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Selecting multiple objects

Message 1 of 12
2111 Views, 11 Replies

Selecting multiple objects

Could someone tell me how to modify this routine so that I can delect multiple objects as opposed to one at a time?


(Defun c:cd ()
(setq newdim (entsel "\n Select Dimension to clear:"))
(setq newdimvalue " ")
(command "dimedit" "n" newdimvalue newdim "")



Message 2 of 12
in reply to: stevev0983


(entsel "\n Select Dimension to clear:")




Note that you will not be able to add a prompt, and if you do at the

beginning of the program, it will not show in the DYN prompt area.



A gift of extraordinary Common Sense does not require an Acronym Suffix to be added to my given name.

Message 3 of 12
in reply to: stevev0983

And you can use it as:


 (Defun c:cd ()
  (princ "\n Select Dimensions to clear:")
  (if (setq ss (ssget  '((0 . "DIMENSION"))) )
    (command "dimedit" "n" " " ss "")
    (princ " None ")
  ) (princ) )

Message 4 of 12
in reply to: stevev0983

(Defun c:test (/ newdim i sset)
  ;; Tharwat 02.Nov. 2011 ;;
  (print "Select Dimension to clear: ")
  (if (setq newdim (ssget "_:L" '((0 . "DIMENSION"))))
    (repeat (setq i (sslength newdim))
      (setq sset (ssname newdim (setq i (1- i))))
      (vla-put-textoverride (vlax-ename->vla-object sset) " ")


Message 5 of 12
in reply to: stevev0983



(defun c:dimclr ( / ss i en )
    (setvar 'NOMUTT 1)
    (princ "\nSelect Dimensions to Clear: ")
    (setq ss (vl-catch-all-apply 'ssget '("_:L" ((0 . "*DIMENSION")))))
    (setvar 'NOMUTT 0)
    (if (and ss (not (vl-catch-all-error-p ss)))
        (repeat (setq i (sslength ss))
            (setq en (entget (ssname ss (setq i (1- i)))))
            (entmod (subst (cons 1 " ") (assoc 1 en) en))
(vl-load-com) (princ)


Message 6 of 12
in reply to: stevev0983

Thanks for the responses. Works just as I wanted now and I have multiple options to choose from.

Thanks again.


Message 7 of 12
in reply to: Lee_Mac

@Lee: I'm curious, why are you using vl-catch-all-apply in you ssget call?

Message 8 of 12
in reply to: stevev0983

@alanjt: To ensure the NOMUTT is reset, whatever the outcome of the ssget prompt (i.e. should the user hit Esc).

Message 9 of 12
in reply to: Lee_Mac


Message 10 of 12
in reply to: stevev0983

Message 11 of 12
in reply to: stevev0983

How can i modify this lisp to allow me select multiple objects (Rectangles)

