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mm2 to m2 arealabel lisp

Message 1 of 18
1971 Views, 17 Replies

mm2 to m2 arealabel lisp

I have a two questions about this lisp file AreaLabelV1-9.

First question is about conversion:
cf 1.0 ;; Area Conversion Factor (e.g. 1e-6 = mm2->m2)
I want m2 instead of mm2. What's the exact code for this?

Second question:
What if there is a "island" in the area. (A room in a room) . Now area (autocad) calculate the bigest room incl. the room inside. Is there a solution for this with lisp?


thank you.

gr. Laszlo


;;---------------------=={ Area Label }==---------------------;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Allows the user to label picked areas or objects and      ;;
;;  either display the area in an ACAD Table (if available),  ;;
;;  optionally using fields to link area numbers and objects; ;;
;;  or write it to file.                                      ;;
;;  Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2011 -       ;;
;;  Version 1.9    -    29-10-2011                            ;;

(defun c:AT nil (AreaLabel   t))  ;; Areas to Table
(defun c:AF nil (AreaLabel nil))  ;; Areas to File


(defun AreaLabel ( flag / *error* _startundo _endundo _centroid _text _open _select _getobjectid _isannotative
                          acdoc acspc ap ar as cf cm el fd fl fo n of om p1 pf pt sf st t1 t2 tb th ts tx ucsxang ucszdir )

  ;;                         Adjustments                        ;;

  (setq h1 "Area Table"  ;; Heading
        t1 "Number"      ;; Number Title
        t2 "Area"        ;; Area Title
        pf ""            ;; Number Prefix (optional, "" if none)
        sf ""            ;; Number Suffix (optional, "" if none)
        ap ""            ;; Area Prefix (optional, "" if none)
        as ""            ;; Area Suffix (optional, "" if none)
        cf 1.0           ;; Area Conversion Factor (e.g. 1e-6 = mm2->m2)
        fd t             ;; Use fields to link numbers/objects to table (t=yes, nil=no)
        fo "%lu6%qf1"    ;; Area field formatting


  (defun *error* ( msg )
    (if cm (setvar 'CMDECHO cm))
    (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
    (if acdoc (_EndUndo acdoc))
    (if (and of (eq 'FILE (type of))) (close of))
    (if (and Shell (not (vlax-object-released-p Shell))) (vlax-release-object Shell))
    (if (null (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*"))
        (princ (strcat "\n--> Error: " msg))


  (defun _StartUndo ( doc ) (_EndUndo doc)
    (vla-StartUndoMark doc)


  (defun _EndUndo ( doc )
    (if (= 8 (logand 8 (getvar 'UNDOCTL)))
      (vla-EndUndoMark doc)


  (defun _centroid ( space objs / reg cen )
    (setq reg (car (vlax-invoke space 'addregion objs))
          cen (vlax-get reg 'centroid)
    (vla-delete reg) (trans cen 1 0)


  (defun _text ( space point string height rotation / text )
    (setq text (vla-addtext space string (vlax-3D-point point) height))
    (vla-put-alignment text acalignmentmiddlecenter)
    (vla-put-textalignmentpoint text (vlax-3D-point point))
    (vla-put-rotation text rotation)


  (defun _Open ( target / Shell result )
    (if (setq Shell (vla-getInterfaceObject (vlax-get-acad-object) "Shell.Application"))
        (setq result
          (and (or (eq 'INT (type target)) (setq target (findfile target)))
                (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke (list Shell 'Open target))
        (vlax-release-object Shell)


  (defun _Select ( msg pred func init / e ) (setq pred (eval pred)) 
      (progn (setvar 'ERRNO 0) (apply 'initget init) (setq e (func msg))
          ( (= 7 (getvar 'ERRNO))
            (princ "\nMissed, try again.")
          ( (eq 'STR (type e))
          ( (vl-consp e)
            (if (and pred (not (pred (setq e (car e)))))
              (princ "\nInvalid Object Selected.")


