8 of radius"
"1/2 of radius"
"5/8 of radius"
"3/4 of radius"
"7/8 of radius"
"1 of radius"
"1.1/8 of radius"
"1.1/4 of radius"
"1.3/8 of radius"
"1.1/2 of radius"
"1.5/8 of radius"
"1.3/4 of radius"
"1.7/8 of radius"
"2 of radius"
(start_list "defsndlscale")
(mapcar 'add_list tlistcenl6)
(if(or(= defsndlscale3 nil)(> (atoi defsndlscale3) 15))
(set_tile "defsndlscale" rdsndlscale)
(setq defsndlscale3 rdsndlscale)
(set_tile "defsndlscale" defsndlscale3)

(setq tlistrep2 (list "1""2""3""4""5""6""7""8""9""10""100"
(start_list "defrepeatcenl")
(mapcar 'add_list tlistrep2)
(if (or(= defrepeatcenl3 nil)(> (atoi defrepeatcenl3) 10))
(set_tile "defrepeatcenl" rdrepeatcenl)
(setq defrepeatcenl3 rdrepeatcenl)
(set_tile "defrepeatcenl" defrepeatcenl3)

(DEFUN SETPROP_CENL_SRT ( );;default properties dialog box
(if(not(new_dialog "setpropcenl" dcl_id))(exit))
(if(= spcolorcenl3 nil)(setq spcolorcenl3 rdcolorledcenl1))
(if(= splayercenl3 nil)(setq splayercenl3 rdcenllay))
(if(= defltypecenl3 nil)(setq defltypecenl3 rdcenlltype))
(if(= defltypescenl3 nil)(setq defltypescenl3 rdcenltysc))
(if(= defreactcenl2 nil)(setq defreactcenl2(atoi rdreactcenl)))
(if(= defcenterot2 nil)(setq defcenterot2(atoi rdcenterot)))
(if(= defcenterlay2 nil)(setq defcenterlay2(atoi rdcenterlay)))
(if(= defcengroup2 nil)(setq defcengroup2(atoi rdcengroup)))
(if(= defstylea2 nil)(setq defstylea2(atoi rdstylea)))
(if(= defstyleb2 nil)(setq defstyleb2(atoi rdstyleb)))
(if(= defproponce2 nil)(setq defproponce2(atoi rdproponce)))
(if(= defpropoffce2 nil)(setq defpropoffce2(atoi rdpropoffce)))

(set_tile "spcolorcenl" spcolorcenl3)
(set_tile "splayercenl" splayercenl3)
(set_tile "defltypecenl" defltypecenl3)
(set_tile "defltypescenl" defltypescenl3)
(if(= defstylea2 1)(set_tile "defstylea" "1"))
(if(= defstyleb2 1)(set_tile "defstyleb" "1"))
(if(= defproponce2 1)(set_tile "defproponce" "1"))
(if(= defpropoffce2 1)(set_tile "defpropoffce" "1"))

(if(= defreactcenl2 1)
(set_tile "defreactcenl" "1")
(setq defreactcenl2 6)
(if(= defcenterot2 1)
(set_tile "defcenterot" "1")
(setq defcenterot2 6)
(if(= defcenterlay2 1)
(set_tile "defcenterlay" "1")
(setq defcenterlay2 6)
(if(= defcengroup2 1)
(set_tile "defcengroup" "1")
(setq defcengroup2 6)
(setq can3cenl1 spcolorcenl3)
(setq can3cenl2 splayercenl3)
(setq can3cenl3 defltypecenl3)
(setq can3cenl4 defltypescenl3)
(setq can3cenl5(get_tile "defcenterot"))
(setq can3cenl6(get_tile "defcenterlay"))
(setq can3cenl7(get_tile "defcengroup"))
(setq can3cenl8(get_tile "defreactcenl"))
(setq can3cenl9(get_tile "defstylea"))
(setq can3cenl10(get_tile "defstyleb"))
(setq can3cenl11 defstlscale3)
(setq can3cenl12 defsplscale3)
(setq can3cenl13 defsndlscale3)
(setq can3cenl14(get_tile "defproponce"))
(setq can3cenl15(get_tile "defpropoffce"))
(setq can3cenl16 defrepeatcenl3)

