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length, width and height of a solid box

Message 1 of 20
1581 Views, 19 Replies

length, width and height of a solid box

I've a problem...
I need a function to calculate length, width and height of a solid box. Thank you so much........
Message 2 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

If you have express tools installed.
Try the following: (ACET-GEOM-SS-EXTENTS a T) Where a is a selection set of the solid(s).

Regards, Peter D
Message 3 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

Or if you have doslib
(dos_massprops entity)

Peter D
Message 4 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

I've this code for volume calculation....
it's possible add three strcat for have lenght, widht and height ?????

(setq solid (entsel "\nSelect solid :"))
(if solid
(setq solidobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car solid)))
(if (= (vla-get-objectName solidobj) "AcDb3dSolid")
(setq volume (vla-get-volume solidobj))
(alert (strcat "Solid volume= " (rtos volume 2 2))) ;
Message 5 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

What about command DIST, or lisp function (getdistance [pt] ["string"] ) ?
Message 6 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

Oh, sorry, (getdist [pt] ["string"] )...
Message 7 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

It should work for you. I hope so. (setq solid (entsel "\nSelect solid :")) (if solid (progn (setq solidobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car solid))) (if (= (vla-get-objectName solidobj) "AcDb3dSolid") (progn (vla-getboundingbox solidobj 'minpoint 'maxpoint) (setq boundbox (mapcar '- (vlax-safearray->list maxpoint) (vlax-safearray->list minpoint))) (alert (strcat "Solid's\tlenght= " (rtos (car boundbox)) "\n\twidth= " (rtos (cadr boundbox)) "\n\theight= " (rtos (caddr boundbox))))) ) )) regards,
Message 8 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