; Program Name: DPL - Dimension Polylines
; Created By: Terry Miller (Email:
; (URL:
; Date Created: 5-20-08
; Function: Dimensions Polyline shapes
; Revision History
; Rev By Date Description
; 1 TM 5-20-08 Initial version
; c:DPL - Dimensions Polyline
(defun c:DPL (/ EntName^ EntPick@)
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
(if (setq EntPick@ (entsel "\nSelect Polyline to dimension: "))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car EntPick@)))) "LWPOLYLINE")
(setq EntName^ (cdr (assoc -1 (entget (car EntPick@)))))
(DimPL EntName^)
(if (not EntName^)
(princ "\nNo Polyline selected.")
);defun c:DPL
; DimPL - Function to dimension Polyline
; Arguments: 1
; EntName^ = Polyline entity name
; Returns: Dimensions Polyline
(defun DimPL (EntName^ / Bottom@ Clayer$ CW# DiffAng DimPts: DimSpace~ EntList@
Item LastAng~ LastPt Left@ List@ NW@ Osmode# P0 P1 P2 Pt Pts@ PtsLen Right@ SE@
Top@ X~ X1~ X1Y1 X1Y2 X1Ys@ X2~ X2Y1 X2Y2 X2Ys@ XPts@ Y~ Y1~ Y1X1 Y1X2 Y1Xs@ Y2~
Y2X1 Y2X2 Y2Xs@ YPts@)
(defun DimPts: (Pts@ StartPt EndPt Type$ / Add Num1~ Num2~ Nums1@ Nums2@ P1 P2
Pt Return@)
(setq Add t)
(foreach Pt (member StartPt (append Pts@ Pts@))
(if Add
(setq Return@ (append Return@ (list Pt)))
(if (equal Pt EndPt)
(setq Add nil)
(foreach Pt Return@
(if (member Type$ (list "Left" "Right"))
(setq Nums1@ (append Nums1@ (list (cadr Pt))))
(setq Nums1@ (append Nums1@ (list (car Pt))))
(foreach Num1~ (vl-sort Nums1@ '<)
(setq Nums2@ nil)
(foreach Pt Return@
(if (member Type$ (list "Left" "Right"))
(if (= (cadr Pt) Num1~)
(setq Nums2@ (append Nums2@ (list (car Pt))))
(if (= (car Pt) Num1~)
(setq Nums2@ (append Nums2@ (list (cadr Pt))))
(if (member Type$ (list "Left" "Bottom"))
(setq Nums2@ (vl-sort Nums2@ '<))
(setq Nums2@ (reverse (vl-sort Nums2@ '<)))
(foreach Num2~ (cdr Nums2@)
(if (member Type$ (list "Left" "Right"))
(setq Pt (list Num2~ Num1~))
(setq Pt (list Num1~ Num2~))
(setq Return@ (vl-remove Pt Return@))
((= Type$ "Left")
(vl-sort Return@ (function (lambda (P1 P2)(< (cadr P1)(cadr P2)))))
((= Type$ "Top")
(vl-sort Return@ (function (lambda (P1 P2)(< (car P1)(car P2)))))
((= Type$ "Right")
(vl-sort Return@ (function (lambda (P1 P2)(> (cadr P1)(cadr P2)))))
((= Type$ "Bottom")
(vl-sort Return@ (function (lambda (P1 P2)(> (car P1)(car P2)))))
);defun DimPts:
(setq EntList@ (entget EntName^))
(if (= (cdr (assoc 0 EntList@)) "LWPOLYLINE")
(foreach List@ EntList@
(if (= (car List@) 10)
(if (not (equal (cdr List@) LastPt))
(setq Pts@ (append Pts@ (list (cdr List@))))
(if (> (length Pts@) 2)
(if (/= (angle LastPt (cdr List@)) LastAng~) (setq DiffAng t))
(if (> (length Pts@) 1)
(setq LastAng~ (angle LastPt (cdr List@)))
(setq LastPt (cdr List@))
(if (equal (car Pts@) (last Pts@))
(setq Pts@ (reverse (cdr (reverse Pts@))))
(setq PtsLen (length Pts@))
(foreach Pt Pts@
(setq X~ (atof (rtos (car Pt) 2 8))
Y~ (atof (rtos (cadr Pt) 2 8))
XPts@ (append XPts@ (list X~))
YPts@ (append YPts@ (list Y~))
Pts@ (cdr (append Pts@ (list (list X~ Y~))))
(setq XPts@ (vl-sort XPts@ '<)
YPts@ (vl-sort YPts@ '<)
X1~ (car XPts@)
X2~ (last XPts@)
Y1~ (car YPts@)
Y2~ (last YPts@)
(foreach Pt Pts@
(if (= (car Pt) X1~) (setq X1Ys@ (append X1Ys@ (list (cadr Pt)))))
(if (= (car Pt) X2~) (setq X2Ys@ (append X2Ys@ (list (cadr Pt)))))
(if (= (cadr Pt) Y1~) (setq Y1Xs@ (append Y1Xs@ (list (car Pt)))))
(if (= (cadr Pt) Y2~) (setq Y2Xs@ (append Y2Xs@ (list (car Pt)))))
(setq X1Ys@ (vl-sort X1Ys@ '<)
X2Ys@ (vl-sort X2Ys@ '<)
Y1Xs@ (vl-sort Y1Xs@ '<)
Y2Xs@ (vl-sort Y2Xs@ '<)
X1Y1 (list X1~ (car X1Ys@))
X1Y2 (list X1~ (last X1Ys@))
X2Y1 (list X2~ (car X2Ys@))
X2Y2 (list X2~ (last X2Ys@))
Y1X1 (list (car Y1Xs@) Y1~)
Y1X2 (list (last Y1Xs@) Y1~)
Y2X1 (list (car Y2Xs@) Y2~)
Y2X2 (list (last Y2Xs@) Y2~)
Pts@ (member X1Y1 (append Pts@ Pts@))
(while (> (length Pts@) PtsLen)