(action_tile "defstlscale" "(setq defstlscale3 $value)")
(action_tile "defsplscale" "(setq defsplscale3 $value)")
(action_tile "defsndlscale" "(setq defsndlscale3 $value)")
(action_tile "defstylea" "(setq defstylea2 1)(settile3_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "defstyleb" "(setq defstyleb2 1)(settile3_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "defproponce" "(setq defproponce2 1)(settile3_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "defpropoffce" "(setq defpropoffce2 1)(settile3_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "spcolorcenl" "(setq spcolorcenl3 $value)")
(action_tile "splayercenl" "(setq splayercenl3 $value)")
(action_tile "defltypecenl" "(setq defltypecenl3 $value)")
(action_tile "defltypescenl" "(setq defltypescenl3 $value)")
(action_tile "defreactcenl" "(setq defreactcenl2 1)(settile3_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "defrepeatcenl" "(setq defrepeatcenl3 $value)")
(action_tile "defcenterot" "(setq defcenterot2 1)(settile3_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "defcenterlay" "(setq defcenterlay2 1)(settile3_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "defcengroup" "(setq defcengroup2 1)(settile3_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "accept" "(test_prop2_cenl_srt)")
(action_tile "cancel" "(cancelcenl3_cenl_srt)(settile3_cenl_srt)

(setq spcolorcenl3 can3cenl1)
(setq splayercenl3 can3cenl2)
(setq defltypecenl3 can3cenl3)
(setq defltypescenl3 can3cenl4)
(set_tile "defcenterot" can3cenl5)
(set_tile "defcenterlay" can3cenl6)
(set_tile "defcengroup" can3cenl7)
(set_tile "defreactcenl" can3cenl8)
(set_tile "defstylea" can3cenl9)
(set_tile "defstyleb" can3cenl10)
(setq defstlscale3 can3cenl11)
(setq defsplscale3 can3cenl12)
(setq defsndlscale3 can3cenl13)
(set_tile "defproponce" can3cenl14)
(set_tile "defpropoffce" can3cenl15)
(setq defrepeatcenl3 can3cenl16)

((not(< 0(distof scalcenl3)))
(set_tile "error" "Invalid shape linetype scale. Must be number > 0.")
(mode_tile "scalcenl" 2)
(if(= errtile "")(done_dialog 1))

((not(< 0(distof defltypescenl3)))
(set_tile "error" "Invalid linetype scale. Must be number > 0.")
(mode_tile "defltypescenl" 2)
((not (snvalid (get_tile "splayercenl")))
(set_tile "error" "Invalid layer name.")
(mode_tile "splayercenl" 2)
((not (and (< -0.009 (distof (get_tile "spcolorcenl")))(> 256.001 (distof (get_tile "spcolorcenl")))))
(set_tile "error" "Invalid center line color.")
(mode_tile "spcolorcenl" 2)
((if (and(/= (strcase(get_tile "defltypecenl")) "CONTINUOUS")
(/= (strcase(get_tile "defltypecenl")) "HIDDEN")
(/= (strcase(get_tile "defltypecenl")) "BYLAYER")
(/= (strcase(get_tile "defltypecenl")) "CENTER")
(/= (strcase(get_tile "defltypecenl")) "BYBLOCK"))
(set_tile "error" "Invalid linetype. Must be as listed above")
(mode_tile "defltypecenl" 2)
(if(= errtile "")(done_dialog 1))


(setq clayercenl (nth (atoi layercenl3)listcenlay))


(if colorledcenl1
(setq col_def colorledcenl1)
(setq col_def 1)
(setq lay_clr (cdr (assoc 62 (tblsearch "layer" clayercenl))))
(if (numberp (setq temp_color (acad_colordlg col_def T lay_clr)))
(setq colorledcenl1 temp_color)