  (defun _GetObjectID ( doc obj )
    (if (vl-string-search "64" (getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"))
      (vlax-invoke-method (vla-get-Utility doc) 'GetObjectIdString obj :vlax-false)
      (itoa (vla-get-Objectid obj))


  (defun _isAnnotative ( style / object annotx )
      (setq object (tblobjname "STYLE" style))
      (setq annotx (cadr (assoc -3 (entget object '("AcadAnnotative")))))
      (= 1 (cdr (assoc 1070 (reverse annotx))))

  (setq acdoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
        acspc (vlax-get-property acdoc (if (= 1 (getvar 'CVPORT)) 'Paperspace 'Modelspace))

        ucszdir (trans '(0. 0. 1.) 1 0 t)
        ucsxang (angle '(0. 0. 0.) (trans (getvar 'UCSXDIR) 0 ucszdir))
  (_StartUndo acdoc)
  (setq cm (getvar 'CMDECHO))
  (setvar 'CMDECHO 0)
  (setq om (eq "1" (cond ((getenv "LMAC_AreaLabel")) ((setenv "LMAC_AreaLabel" "0")))))

  (setq ts
    (/ (getvar 'TEXTSIZE)
      (if (_isAnnotative (getvar 'TEXTSTYLE))
        (cond ( (getvar 'CANNOSCALEVALUE) ) ( 1.0 )) 1.0

    ( (not (vlax-method-applicable-p acspc 'addtable))

      (princ "\n--> Table Objects not Available in this Version.")
    ( (= 4 (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 (tblsearch "LAYER" (getvar 'CLAYER))))))

      (princ "\n--> Current Layer Locked.")
    ( (not
        (setq *al:num
                (strcat "\nSpecify Starting Number <"
                  (itoa (setq *al:num (1+ (cond ( *al:num ) ( 0 ))))) ">: "
            ( *al:num )
    ( flag

      (setq th
        (* 2.
              (setq th
                  (setq st
                        (vla-get-dictionaries acdoc) "ACAD_TABLESTYLE"
                      (getvar 'CTABLESTYLE)
            (/ th
              (if (_isAnnotative (vla-gettextstyle st acdatarow))
                (cond ( (getvar 'CANNOSCALEVALUE) ) ( 1.0 )) 1.0

            (progn (initget "Add")
              (vl-consp (setq pt (getpoint "\nPick Point for Table <Add to Existing>: ")))
            (setq tb
              (vla-addtable acspc
                (vlax-3D-point (trans pt 1 0)) 2 2 th (* 0.8 th (max (strlen t1) (strlen t2)))
            (vla-put-direction tb (vlax-3D-point (getvar 'UCSXDIR)))
            (vla-settext tb 0 0 h1)
            (vla-settext tb 1 0 t1)
            (vla-settext tb 1 1 t2)
                (if om
                  (setq p1
                    (_Select (strcat "\nSelect Object [Pick] <Exit>: ")
                     '(lambda ( x )
                          (vlax-property-available-p (vlax-ename->vla-object x) 'area)
                          (not (eq "HATCH" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))))
                          (or (eq "REGION" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))) (vlax-curve-isclosed x))
                      entsel '("Pick")
                  (progn (initget "Object") (setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick Area [Object] <Exit>: ")))
                  ( (null p1)

                    (vla-delete tb)
                  ( (eq "Pick" p1)

                    (setq om nil) t
                  ( (eq "Object" p1)

                    (setq om t)
                  ( (eq 'ENAME (type p1))

                    (setq tx
                        (_text acspc
                          (_centroid acspc (list (setq p1 (vlax-ename->vla-object p1))))
                          (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
                    (vla-insertrows tb (setq n 2) th 1)
                    (vla-settext tb n 1
                      (if fd
                        (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                          (_GetObjectID acdoc p1) ">%).Area \\f \"" fo "\">%"
                        (strcat ap (rtos (* cf (vla-get-area p1)) 2) as)
                    (vla-settext tb n 0
                      (if fd
                        (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                          (_GetObjectID acdoc (car tx)) ">%).TextString>%"
                        (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
                  ( (vl-consp p1)

                    (setq el (entlast))
                    (vl-cmdf "_.-boundary" "_A" "_I" "_N" "" "_O" "_P" "" "_non" p1 "")