Antonella, these are all my notes about Acis. HTH Marco P.S.: are you from Italy? -- ________________________________________________ Marc'Antonio Alessi (TV) Italy (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.") O.S. = XP Pro 2002 Ita - Sp.1 AutoCAD = 2004 Ita - Sp.1a ________________________________________________ ;;; go to spatial technolgies web site and get the sat guide book it describes ;;; the structure of the file, autocad stores 3dsolid data in the same format ;;; (entget) returns the entity data and the group 1 codes reflect each line in ;;; the sat file. the strings are scrambled and can be translated to readable ;;; text with this function: ;;; s = string to be translated to or from readable format or autocad entity format (defun tracis (s / n l) (setq n "") (while (> (strlen s) 0) (setq l (substr s 1 1) s (substr s 2) n (strcat n (if (= " " l) "" (chr (- 79 (- (ascii l) 80))))) ) ) ) (defun C:sacis ( / ent e_data) (if (setq ent (entsel "Seleziona solido Acis: ")) (progn (terpri) (setq e_data (entget (car ent))) (foreach dxf_1 (ale_massoc 1 e_data) (princ (tracis dxf_1)) (terpri) ) ) ) (princ) ) ;;; i have a small library of lisp acis functions to extract info from solids, ;;; generate profiles along alignments, create surface models, it can be done ;;; with autolisp ;| Eric; In R2002: A quick non-programming way to get POINTs from ACIS objects is to create an xml file of the geometry using WBLOCK or EXPORT, and read the xyz entries for the "point" entities directly from the xml text file. eg. "point $-1 0 3 0 #" --------> coordinates are '(0 3 0) For non-R2002, you can get a start by using Kailas Dage's decrypting code which follows. |; ;;;From: Kailas Dhage ( ;;;Subject: Re: ACIS info ;;;Newsgroups: autodesk.autocad.customization ;;;Date: 1999/05/10 ;;; ;;;Hi ;;;Please have look at code given below: ;;;; Acis decode string (defun ACISdecode (st / ln n c st1) (setq st1 "" n (strlen st) ) (while (> n 0) (setq c (ascii (substr st n 1))) (setq st1 (strcat (cond ((= c 32) " ") ((= c 86) "I") ((chr (boole 6 c 95))) ) st1 ) ) (setq n (1- n)) ) st1 ) ;;; Acis decode entity (defun AcisDecodeEnt (ent) (foreach @@ ent (if (= (car @@) 1) (setq ent (subst (cons 1 (ACISdecode (cdr @@))) @@ ent)) ) ) ent ) ;;; Display items (defun AcisWhat (ent tp) (setq tmp ()) (foreach @@ ent (if (and (equal (car @@) 1) (wcmatch (cdr @@) (strcat tp "*"))) (setq tmp (cons @@ tmp)) ) ) (reverse tmp) ) ;;; GetACISDataonly (defun GetACISDataonly (ent) (setq tmp ()) (foreach @@ ent (if (equal (car @@) 1) (setq tmp (cons @@ tmp)) ) ) (setq tmp (reverse tmp)) (setq tmp1 (car tmp) tmp (cdr tmp) tmp (cdr tmp) tmp (cdr tmp) ) (cons tmp1 tmp) ) ;;; Main Routine (defun c:Test () (setq OrEnt (entget (car (entsel "\nSelect 3d Solid entity: ")))) (setq DeEnt (AcisDecodeEnt OrEnt)) (setq acEnt (GetACISDataonly DeEnt)) (princ "\nOrEnt: ")(princ OrEnt) (princ "\nDeEnt: ")(princ DeEnt) (princ "\nacEnt: ")(princ acEnt) (princ) ) ;;; ;;;Cheers !!! ;;; ;;;Kailas Dhage ;;;UTS(i) India Actually, ACISdecode function is by Owen Wengerd and it appears EXACTLY as in the code you mention, only 2.5 years _before_ it, as cited in the article [[-------------------------------- Newsgroups: comp.cad.autocad Subject: Re: R13 3D Solids Date: Fri, 08 Nov 1996 14:55:28 GMT (Owen Wengerd) has posted this version on c.c.a. : ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun ACISdecode (st / ln n c st1) (setq st1 "" n (strlen st)) (while (> n 0) (setq c (ascii (substr st n 1))) (setq st1 (strcat (cond ((= c 32) " ") ((= c 86) "I") ((chr (boole 6 c 95)))) st1)) (setq n (1- n))) st1 ) --------------------------------]] The real question is, what to do with the decrypted solid data? Points are trivial to see, but how to get "faces" ? All I see is some indices with no apparent meaning. Does someone know how this data can be interpreted? Joe, you mention you can recreate the edges. Could you explain _how_? -- Vlad -- (defun c:solid-out(/ e d fd) (cond ((and (setq e (car (entsel))) (setq d (entget e)) (= "3DSOLID" (cdr (assoc 0 d))) (setq fd (open "solid.out" "w"))) (foreach g d (and (= 1 (car g)) (princ (ACISdecode (cdr g)) fd) (princ "\n" fd))) (close fd) (findfile "solid.out")))) From: "Joe Funk" Subject: Re: find vertex data of a solid Date: Saturday, February 09, 2002 6:22 PM Vladimir; Thanks for pointing out that Owen was the author. He's good at deciphering things, isn't he? Kailas definitely should have attributed the code. Yikes! re. recreating the edges of an ACIS object, I'm not sure how detailed to get, for fear of being boring or confusing (or worse - revealing my ignorance). You likely already know some or most of this. I downloaded from Spatial Technologies the pdf docs which describe the ACIS SAT file Format. Chapter 2 gives details, of which I understand a small portion. Once the AutoCAD dxf listing for an ACIS object, say a BOX, is translated into readable strings using Owen's code, the new record shows items like "face", "edge", "vertex", and "point". Each item is indexed to show its relationship to other items in the ACIS object. The indices are only implied, by the order of the objects in the record. To make it easier for my LISP to work with, I re-write the record again as explicitly indexed lists. In the record, a header takes up the first 3 lines. The indexing starts with the first ACIS object, on line 4, so a "face" on line 6 of the record has index 3. The Owen-translated line looks like: "face $-1 $4 $5 $2 $-1 $6 forward single #" which I change to this indexed list: (3 . "face $-1 $4 $5 $2 $-1 $6 forward single #") Since a "face" has "edge"s and "point"s, and doesn't require higher math to trace out, it's maybe a good object to talk about. Here's how I pursue a face by following its indices downward in the record to get its 3 or 4 3-D points, in this case 4, in proper order for drawing a 3DFACE. Path to follow to get a face's coordinates: face | --> loop | --> coedge (main) --> coedge --> edge --> 2 vertices -->2 points * second pair points --> coedge --> edge --> 2 vertices--> 2 points * third pair points --> coedge [ignore] --> edge --> 2 vertices --> 2 points * first pair points The "loop" points to a coedge, whose own "edge" is the side to be drawn first. The order of a coedge's endpoints = the order in which they appear in the corresponding edge record. coedge -> edge -> 2 "vertex"es -> 2 points (in drawing order) So ... starting with a "face" in the record .... (3 . "face $-1 $4 $5 $2 $-1 $6 forward single #") ;;------ loop5--------------------------- You can identify which type of object a value is for, by the order of the entries in the string. The fourth value in this string holds the index for the line defining the face's "loop". (It's in the pdf's.) Go to that line (indexed here by 5) to find the "loop": (5 . "loop $-1 $-1 $10 $3 #") ;;-------coedge10------------------------ Go to line indexed by 10 to find the main co-edge: (10 . "coedge $-1 $15 $16 $17 $18 forward $5 $-1 #") ;;coedge15, coedge16, coedge17, edge18------- Track down the 4 coedges 15, 16, 17, and 18. For each coedge, get: - its "edge" - the 2 vertices of the edge - and the 2 "point"s (xyz values) for these vertices (15 . "coedge $-1 $27 $10 $28 $29 forward $5 $-1 #") ;;--------------------edge29----------------- (29 . "edge $-1 $36 $56 $28 $57 forward #") ;;---vertex36, vertex56-------------- (36 . "vertex $-1 $18 $64 #") ;;-------point64------- (64 . "point $-1 5 3 2 #") 2 (56 . "vertex $-1 $29 $77 #") ;;-------point77------- (77 . "point $-1 0 3 2 #") 3 (16 . "coedge $-1 $10 $27 $30 $31 forward $5 $-1 #") ;;--------------edge31----------------------- (31 . "edge $-1 $59 $35 $30 $60 forward #") ;;---vertex59, vertex35-------------- (59 . "vertex $-1 $53 $78 #") ;;-------point78------- (78 . "point $-1 0 0 2 #") 4 (35 . "vertex $-1 $18 $63 #") ;;-------point63------- (63 . "point $-1 5 0 2 #") 2 (17 . "coedge $-1 $32 $33 $10 $18 reversed $34 $-1 #") ;;-------------edge18-------------------------- (18 . "edge $-1 $35 $36 $17 $37 forward #") ;;-----vertex35, vertex36------------ (35 . "vertex $-1 $18 $63 #") ;;-------point63------- (63 . "point $-1 5 0 2 #") 1 (36 . "vertex $-1 $18 $64 #") ;;-------point64------- (64 . "point $-1 5 3 2 #") 2 Since the 2nd pt of edge29 /= 1st pt of edge31, this is a 4-sided face, drawn p63 -> p64 -> p77 -> 78. ;;;============================================ That's a general description of how to get the points to re-create a face. It requires no math, just an understandingf of the SAT format. but ... For "curve"s and "surface"s, the ACIS record gives B-Spline info, for which matrix manipulation becomes necessary (or at least very handy). To date, I've been able to partially re-create the shape of what was originally an AutoCAD spline-fit 2-D polyline, from which a REGION was created. I'm missing some parts to the puzzle: 1. The ACIS record: - only seems to give 3 control points, whereas I think the B-Spline equations need 4. I already knew what the 4th point was because I created the object in the first place, so I plugged it into the matrix and got the points defining the "first quarter" of the curve 2. The math: - even given enough points to feed to the matrix, I only get 1/4 of the curve - apparently need to use a loop, feeding the 4 points to the matrix 4 times, starting with a different point each time Vladimir, I used some matrix functions I found in your discussions with ibro vehabovic about Bezier curves ... perhaps you remember some of these functions: mat*scalar mat-trans vec*vec mat*vec Here's the B-Spline equation I used: To calculate a point on the curve, given 4 control points Xi: p(t)= MTX-T * MTX-BASIS * MTX-PTS => [ t^3 t^2 t 1] [-0.1667 0.5 -0.5 0.1667] [Xi-1 ] [ 0.5 -1 0.5 0 ] [Xi ] [ -0.5 0 0.5 0 ] [Xi+1] [0.1667 0.6667 0.1667 0] [Xi+2] ;;;the Basis Matrix is rounded in that example, better use: ;;;"True" Basis Matrix for b-spline: ;;;| -1 3 -3 1 | ;;;| 3 -6 3 0 | 1 ;;;| -3 0 3 0 | --- ;;;| 1 4 1 0 | 6 If you have any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them. I suppose this should be kept discrete, in case AutoDesk or Spatial feels that we're prying. *>) Just joking - I've so far detected no bad vibes from them. Joe "Track down the 4 coedges 15, 16, 17, and 18." should read "Track down the 3 coedges 15, 16, 17, and the edge 18." Joe Reini Urban has an example of decoding a REGION in the topic [28] "How to decode ACIS internal geometry with Lisp?" in his FAQ at I've been fiddling with decoding ACIS objects when I have time. So far I can re-create straight edges and simple (2D) spline boundaries, but the code isn't dependable yet. Some linear algebra is required. I failed linear algebra.8>\ Joe
Message 9 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