(if(= proponce2 1)
((= colorledcenl1 0)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "BYBLOCK")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 7 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 1)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "1 red")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 1 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 2)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "2 yellow")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 2 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 3)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "3 green")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 3 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 4)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "4 cyan")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 4 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 5)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "5 blue")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 5 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 6)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "6 magenta")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 6 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 7)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "7 white")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 7 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 256)
(set_tile "colorcolt" (bylayer_col_cenl_srt))
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" cn nil)
(set_tile "colorcolt" (itoa colorledcenl1))
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" colorledcenl1 nil)

(if(= propoffce2 1)
((= clr "BYBLOCK")
(set_tile "colorcolt" "BYBLOCK")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 7 nil)
((= (atoi clr) 1)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "1 red")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 1 nil)
((= (atoi clr) 2)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "2 yellow")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 2 nil)
((= (atoi clr) 3)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "3 green")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 3 nil)
((= (atoi clr) 4)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "4 cyan")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 4 nil)
((= (atoi clr) 5)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "5 blue")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 5 nil)
((= (atoi clr) 6)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "6 magenta")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 6 nil)
((= (atoi clr) 7)
(set_tile "colorcolt" "7 white")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" 7 nil)
((= clr "BYLAYER")
(set_tile "colorcolt" (bylayer2_col_cenl_srt))
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" cn nil)
(set_tile "colorcolt" clr)
(col_tile_cenl_srt "fill_colorcolt" (atoi clr) nil)

((= colorledcenl1 0)
(set_tile "colorcenl" "BYBLOCK")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "f_colorcenl" 7 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 1)
(set_tile "colorcenl" "1 red")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "f_colorcenl" 1 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 2)
(set_tile "colorcenl" "2 yellow")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "f_colorcenl" 2 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 3)
(set_tile "colorcenl" "3 green")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "f_colorcenl" 3 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 4)
(set_tile "colorcenl" "4 cyan")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "f_colorcenl" 4 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 5)
(set_tile "colorcenl" "5 blue")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "f_colorcenl" 5 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 6)
(set_tile "colorcenl" "6 magenta")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "f_colorcenl" 6 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 7)
(set_tile "colorcenl" "7 white")
(col_tile_cenl_srt "f_colorcenl" 7 nil)
((= colorledcenl1 256)
(set_tile "colorcenl" (bylayer_col_cenl_srt))
(col_tile_cenl_srt "f_colorcenl" cn nil)
(set_tile "colorcenl" (itoa colorledcenl1))
(col_tile_cenl_srt "f_colorcenl" colorledcenl1 nil)


(if(= colorledcenl1 256)
(set_tile "colorcenl" (bylayer1_col_cenl_srt))
(col_tile_cenl_srt "f_colorcenl" cn nil)

(DEFUN BYLAYER_COL_CENL_SRT (/ layname layinfo color)
(setq layinfo (tblsearch "layer" clayercenl));;searches layer for color
(setq color (abs (cdr (assoc 62 layinfo))));;returns layer color
(setq cn color);;sets cn to layer color
(strcat "BYLAYER" "("(colorname_cenl_srt color)")");;creates line(BYLAYER white)

(DEFUN BYLAYER1_COL_CENL_SRT (/ layname layinfo color)
(setq testlaycenl (nth (atoi layercenl3) listcenlay))
(setq layinfo (tblsearch "layer" testlaycenl));;searches layer for color
(setq color (abs (cdr (assoc 62 layinfo))));;returns layer color
(setq cn color);;sets cn to layer color
(strcat "BYLAYER" "("(colorname_cenl_srt color)")");;creates line(BYLAYER white)

(DEFUN BYLAYER2_COL_CENL_SRT (/ layname layinfo color)
(setq layinfo (tblsearch "layer" lay));;searches layer for color
(setq color (abs (cdr (assoc 62 layinfo))));;returns layer color
(setq cn color);;sets cn to layer color
(strcat "BYLAYER" "("(colorname_cenl_srt color)")");;creates line(BYLAYER white)

(setq cn (abs colnum))
(cond ((= cn 1) "red")
((= cn 2) "yellow")
((= cn 3) "green")
((= cn 4) "cyan")
((= cn 5) "blue")
((= cn 6) "magenta")
((= cn 7) "white")
(T (itoa cn))