                    (if (not (equal el (setq el (entlast))))
                        (setq tx
                            (_text acspc
                              (_centroid acspc (list (vlax-ename->vla-object el)))
                              (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
                        (vla-insertrows tb (setq n 2) th 1)
                        (vla-settext tb n 1 (strcat ap (rtos (* cf (vlax-curve-getarea el)) 2) as))
                        (vla-settext tb n 0
                          (if fd
                            (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                              (_GetObjectID acdoc (car tx)) ">%).TextString>%"
                            (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
                        (redraw el 3)
                      (vla-delete tb)
            (not (vlax-erased-p tb))
              (setq tb
                (_Select "\nSelect Table to Add to: "
                 '(lambda ( x ) (eq "ACAD_TABLE" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x))))) entsel nil
              (< 1 (vla-get-columns (setq tb (vlax-ename->vla-object tb))))
            (setq n (1- (vla-get-rows tb)) *al:num (1- *al:num))
            (if om
              (setq p1
                (_Select (strcat "\nSelect Object [" (if tx "Undo/" "") "Pick] <Exit>: ")
                 '(lambda ( x )
                      (vlax-property-available-p (vlax-ename->vla-object x) 'area)
                      (not (eq "HATCH" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))))
                      (or (eq "REGION" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))) (vlax-curve-isclosed x))
                  entsel (list (if tx "Undo Pick" "Pick"))
              (progn (initget (if tx "Undo Object" "Object"))
                (setq p1 (getpoint (strcat "\nPick Area [" (if tx "Undo/" "") "Object] <Exit>: ")))
              ( (and tx (eq "Undo" p1))

                (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
                (vla-deleterows tb n 1)
                (vla-delete (car tx))
                (setq n (1- n) tx (cdr tx) *al:num (1- *al:num))
              ( (eq "Undo" p1)

                (princ "\n--> Nothing to Undo.")
              ( (eq "Object" p1)

                (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
                (setq om t)
              ( (eq "Pick" p1)

                (setq om nil)
              ( (and om (eq 'ENAME (type p1)))

                (setq tx
                    (_text acspc
                      (_centroid acspc (list (setq p1 (vlax-ename->vla-object p1))))
                      (strcat pf (itoa (setq *al:num (1+ *al:num))) sf)
                (vla-insertrows tb (setq n (1+ n)) th 1)
                (vla-settext tb n 1
                  (if fd
                    (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                      (_GetObjectID acdoc p1) ">%).Area \\f \"" fo "\">%"
                    (strcat ap (rtos (* cf (vla-get-area p1)) 2) as)
                (vla-settext tb n 0
                  (if fd
                    (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                      (_GetObjectID acdoc (car tx)) ">%).TextString>%"
                    (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
              ( (vl-consp p1)      

                (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
                (setq el (entlast))
                (vl-cmdf "_.-boundary" "_A" "_I" "_N" "" "_O" "_P" "" "_non" p1 "")

                (if (not (equal el (setq el (entlast))))
                    (setq tx
                        (_text acspc
                          (_centroid acspc (list (vlax-ename->vla-object el)))
                          (strcat pf (itoa (setq *al:num (1+ *al:num))) sf)
                    (vla-insertrows tb (setq n (1+ n)) th 1)
                    (vla-settext tb n 1 (strcat ap (rtos (* cf (vlax-curve-getarea el)) 2) as))
                    (vla-settext tb n 0
                      (if fd
                        (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                          (_GetObjectID acdoc (car tx)) ">%).TextString>%"
                        (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
                    (redraw el 3)
                  (princ "\n--> Error Retrieving Area.")
          (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
        (setq fl (getfiled "Create Output File" (cond ( *file* ) ( "" )) "txt;csv;xls" 1))
        (setq of (open fl "w"))
      (setq *file*  (vl-filename-directory fl)
            de      (cdr (assoc (strcase (vl-filename-extension fl) t) '((".txt" . "\t") (".csv" . ",") (".xls" . "\t"))))
            *al:num (1- *al:num)
      (write-line h1 of)
      (write-line (strcat t1 de t2) of)