Thank you Naujoke, this is the solution of my problem.
You'll never know how much is important form me.
Thank you so much again.

Message 10 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

Si Marco, io sono di Bassano del Grappa.
Message 11 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

I have a pleasure helping you. Nice day.
Message 12 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

Bene, io non sono molto lontano (Conegliano - Vazzola). Se ti serve qualche altra informazione sarò ben lieto di aiutarti, nel limite delle mie possibilità. -- Cheers. Marco "elbahari" ha scritto nel messaggio > Si Marco, io sono di Bassano del Grappa.
Message 13 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

Thanks Marco. Great info!! "Marc'Antonio Alessi" wrote in message news:406109a8_1@newsprd01... > Antonella, > > these are all my notes about Acis. > > > > HTH > > Marco > > > P.S.: are you from Italy? > > -- > ________________________________________________ > > Marc'Antonio Alessi (TV) Italy > (strcat "NOT a " (substr (ver) 8 4) " guru.") > > O.S. = XP Pro 2002 Ita - Sp.1 > AutoCAD = 2004 Ita - Sp.1a > ________________________________________________ > > > ;;; go to spatial technolgies web site and get the sat guide book it > describes > ;;; the structure of the file, autocad stores 3dsolid data in the same > format > ;;; (entget) returns the entity data and the group 1 codes reflect each line > in > ;;; the sat file. the strings are scrambled and can be translated to > readable > ;;; text with this function: > > ;;; s = string to be translated to or from readable format or autocad entity > format > > > (defun tracis (s / n l) > (setq n "") > (while (> (strlen s) 0) > (setq > l (substr s 1 1) > s (substr s 2) > n (strcat n (if (= " " l) "" (chr (- 79 (- (ascii l) 80))))) > ) > ) > ) > > (defun C:sacis ( / ent e_data) > (if (setq ent (entsel "Seleziona solido Acis: ")) > (progn > (terpri) > (setq e_data (entget (car ent))) > (foreach dxf_1 (ale_massoc 1 e_data) > (princ (tracis dxf_1)) (terpri) > ) > ) > ) > (princ) > ) > > ;;; i have a small library of lisp acis functions to extract info from > solids, > ;;; generate profiles along alignments, create surface models, it can be > done > ;;; with autolisp > > > ;| > > Eric; > In R2002: A quick non-programming way to get POINTs from ACIS objects is > to create an xml file of the geometry using WBLOCK or EXPORT, and read the > xyz entries for the "point" entities directly from the xml text file. > eg. "point $-1 0 3 0 #" --------> coordinates are '(0 3 0) > > For non-R2002, you can get a start by using Kailas Dage's decrypting > code which follows. > |; > > ;;;From: Kailas Dhage ( > ;;;Subject: Re: ACIS info > ;;;Newsgroups: autodesk.autocad.customization > ;;;Date: 1999/05/10 > ;;; > ;;;Hi > ;;;Please have look at code given below: > > ;;;; Acis decode string > (defun ACISdecode (st / ln n c st1) > (setq st1 "" > n (strlen st) > ) > (while (> n 0) > (setq c (ascii (substr st n 1))) > (setq st1 (strcat (cond ((= c 32) " ") > ((= c 86) "I") > ((chr (boole 6 c 95))) > ) > st1 > ) > ) > (setq n (1- n)) > ) > st1 > ) > > ;;; Acis decode entity > (defun AcisDecodeEnt (ent) > (foreach @@ ent > (if (= (car @@) 1) > (setq ent (subst (cons 1 (ACISdecode (cdr @@))) @@ ent)) > ) > ) > ent > ) > > ;;; Display items > (defun AcisWhat (ent tp) > (setq tmp ()) > (foreach @@ ent > (if (and (equal (car @@) 1) (wcmatch (cdr @@) (strcat tp "*"))) > (setq tmp (cons @@ tmp)) > ) > ) > (reverse tmp) > ) > > ;;; GetACISDataonly > (defun GetACISDataonly (ent) > (setq tmp ()) > (foreach @@ ent > (if (equal (car @@) 1) > (setq tmp (cons @@ tmp)) > ) > ) > (setq tmp (reverse tmp)) > (setq tmp1 (car tmp) > tmp (cdr tmp) > tmp (cdr tmp) > tmp (cdr tmp) > ) > (cons tmp1 tmp) > ) > > ;;; Main Routine > (defun c:Test () > (setq OrEnt (entget (car (entsel "\nSelect 3d Solid entity: ")))) > (setq DeEnt (AcisDecodeEnt OrEnt)) > (setq acEnt (GetACISDataonly DeEnt)) > (princ "\nOrEnt: ")(princ OrEnt) > (princ "\nDeEnt: ")(princ DeEnt) > (princ "\nacEnt: ")(princ acEnt) > (princ) > ) > > ;;; > ;;;Cheers !!! > ;;; > ;;;Kailas Dhage > ;;;UTS(i) India > > > Actually, ACISdecode function is by Owen Wengerd > and it appears EXACTLY as in the code you mention, > only 2.5 years _before_ it, as cited in the article > > [[-------------------------------- > Newsgroups: comp.cad.autocad > Subject: Re: R13 3D Solids > Date: Fri, 08 Nov 1996 14:55:28 GMT > > (Owen Wengerd) has posted > this version on c.c.a. : > ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; > (defun ACISdecode (st / ln n c st1) > (setq st1 "" n (strlen st)) > (while (> n 0) > (setq c (ascii (substr st n 1))) > (setq st1 > (strcat > (cond > ((= c 32) " ") > ((= c 86) "I") > ((chr (boole 6 c 95)))) > st1)) > (setq n (1- n))) > st1 > ) > --------------------------------]] > > The real question is, what to do with the decrypted solid data? > Points are trivial to see, but how to get "faces" ? All I see is > some indices with no apparent meaning. > > Does someone know how this data can be interpreted? Joe, > you mention you can recreate the edges. Could you explain _how_? > > -- > Vlad > -- > (defun c:solid-out(/ e d fd) > (cond > ((and > (setq e (car (entsel))) > (setq d (entget e)) > (= "3DSOLID" (cdr (assoc 0 d))) > (setq fd (open "solid.out" "w"))) > (foreach g d > (and (= 1 (car g)) > (princ (ACISdecode (cdr g)) fd) > (princ "\n" fd))) > (close fd) > (findfile "solid.out")))) > > > > From: "Joe Funk" > Subject: Re: find vertex data of a solid > Date: Saturday, February 09, 2002 6:22 PM > > Vladimir; > Thanks for pointing out that Owen was the author. He's good at > deciphering things, isn't he? Kailas definitely should have attributed > the code. > Yikes! re. recreating the edges of an ACIS object, I'm not sure > how detailed to get, for fear of being boring or confusing (or worse > - revealing my ignorance). You likely already know some or most of this. > I downloaded from Spatial Technologies the pdf docs which describe the > ACIS SAT file Format. Chapter 2 gives details, of which I understand a > small portion. > Once the AutoCAD dxf listing for an ACIS object, say a BOX, is > translated into readable strings using Owen's code, the new record > shows items like "face", "edge", "vertex", and "point". Each item is > indexed to show its relationship to other items in the ACIS object. > The indices are only implied, by the order of the objects in the record. To > make it easier for my LISP to work with, I re-write the record again > as explicitly indexed lists. > In the record, a header takes up the first 3 lines. The indexing starts > with the first ACIS object, on line 4, so a "face" on line 6 of the record > has index 3. > The Owen-translated line looks like: > "face $-1 $4 $5 $2 $-1 $6 forward single #" > which I change to this indexed list: > (3 . "face $-1 $4 $5 $2 $-1 $6 forward single #") > Since a "face" has "edge"s and "point"s, and doesn't require higher math > to trace out, it's maybe a good object to talk about. Here's how I pursue a > face by following its indices downward in the record to get its 3 or 4 3-D > points, in this case 4, in proper order for drawing a 3DFACE. > > Path to follow to get a face's coordinates: > > face > | > --> loop > | > --> coedge (main) > --> coedge > --> edge --> 2 vertices -->2 points * second pair points > --> coedge > --> edge --> 2 vertices--> 2 points * third pair points > --> coedge [ignore] > --> edge --> 2 vertices --> 2 points * first pair points > > The "loop" points to a coedge, whose own "edge" is the side to > be drawn first. The order of a coedge's endpoints = the order > in which they appear in the corresponding edge record. > coedge -> edge -> 2 "vertex"es -> 2 points (in drawing order) > > So ... starting with a "face" in the record .... > > (3 . "face $-1 $4 $5 $2 $-1 $6 forward single #") > ;;------ loop5--------------------------- > > You can identify which type of object a value is for, by the order of > the entries in the string. The fourth value in this string holds the index > for the line defining the face's "loop". (It's in the pdf's.) Go to that > line (indexed here by 5) to find the "loop": > > (5 . "loop $-1 $-1 $10 $3 #") > ;;-------coedge10------------------------ > > Go to line indexed by 10 to find the main co-edge: > > (10 . "coedge $-1 $15 $16 $17 $18 forward $5 $-1 #") > ;;coedge15, coedge16, coedge17, edge18------- > > Track down the 4 coedges 15, 16, 17, and 18. For each > coedge, get: > - its "edge" > - the 2 vertices of the edge > - and the 2 "point"s (xyz values) for these vertices > > (15 . "coedge $-1 $27 $10 $28 $29 forward $5 $-1 #") > ;;--------------------edge29----------------- > (29 . "edge $-1 $36 $56 $28 $57 forward #") > ;;---vertex36, vertex56-------------- > (36 . "vertex $-1 $18 $64 #") > ;;-------point64------- > (64 . "point $-1 5 3 2 #") 2 > (56 . "vertex $-1 $29 $77 #") > ;;-------point77------- > (77 . "point $-1 0 3 2 #") 3 > > (16 . "coedge $-1 $10 $27 $30 $31 forward $5 $-1 #") > ;;--------------edge31----------------------- > (31 . "edge $-1 $59 $35 $30 $60 forward #") > ;;---vertex59, vertex35-------------- > (59 . "vertex $-1 $53 $78 #") > ;;-------point78------- > (78 . "point $-1 0 0 2 #") 4 > (35 . "vertex $-1 $18 $63 #") > ;;-------point63------- > (63 . "point $-1 5 0 2 #") 2 > > (17 . "coedge $-1 $32 $33 $10 $18 reversed $34 $-1 #") > ;;-------------edge18-------------------------- > (18 . "edge $-1 $35 $36 $17 $37 forward #") > ;;-----vertex35, vertex36------------ > (35 . "vertex $-1 $18 $63 #") > ;;-------point63------- > (63 . "point $-1 5 0 2 #") 1 > (36 . "vertex $-1 $18 $64 #") > ;;-------point64------- > (64 . "point $-1 5 3 2 #") 2 > > Since the 2nd pt of edge29 /= 1st pt of edge31, this is a 4-sided > face, drawn p63 -> p64 -> p77 -> 78. > > ;;;============================================ > > That's a general description of how to get the points to re-create > a face. It requires no math, just an understandingf of the SAT format. > > but ... > For "curve"s and "surface"s, the ACIS record gives B-Spline > info, for which matrix manipulation becomes necessary (or at least > very handy). > To date, I've been able to partially re-create the shape of what was > originally an AutoCAD spline-fit 2-D polyline, from which a REGION > was created. I'm missing some parts to the puzzle: > 1. The ACIS record: > - only seems to give 3 control points, whereas I think the > B-Spline equations need 4. I already knew what the 4th point > was because I created the object in the first place, so I > plugged it into the matrix and got the points defining the > "first quarter" of the curve > 2. The math: > - even given enough points to feed to the matrix, I only get 1/4 of > the curve > - apparently need to use a loop, feeding the 4 points to the > matrix 4 times, starting with a different point each time > > Vladimir, I used some matrix functions I found in your discussions > with ibro vehabovic about Bezier curves ... perhaps you remember > some of these functions: > mat*scalar > mat-trans > vec*vec > mat*vec > > Here's the B-Spline equation I used: > > To calculate a point on the curve, given 4 control points Xi: > p(t)= MTX-T * MTX-BASIS * MTX-PTS > => > [ t^3 t^2 t 1] [-0.1667 0.5 -0.5 0.1667] [Xi-1 ] > [ 0.5 -1 0.5 0 ] [Xi ] > [ -0.5 0 0.5 0 ] [Xi+1] > [0.1667 0.6667 0.1667 0] [Xi+2] > > ;;;the Basis Matrix is rounded in that example, better use: > ;;;"True" Basis Matrix for b-spline: > ;;;| -1 3 -3 1 | > ;;;| 3 -6 3 0 | 1 > ;;;| -3 0 3 0 | --- > ;;;| 1 4 1 0 | 6 > > If you have any suggestions, I'd be glad to hear them. I suppose this > should be kept discrete, in case AutoDesk or Spatial feels that we're > prying. *>) Just joking - I've so far detected no bad vibes from them. > > Joe > "Track down the 4 coedges 15, 16, 17, and 18." > should read > "Track down the 3 coedges 15, 16, 17, and the edge 18." > > Joe > > > Reini Urban has an example of decoding a REGION in the topic > [28] "How to decode ACIS internal geometry with Lisp?" > in his FAQ at > > I've been fiddling with decoding ACIS objects when I have time. So far I > can re-create straight edges and simple (2D) spline boundaries, but the code > isn't dependable yet. Some linear algebra is required. I failed linear > algebra.8>\ > > Joe >
Message 14 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