(DEFUN COL_TILE_CENL_SRT (tile color patlist / x y)
(setq x (dimx_tile tile))
(setq y (dimy_tile tile))
(start_image tile)
(fill_image 0 0 x y color)
(if (= color 7)
(if patlist (drawpattern x (/ y 2) patlist 0))
(tile_rect_cenl_srt 0 0 x y 0)
(if patlist (drawpattern x (/ y 2) patlist 7))
(tile_rect_cenl_srt 0 0 x y 7)

(DEFUN TILE_RECT_CENL_SRT (x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
(setq x2 (- x2 1))
(setq y2 (- y2 1))
(vector_image x1 y1 x2 y1 color)
(vector_image x2 y1 x2 y2 color)
(vector_image x2 y2 x1 y2 color)
(vector_image x1 y2 x1 y1 color)

(command "._undo" "_begin")
(setq repcenter(nth(atoi repeatcenl3)tlistrep1))
(repeat(atoi repcenter)
(or(= (setq aaenam (entsel "\nPick on object to place center line: ")) nil)
(and(/=(setq atype (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car aaenam))))) "CIRCLE")
(/=(setq atype (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car aaenam))))) "ARC")
(/=(setq atype (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car aaenam))))) "ELLIPSE")
(alert "A circle, arc or ellipse must be picked. \nTry again: Esc key to exit.")
(setq atest(entget (car aaenam)))
(setvar "osmode" 0)
(if(= proponce2 1)(setvar "cecolor" (itoa colorledcenl1)))
(if(= propoffce2 1)(setvar "cecolor" clr))
(setq pnt1(cdr(assoc 10 atest)))
(setq bbenam(car aaenam))
(setq pnt1(trans pnt1 bbenam 1))
(setq aradius(cdr (assoc 40 atest)))
(setq clnlayer(cdr (assoc 8 atest)))
(if(= atype "ELLIPSE")
(setq elpradius(cdr(assoc 11 atest)))
(setq elpradius1(car elpradius))
(setq elpradius2(cadr elpradius))
(setq elpradius3(caddr elpradius))
(if(/= 0.0 elpradius1)(setq aradius elpradius1))
(if(/= 0.0 elpradius2)(setq aradius elpradius2))
(if(/= 0.0 elpradius3)(setq aradius elpradius3))
(setq clayercenl(nth(atoi layercenl3)listcenlay));;sets layer name picked from dialog box
(if(= centerlay2 1)
(setvar "clayer" clnlayer)
(if(= proponce2 1)(setvar "clayer" clayercenl))
(if(= propoffnce2 1)(setvar "clayer" lay))
(setq lintpcenl (nth(atoi ltypecenl3)listcenltype));;sets ltype name picked
(if(= proponce2 1)(setvar "celtype" lintpcenl))
(if(= propoffce2 1)(setvar "celtype" ltyp))
(if(= proponce2 1)(setvar "celtscale" (distof scalcenl3)))
(if(= propoffce2 1)(setvar "celtscale" ltypsc))
(if(= fstlscale3 "0")(setq scline1 (* aradius 0.125)));;sets first line length
(if(= fstlscale3 "1")(setq scline1 (* aradius 0.25)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "2")(setq scline1 (* aradius 0.375)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "3")(setq scline1 (* aradius 0.5)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "4")(setq scline1 (* aradius 0.625)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "5")(setq scline1 (* aradius 0.75)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "6")(setq scline1 (* aradius 0.875)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "7")(setq scline1 (* aradius 1.0)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "8")(setq scline1 (* aradius 1.125)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "9")(setq scline1 (* aradius 1.25)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "10")(setq scline1 (* aradius 1.375)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "11")(setq scline1 (* aradius 1.5)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "12")(setq scline1 (* aradius 1.625)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "13")(setq scline1 (* aradius 1.75)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "14")(setq scline1 (* aradius 1.875)))
(if(= fstlscale3 "15")(setq scline1 (* aradius 2.0)))
(if(= splscale3 "0")(setq scline2 (* aradius 0.125)));;sets space between lines
(if(= splscale3 "1")(setq scline2 (* aradius 0.25)))
(if(= splscale3 "2")(setq scline2 (* aradius 0.375)))
(if(= splscale3 "3")(setq scline2 (* aradius 0.5)))
(if(= splscale3 "4")(setq scline2 (* aradius 0.625)))
(if(= splscale3 "5")(setq scline2 (* aradius 0.75)))
(if(= splscale3 "6")(setq scline2 (* aradius 0.875)))
(if(= splscale3 "7")(setq scline2 (* aradius 1.0)))
(if(= splscale3 "8")(setq scline2 (* aradius 1.125)))
(if(= splscale3 "9")(setq scline2 (* aradius 1.25)))
(if(= splscale3 "10")(setq scline2 (* aradius 1.375)))
(if(= splscale3 "11")(setq scline2 (* aradius 1.5)))
(if(= splscale3 "12")(setq scline2 (* aradius 1.625)))
(if(= splscale3 "13")(setq scline2 (* aradius 1.75)))
(if(= splscale3 "14")(setq scline2 (* aradius 1.875)))
(if(= splscale3 "15")(setq scline2 (* aradius 2.0)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "0")(setq scline3 (* aradius 0.125)));;sets 2nd line length
(if(= sndlscale3 "1")(setq scline3 (* aradius 0.25)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "2")(setq scline3 (* aradius 0.375)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "3")(setq scline3 (* aradius 0.5)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "4")(setq scline3 (* aradius 0.625)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "5")(setq scline3 (* aradius 0.75)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "6")(setq scline3 (* aradius 0.875)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "7")(setq scline3 (* aradius 1.0)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "8")(setq scline3 (* aradius 1.125)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "9")(setq scline3 (* aradius 1.25)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "10")(setq scline3 (* aradius 1.375)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "11")(setq scline3 (* aradius 1.5)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "12")(setq scline3 (* aradius 1.625)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "13")(setq scline3 (* aradius 1.75)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "14")(setq scline3 (* aradius 1.875)))
(if(= sndlscale3 "15")(setq scline3 (* aradius 2.0)))
(setq pnt2(list(+(car pnt1)scline1)(cadr pnt1)(caddr pnt1)))
(setq pnt3(list(+(car pnt2)scline2)(cadr pnt2)(caddr pnt2)))
(setq pnt4(list(+(car pnt3)scline3)(cadr pnt3)(caddr pnt3)))
(setq a (entlast))
(command "line" pnt1 pnt2 "")
(setq ss1(entlast))
(if(= styleb2 1)
(command "line" pnt3 pnt4 "")
(setq ss2(entlast))
(setq ssarray (ssadd))
(ssadd ss1 ssarray)
(if(= styleb2 1)(ssadd ss2 ssarray))
(command "array" ssarray "" "p" pnt1 "4" "" "y")