        (if om
          (setq p1
            (_Select (strcat "\nSelect Object [Pick] <Exit>: ")
             '(lambda ( x )
                  (vlax-property-available-p (vlax-ename->vla-object x) 'area)
                  (not (eq "HATCH" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))))
                  (or (eq "REGION" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))) (vlax-curve-isclosed x))
              entsel '("Pick")
          (progn (initget "Object") (setq p1 (getpoint (strcat "\nPick Area [Object] <Exit>: "))))
          ( (eq "Object" p1)

            (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
            (setq om t)
          ( (eq "Pick" p1)

            (setq om nil)
          ( (eq 'ENAME (type p1))

            (_text acspc
              (_centroid acspc (list (setq p1 (vlax-ename->vla-object p1))))
              (strcat pf (itoa (setq *al:num (1+ *al:num))) sf)
            (write-line (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf de ap (rtos (* cf (vla-get-area p1)) 2) as) of)
          ( (vl-consp p1)
            (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
            (setq el (entlast))
            (vl-cmdf "_.-boundary" "_A" "_I" "_N" "" "_O" "_P" "" "_non" p1 "")

            (if (not (equal el (setq el (entlast))))
                (_text acspc
                  (_centroid acspc (list (vlax-ename->vla-object el)))
                  (strcat pf (itoa (setq *al:num (1+ *al:num))) sf)
                (write-line (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf de ap (rtos (* cf (vlax-curve-getarea el)) 2) as) of)
                (redraw el 3)
              (princ "\n--> Error Retrieving Area.")
      (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
      (setq of (close of))
      (_Open (findfile fl))
  (setenv "LMAC_AreaLabel" (if om "1" "0"))
  (setvar 'CMDECHO cm)
  (_EndUndo acdoc)


(princ "\n:: AreaLabel.lsp | Version 1.9 | © Lee Mac 2011 ::")
(princ "\n:: Commands: \"AT\" for ACAD Table, \"AF\" for File ::")

;;                         End of File                        ;;


Tags (1)
Message 2 of 18
in reply to: lanieuwe




For your 2nd question, I think that only MPOLYGONs (created with MAP or CIVIL) can be a solution !?


I am not at all a Lisp/Vlisp programmer but you have the answer to your 1st question inside the code !


Change the line as according the comment :  cf  1e-6


        cf 1.0           ;; Area Conversion Factor (e.g. 1e-6 = mm2->m2)
Patrice ( Supporting Troops ) - Autodesk Expert Elite
If you are happy with my answer please mark "Accept as Solution" and if very happy please give me a Kudos (Felicitations) - Thanks

Patrice BRAUD


Message 3 of 18
in reply to: braudpat

Thanks but...

No, I tried  that 1.0 or 1e-6. The result is the same a rectangle drawed in autocad @5000,5000 resuts in area 25000000.0000  not in 25.0000.

I want the result in m2 thus 25.0000.


I can't see what im doing wrong.

Message 4 of 18
in reply to: lanieuwe

Try the code using the 'Pick Area' option...



Message 5 of 18
in reply to: hmsilva

Yes i did.

Verzonden vanaf Samsung Mobile
Message 6 of 18
in reply to: lanieuwe




The Lee-Mac Routine seems OK with the Pick option and NOT with the Object option !?



Patrice ( Supporting Troops ) - Autodesk Expert Elite
If you are happy with my answer please mark "Accept as Solution" and if very happy please give me a Kudos (Felicitations) - Thanks

Patrice BRAUD


Message 7 of 18
in reply to: braudpat

both options pick option and object select option the same results in mm2 instead m2.



Message 8 of 18
in reply to: lanieuwe

@lanieuwe wrote:
Yes i did.

On this side works OK with the 'Conversion Factor' using the 'Pick Area' option, and work as expected...

Using the 'Object' option Lee's code will link the selected object and the result with a 'Field' and onors the Object area without using the 'Conversion Factor'.


To use the CF with the object option, try to change


fo "%lu6%qf1"


fo (strcat "%lu6%qf1%ct8[" (rtos cf) "]")


And for the second question, if there is a "island" in the area, you'll need to create an region with the "island" in it and use the 'Select Object' option.