Prego. Glad to help you. Marco
Message 15 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

grazie Marco..... ci conto.......

ciao Antonella
Message 16 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

Prego. Glad to help you. Marco
Message 17 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

I want disturb you another time.....
i try to modify your code in this way :
i must put the three value (lenght, widht and height) in the attributes of the block (fm).
It dont work but i dont understand why !!!!!!!
This is the code.....

(defun C:mensola ()
(setq tmp (entsel "\nSelect Object: "))
(if solid
(setq solidobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car solid)))
(if (= (vla-get-objectName solidobj) "AcDb3dSolid")
(vla-getboundingbox solidobj 'minpoint 'maxpoint)
(setq boundbox (mapcar '- (vlax-safearray->list maxpoint)
(vlax-safearray->list minpoint)))
(SETQ lu (rtos (car boundbox) 2 2))
(SETQ la (rtos (cadr boundbox) 2 2))
(SETQ al (rtos (caddr boundbox) 2 2))
(COMMAND "-inser" "fm" "0,0,0" "1" "1" "" al la lu "" "")
Message 18 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

Antonella, prova questo. Ciao. Marco ...ah, una curiosità, cosa significa "elbahari"? -- (defun C:Mensola ( / SolEnt SolObj LowLft UppRgt AttDia BndBox SolLen SolWth SolHgt) (vl-load-com) (setvar "CMDECHO" 0) (if (setq SolEnt (entsel "\nSeleziona un oggetto: ")) (progn (setq SolObj (vlax-ename->vla-object (car SolEnt))) (if (= (vla-get-objectName SolObj) "AcDb3dSolid") (progn (vla-getboundingbox SolObj 'LowLft 'UppRgt) (setq AttDia (getvar "ATTDIA") BndBox (mapcar '- (vlax-safearray->list UppRgt) (vlax-safearray->list LowLft) ) SolLen (rtos (car BndBox) 2 2) SolWth (rtos (cadr BndBox) 2 2) SolHgt (rtos (caddr BndBox) 2 2) ) (setvar "ATTDIA" 0) (command "_.-INSERT" "fm" "_NONE" "0.0,0.0,0.0" "1" "1" "" SolHgt SolWth SolLen ) (setvar "ATTDIA" AttDia) ) (princ "\n:( L'oggetto selezionato non è un solido. ") ) ) (princ "\n:( Nessun oggetto selezionato. ") ) (princ) )
Message 19 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

perfetto Marco..... grazie mille.
Dair el Bahari è una località vicino a Luxor, in Egitto.
Ho lavorato li per 3 anni. Mi occupavo dei rilievi e dei disegni relativi agli scavi nella zona sud del tempio di Hatshepsut.
Message 20 of 20
in reply to: elbahari

Dair el Bahari, Luxor, Hatshepsut... interessante... -- Alla prossima. M.

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