(setq Pts@ (reverse (cdr (reverse Pts@))))
(setq SE@ (member X2Y2 Pts@) NW@ Pts@)
(foreach Item SE@
(setq NW@ (vl-remove Item NW@))
(setq SE@ (append SE@ (list X1Y1))
NW@ (append NW@ (list X2Y2))
CW# 0
(foreach Pt (list Y2X1 Y2X2)
(if (member Pt NW@) (setq CW# (1+ CW#)))
(if (member Pt SE@) (setq CW# (1- CW#)))
(foreach Pt (list Y1X1 Y1X2)
(if (member Pt SE@) (setq CW# (1+ CW#)))
(if (member Pt NW@) (setq CW# (1- CW#)))
(if (< CW# 0)
(setq Pts@ (append (list (car Pts@))(reverse (cdr Pts@))))
(setq Left@ (DimPts: Pts@ Y1X1 Y2X1 "Left"))
(setq Top@ (DimPts: Pts@ X1Y2 X2Y2 "Top"))
(setq Right@ (DimPts: Pts@ Y2X2 Y1X2 "Right"))
(setq Bottom@ (DimPts: Pts@ X2Y1 X1Y1 "Bottom"))
(command "UNDO" "BEGIN")
(setq DimSpace~ (* (getvar "DIMSCALE") (getvar "DIMTXT") 3))
(setq Osmode# (getvar "OSMODE")) (setvar "OSMODE" 0)
(setq Clayer$ (getvar "CLAYER"))
(command "LAYER" "S" (GetDimLayer) "");<--Change to your Dim layer info
(setq P0 (polar X1Y1 pi (* DimSpace~ 1.5))
P1 (car Left@)
(foreach P2 (cdr Left@)
(command "DIM1" "VER" P1 P2 P0 "")
(setq P1 P2)
(if (> (length Left@) 2)
(setq P0 (polar P0 pi DimSpace~))
(command "DIM1" "VER" (car Left@) (last Left@) P0 "")
(setq P0 (polar Y2X1 (* pi 0.5) (* DimSpace~ 1.5))
P1 (car Top@)
(foreach P2 (cdr Top@)
(command "DIM1" "HOR" P1 P2 P0 "")
(setq P1 P2)
(if (> (length Top@) 2)
(setq P0 (polar P0 (* pi 0.5) DimSpace~))
(command "DIM1" "HOR" (car Top@) (last Top@) P0 "")
(setq P0 (polar X2Y2 0 (* DimSpace~ 1.5))
P1 (car Right@)
(if (and (> (length Right@) 2) DiffAng)
(foreach P2 (cdr Right@)
(command "DIM1" "VER" P1 P2 P0 "")
(setq P1 P2)
(setq P0 (polar Y1X2 (* pi 1.5) (* DimSpace~ 1.5))
P1 (car Bottom@)
(if (and (> (length Bottom@) 2) DiffAng)
(foreach P2 (cdr Bottom@)
(command "DIM1" "HOR" P1 P2 P0 "")
(setq P1 P2)
(setvar "CLAYER" Clayer$)
(setvar "OSMODE" Osmode#)
(command "UNDO" "END")
);defun DimPL
; GetDimLayer - Returns the layer name that's on and has the most dimensions,
; or the current layer name if there's no dimensions.
(defun GetDimLayer (/ DimLayer$ EntList@ Index# Layer$ LayerInfo@ LayerList@ List@ Num# SS&)
(setq Layer$ (getvar "CLAYER"))
(if (setq SS& (ssget "X" '((0 . "DIMENSION"))))
(setq Index# -1)
(while (< (setq Index# (1+ Index#)) (sslength SS&))
(setq EntList@ (entget (ssname SS& Index#))
DimLayer$ (cdr (assoc 8 EntList@))
LayerInfo@ (tblsearch "LAYER" DimLayer$)
(if (and (= (cdr (assoc 70 LayerInfo@)) 0)(> (cdr (assoc 62 LayerInfo@)) 0))
(if (assoc DimLayer$ LayerList@)
(setq Num# (1+ (cdr (assoc DimLayer$ LayerList@)))
LayerList@ (subst (cons DimLayer$ Num#) (assoc DimLayer$ LayerList@) LayerList@)
(setq LayerList@ (append LayerList@ (list (cons DimLayer$ 1))))
(if LayerList@
(setq Layer$ (car (car LayerList@))
Num# (cdr (car LayerList@))
(foreach List@ (cdr LayerList@)
(if (> (cdr List@) Num#)
(setq Layer$ (car List@)
Num# (cdr List@)
);defun GetDimLayer
(princ);End of DPL.lsp

Message 12 of 12
in reply to: aimanalaawar

Try this adjustment of the command definition at the top, keeping the subroutines that follow [untested]:


(defun c:DPL (/ ss n EntName^) ;;;; EntPick@)
  (setvar "CMDECHO" 0)
;;;;  (if (setq EntPick@ (entsel "\nSelect Polyline to dimension: "))
;;;;  (if (= (cdr (assoc 0 (entget (car EntPick@)))) "LWPOLYLINE")

  (prompt "\nTo Dimension Polyline(s),")

  (if (setq ss (ssget '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE"))))
;;;;  (progn

    (repeat (setq n (sslength ss)); then

;;;;      (setq EntName^ (cdr (assoc -1 (entget (car EntPick@)))))

      (setq EntName^ (ssname ss (setq n (1- n))))
      (DimPL EntName^)
;;;;    );progn
;;;;    );if

    ); repeat
;;;;  );if
;;;;  (if (not EntName^)
    (princ "\nNo Polyline(s) selected."); else
);defun c:DPL

Kent Cooper, AIA

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