Message 9 of 18
in reply to: hmsilva


Hello hmsilva


Thks, you are right for the Regions !

I am using a little bit too much MAP and the MPolygons ...



Patrice ( Supporting Troops ) - Autodesk Expert Elite
If you are happy with my answer please mark "Accept as Solution" and if very happy please give me a Kudos (Felicitations) - Thanks

Patrice BRAUD


Message 10 of 18
in reply to: braudpat

@braudpat wrote:


Hello hmsilva


Thks, you are right for the Regions !

I am using a little bit too much MAP and the MPolygons ...


Hi Patrice,


I'm not a MAP guy, so I don't use MPolygons.




Message 11 of 18
in reply to: hmsilva

Thank you hmsilva.


With the 'pick area' option it works great. For example the result is 25.00 m2

With the 'Object"option it isn't. For example (the same area) the result is 0.00 m2.

see code:

;;---------------------=={ Area Label }==---------------------;;
;;                                                            ;;
;;  Allows the user to label picked areas or objects and      ;;
;;  either display the area in an ACAD Table (if available),  ;;
;;  optionally using fields to link area numbers and objects; ;;
;;  or write it to file.                                      ;;
;;  Author: Lee Mac, Copyright © 2011 -       ;;
;;  Version 1.9    -    29-10-2011                            ;;

(defun c:AT nil (AreaLabel   t))  ;; Areas to Table
(defun c:AF nil (AreaLabel nil))  ;; Areas to File


(defun AreaLabel ( flag / *error* _startundo _endundo _centroid _text _open _select _getobjectid _isannotative
                          acdoc acspc ap ar as cf cm el fd fl fo n of om p1 pf pt sf st t1 t2 tb th ts tx ucsxang ucszdir )

  ;;                         Adjustments                        ;;

  (setq h1 "Area Table"  ;; Heading
        t1 "Number"      ;; Number Title
        t2 "Area"        ;; Area Title
        pf ""            ;; Number Prefix (optional, "" if none)
        sf ""            ;; Number Suffix (optional, "" if none)
        ap ""            ;; Area Prefix (optional, "" if none)
        as ""            ;; Area Suffix (optional, "" if none)
        cf 1e-6	        ;; Area Conversion Factor (e.g. 1e-6 = mm2->m2)
        fd t             ;; Use fields to link numbers/objects to table (t=yes, nil=no)
        fo (strcat "%lu6%qf1%ct8[" (rtos cf) "]")    ;; Area field formatting


  (defun *error* ( msg )
    (if cm (setvar 'CMDECHO cm))
    (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
    (if acdoc (_EndUndo acdoc))
    (if (and of (eq 'FILE (type of))) (close of))
    (if (and Shell (not (vlax-object-released-p Shell))) (vlax-release-object Shell))
    (if (null (wcmatch (strcase msg) "*BREAK,*CANCEL*,*EXIT*"))
        (princ (strcat "\n--> Error: " msg))


  (defun _StartUndo ( doc ) (_EndUndo doc)
    (vla-StartUndoMark doc)


  (defun _EndUndo ( doc )
    (if (= 8 (logand 8 (getvar 'UNDOCTL)))
      (vla-EndUndoMark doc)


  (defun _centroid ( space objs / reg cen )
    (setq reg (car (vlax-invoke space 'addregion objs))
          cen (vlax-get reg 'centroid)
    (vla-delete reg) (trans cen 1 0)


  (defun _text ( space point string height rotation / text )
    (setq text (vla-addtext space string (vlax-3D-point point) height))
    (vla-put-alignment text acalignmentmiddlecenter)
    (vla-put-textalignmentpoint text (vlax-3D-point point))
    (vla-put-rotation text rotation)


  (defun _Open ( target / Shell result )
    (if (setq Shell (vla-getInterfaceObject (vlax-get-acad-object) "Shell.Application"))
        (setq result
          (and (or (eq 'INT (type target)) (setq target (findfile target)))
                (vl-catch-all-apply 'vlax-invoke (list Shell 'Open target))
        (vlax-release-object Shell)


  (defun _Select ( msg pred func init / e ) (setq pred (eval pred)) 
      (progn (setvar 'ERRNO 0) (apply 'initget init) (setq e (func msg))
          ( (= 7 (getvar 'ERRNO))
            (princ "\nMissed, try again.")
          ( (eq 'STR (type e))
          ( (vl-consp e)
            (if (and pred (not (pred (setq e (car e)))))
              (princ "\nInvalid Object Selected.")