(setq sscenline (ssadd))
(while(setq b(entnext a))
(ssadd b sscenline)
(setq a b)
(if(= cengroup2 1)(cengroup_cen_srt))
(if(= centerot2 1)(romo_cenl_srt))
);;closes repeat
(setvar "osmode" osn)
(setvar "cecolor" clr)
(setvar "clayer" lay)
(setvar "celtype" ltyp)
(setvar "celtscale" ltypsc)
(command "undo" "end")
(setvar "cmdecho" cmd)
(if(= reactcenl2 1)(center_cenl_srt))

(princ "\nType to run center line program")

AND finally, what happens at the command line after choosing it from the menu

Type to run center line program
Command: ce

Not sure why this is happening. Can anyone please help? Seems like it has worked in the past. I do have other things running and loaded but wouldn't think they would interfere. All my other routines are running just fin. Thanks for the help.
Message 2 of 4
in reply to: Anonymous

Can anybody help with this? Thanks. BTTT
Message 3 of 4
in reply to: Anonymous

Anyone got any ideas? Would appreciat it. Thanks.
Message 4 of 4
in reply to: Anonymous

search for file "cenlin.txt"

this must find in the acad searchpath

the routine is incomplete
not found "cenlin.dcl"

works only for acad ver 14 and 15 not for acad2004

try with acad vlide on the commandline
set pulldown debug 'break on error' on

once your run the command will stop
or you can step by step trough the routine

good luck

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