  (defun _GetObjectID ( doc obj )
    (if (vl-string-search "64" (getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"))
      (vlax-invoke-method (vla-get-Utility doc) 'GetObjectIdString obj :vlax-false)
      (itoa (vla-get-Objectid obj))


  (defun _isAnnotative ( style / object annotx )
      (setq object (tblobjname "STYLE" style))
      (setq annotx (cadr (assoc -3 (entget object '("AcadAnnotative")))))
      (= 1 (cdr (assoc 1070 (reverse annotx))))

  (setq acdoc (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
        acspc (vlax-get-property acdoc (if (= 1 (getvar 'CVPORT)) 'Paperspace 'Modelspace))

        ucszdir (trans '(0. 0. 1.) 1 0 t)
        ucsxang (angle '(0. 0. 0.) (trans (getvar 'UCSXDIR) 0 ucszdir))
  (_StartUndo acdoc)
  (setq cm (getvar 'CMDECHO))
  (setvar 'CMDECHO 0)
  (setq om (eq "1" (cond ((getenv "LMAC_AreaLabel")) ((setenv "LMAC_AreaLabel" "0")))))

  (setq ts
    (/ (getvar 'TEXTSIZE)
      (if (_isAnnotative (getvar 'TEXTSTYLE))
        (cond ( (getvar 'CANNOSCALEVALUE) ) ( 1.0 )) 1.0

    ( (not (vlax-method-applicable-p acspc 'addtable))

      (princ "\n--> Table Objects not Available in this Version.")
    ( (= 4 (logand 4 (cdr (assoc 70 (tblsearch "LAYER" (getvar 'CLAYER))))))

      (princ "\n--> Current Layer Locked.")
    ( (not
        (setq *al:num
                (strcat "\nSpecify Starting Number <"
                  (itoa (setq *al:num (1+ (cond ( *al:num ) ( 0 ))))) ">: "
            ( *al:num )
    ( flag

      (setq th
        (* 2.
              (setq th
                  (setq st
                        (vla-get-dictionaries acdoc) "ACAD_TABLESTYLE"
                      (getvar 'CTABLESTYLE)
            (/ th
              (if (_isAnnotative (vla-gettextstyle st acdatarow))
                (cond ( (getvar 'CANNOSCALEVALUE) ) ( 1.0 )) 1.0

            (progn (initget "Add")
              (vl-consp (setq pt (getpoint "\nPick Point for Table <Add to Existing>: ")))
            (setq tb
              (vla-addtable acspc
                (vlax-3D-point (trans pt 1 0)) 2 2 th (* 0.8 th (max (strlen t1) (strlen t2)))
            (vla-put-direction tb (vlax-3D-point (getvar 'UCSXDIR)))
            (vla-settext tb 0 0 h1)
            (vla-settext tb 1 0 t1)
            (vla-settext tb 1 1 t2)
                (if om
                  (setq p1
                    (_Select (strcat "\nSelect Object [Pick] <Exit>: ")
                     '(lambda ( x )
                          (vlax-property-available-p (vlax-ename->vla-object x) 'area)
                          (not (eq "HATCH" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))))
                          (or (eq "REGION" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))) (vlax-curve-isclosed x))
                      entsel '("Pick")
                  (progn (initget "Object") (setq p1 (getpoint "\nPick Area [Object] <Exit>: ")))
                  ( (null p1)

                    (vla-delete tb)
                  ( (eq "Pick" p1)

                    (setq om nil) t
                  ( (eq "Object" p1)

                    (setq om t)
                  ( (eq 'ENAME (type p1))

                    (setq tx
                        (_text acspc
                          (_centroid acspc (list (setq p1 (vlax-ename->vla-object p1))))
                          (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
                    (vla-insertrows tb (setq n 2) th 1)
                    (vla-settext tb n 1
                      (if fd
                        (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                          (_GetObjectID acdoc p1) ">%).Area \\f \"" fo "\">%"
                        (strcat ap (rtos (* cf (vla-get-area p1)) 2) as)
                    (vla-settext tb n 0
                      (if fd
                        (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                          (_GetObjectID acdoc (car tx)) ">%).TextString>%"
                        (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
                  ( (vl-consp p1)

                    (setq el (entlast))
                    (vl-cmdf "_.-boundary" "_A" "_I" "_N" "" "_O" "_P" "" "_non" p1 "")

                    (if (not (equal el (setq el (entlast))))
                        (setq tx
                            (_text acspc
                              (_centroid acspc (list (vlax-ename->vla-object el)))
                              (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
                        (vla-insertrows tb (setq n 2) th 1)
                        (vla-settext tb n 1 (strcat ap (rtos (* cf (vlax-curve-getarea el)) 2) as))
                        (vla-settext tb n 0
                          (if fd
                            (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                              (_GetObjectID acdoc (car tx)) ">%).TextString>%"
                            (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
                        (redraw el 3)
                      (vla-delete tb)
            (not (vlax-erased-p tb))
              (setq tb
                (_Select "\nSelect Table to Add to: "
                 '(lambda ( x ) (eq "ACAD_TABLE" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x))))) entsel nil
              (< 1 (vla-get-columns (setq tb (vlax-ename->vla-object tb))))
            (setq n (1- (vla-get-rows tb)) *al:num (1- *al:num))
            (if om
              (setq p1
                (_Select (strcat "\nSelect Object [" (if tx "Undo/" "") "Pick] <Exit>: ")
                 '(lambda ( x )
                      (vlax-property-available-p (vlax-ename->vla-object x) 'area)
                      (not (eq "HATCH" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))))
                      (or (eq "REGION" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))) (vlax-curve-isclosed x))
                  entsel (list (if tx "Undo Pick" "Pick"))
              (progn (initget (if tx "Undo Object" "Object"))
                (setq p1 (getpoint (strcat "\nPick Area [" (if tx "Undo/" "") "Object] <Exit>: ")))
              ( (and tx (eq "Undo" p1))

                (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
                (vla-deleterows tb n 1)
                (vla-delete (car tx))
                (setq n (1- n) tx (cdr tx) *al:num (1- *al:num))
              ( (eq "Undo" p1)

                (princ "\n--> Nothing to Undo.")
              ( (eq "Object" p1)

                (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
                (setq om t)
              ( (eq "Pick" p1)

                (setq om nil)
              ( (and om (eq 'ENAME (type p1)))

                (setq tx
                    (_text acspc
                      (_centroid acspc (list (setq p1 (vlax-ename->vla-object p1))))
                      (strcat pf (itoa (setq *al:num (1+ *al:num))) sf)
                (vla-insertrows tb (setq n (1+ n)) th 1)
                (vla-settext tb n 1
                  (if fd
                    (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                      (_GetObjectID acdoc p1) ">%).Area \\f \"" fo "\">%"
                    (strcat ap (rtos (* cf (vla-get-area p1)) 2) as)
                (vla-settext tb n 0
                  (if fd
                    (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                      (_GetObjectID acdoc (car tx)) ">%).TextString>%"
                    (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
              ( (vl-consp p1)      

                (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
                (setq el (entlast))
                (vl-cmdf "_.-boundary" "_A" "_I" "_N" "" "_O" "_P" "" "_non" p1 "")

                (if (not (equal el (setq el (entlast))))
                    (setq tx
                        (_text acspc
                          (_centroid acspc (list (vlax-ename->vla-object el)))
                          (strcat pf (itoa (setq *al:num (1+ *al:num))) sf)
                    (vla-insertrows tb (setq n (1+ n)) th 1)
                    (vla-settext tb n 1 (strcat ap (rtos (* cf (vlax-curve-getarea el)) 2) as))
                    (vla-settext tb n 0
                      (if fd
                        (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId "
                          (_GetObjectID acdoc (car tx)) ">%).TextString>%"
                        (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf)
                    (redraw el 3)
                  (princ "\n--> Error Retrieving Area.")
          (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
        (setq fl (getfiled "Create Output File" (cond ( *file* ) ( "" )) "txt;csv;xls" 1))
        (setq of (open fl "w"))
      (setq *file*  (vl-filename-directory fl)
            de      (cdr (assoc (strcase (vl-filename-extension fl) t) '((".txt" . "\t") (".csv" . ",") (".xls" . "\t"))))
            *al:num (1- *al:num)
      (write-line h1 of)
      (write-line (strcat t1 de t2) of)

        (if om
          (setq p1
            (_Select (strcat "\nSelect Object [Pick] <Exit>: ")
             '(lambda ( x )
                  (vlax-property-available-p (vlax-ename->vla-object x) 'area)
                  (not (eq "HATCH" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))))
                  (or (eq "REGION" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget x)))) (vlax-curve-isclosed x))
              entsel '("Pick")
          (progn (initget "Object") (setq p1 (getpoint (strcat "\nPick Area [Object] <Exit>: "))))
          ( (eq "Object" p1)

            (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
            (setq om t)
          ( (eq "Pick" p1)

            (setq om nil)
          ( (eq 'ENAME (type p1))

            (_text acspc
              (_centroid acspc (list (setq p1 (vlax-ename->vla-object p1))))
              (strcat pf (itoa (setq *al:num (1+ *al:num))) sf)
            (write-line (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf de ap (rtos (* cf (vla-get-area p1)) 2) as) of)
          ( (vl-consp p1)
            (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
            (setq el (entlast))
            (vl-cmdf "_.-boundary" "_A" "_I" "_N" "" "_O" "_P" "" "_non" p1 "")

            (if (not (equal el (setq el (entlast))))
                (_text acspc
                  (_centroid acspc (list (vlax-ename->vla-object el)))
                  (strcat pf (itoa (setq *al:num (1+ *al:num))) sf)
                (write-line (strcat pf (itoa *al:num) sf de ap (rtos (* cf (vlax-curve-getarea el)) 2) as) of)
                (redraw el 3)
              (princ "\n--> Error Retrieving Area.")
      (if el (progn (entdel el) (setq el nil)))
      (setq of (close of))
      (_Open (findfile fl))
  (setenv "LMAC_AreaLabel" (if om "1" "0"))
  (setvar 'CMDECHO cm)
  (_EndUndo acdoc)


(princ "\n:: AreaLabel.lsp | Version 1.9 | © Lee Mac 2011 ::")
(princ "\n:: Commands: \"AT\" for ACAD Table, \"AF\" for File ::")

;;                         End of File                        ;;

 gr. Laszlo




Message 12 of 18
in reply to: lanieuwe

My bad...
(rtos cf 2 6)



Message 13 of 18
in reply to: hmsilva

Thank you very much all!


gr. László

Message 14 of 18
in reply to: lanieuwe




Please remind that hmsylva did all the job, so you can give him a Kudos (Compliment) !



Patrice ( Supporting Troops ) - Autodesk Expert Elite
If you are happy with my answer please mark "Accept as Solution" and if very happy please give me a Kudos (Felicitations) - Thanks

Patrice BRAUD


Message 15 of 18
in reply to: braudpat

Of course I did 😉
Message 16 of 18
in reply to: braudpat

@braudpat wrote:


Please remind that hmsylva did all the job...


thank you for your kind words, but who really did all the work was Lee Mac, I just made some adjustments to the OP.


Message 17 of 18
in reply to: hmsilva

Hello to all,


someone can explain me how to put only 2 numbers after comma.




Message 18 of 18
in reply to: telmorosado

@telmorosado wrote:

Hello to all,


someone can explain me how to put only 2 numbers after comma.




Hello Telmo and welcome to the Autodesk Community!



in ' Adjustments' in line

fo (strcat "%lu6%qf1%ct8[" (rtos cf) "]")    ;; Area field formatting

Lee has left the funtion 'rtos' without defining units and precision to honor dwg settings.

'to put only 2 numbers after comma' change (rtos cf) to (rtos cf 2 2)


Hope this helps,


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