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coordinate with table (fields

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2414 Views, 8 Replies

coordinate with table (fields



Can someone help me modify this lisp?

I want a table to be generated instead of lines.

I also want to link the coordinates of the block thru fields instead of plain text.


Thanks in advance

  ;; Title: Cordinates with Table          ;;
  ;; Purpose: Numbering & create table     ;;
  ;; Written: Bijoy Manoharan              ;;
  ;; Command: CN, CSN, RES, CRT            ;;
  ;; Date   : Sep-2011                     ;;

;; sub function error 
(defun trap1 (errmsg)

           (setvar "attdia" ad)
	   (setvar "attreq" aq)
           (setq *error* temperr)
           (prompt "\n Enter Command CSN for Point Sub Numbering or CRT for Table")
) ;defun

(defun trap2 (errmsg)

           (setvar "attdia" ad)
	   (setvar "attreq" aq)
           (setq *error* temperr)
           (prompt "\n Enter Command CN to Continue Point Numbering or CRT for Table")
) ;defun

(defun trap3 (errmsg)

           (setq *error* temperr)
           (prompt "\nCoordinate Table Command Cancelled")
) ;defun

;;-----------------------------------sub function to create block

;;;--- create block function start -----

(defun crb ( )

    (if (not (tblsearch "BLOCK" "CRBLK"))
            (if (not (tblsearch "STYLE" "Isocp"))
                        (cons 0 "STYLE")
                        (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")
                        (cons 100 "AcDbTextStyleTableRecord")
                        (cons 2 "Isocp")
                        (cons 70 0)
                        (cons 40 2.5)
                        (cons 3 "Isocp.ttf")
                    (cons 0 "BLOCK")
                    (cons 8 "0")
                    (cons 370 0)
                    (cons 2 "CRBLK")
                    (cons 70 2)
                    (cons 4 "Block to Place Coordinate Points")
                    (list 10 0.0 0.0 0.0)
                    (cons 0 "CIRCLE")
                    (cons 8 "0")
                    (cons 370 0)
                    (list 10 0.0 0.0 0.0)
                    (cons 40 1.25)
                    (cons 0 "ATTDEF")
                    (cons 8 "0")
                    (cons 370 0)
                    (cons 7 "Isocp")
                    (list 10 3.0 2.5 0.0)
                    (list 11 3.0 2.5 0.0)
                    (cons 40 2.5)
                    (cons 1 "00")
                    (cons 3 "Coordinate Point")
                    (cons 2 "00")
                    (cons 70 0)
                    (cons 72 0)
                    (cons 74 2)
                    (cons 0 "ENDBLK")
                    (cons 8 "0")
   ;;;--- To set block units in metre 70-6
	                   (lambda ( lst )
	                       (regapp "ACAD")
	                           (append (subst (cons 70 6) (assoc 70 lst) lst)
	                                  (list -3
	                                      (list "ACAD"
	                                          (cons 1000 "DesignCenter Data")
	                                          (cons 1002 "{")
	                                          (cons 1070 1)
	                                          (cons 1070 1)
	                                          (cons 1002 "}")
	                   (entget (cdr (assoc 330 (entget (tblobjname "BLOCK" "CRBLK")))))
 ;;;--- To make block annotative
                (lambda ( lst )
                    (regapp "ACAD")
                    (regapp "AcadAnnotative")
                        (append (subst (cons 70 1) (assoc 70 lst) lst)
                               (list -3
                                   (list "ACAD"
                                       (cons 1000 "DesignCenter Data")
                                       (cons 1002 "{")
                                       (cons 1070 1)
                                       (cons 1070 1)
                                       (cons 1002 "}")
                                   (list "AcadAnnotative"
                                       (cons 1000 "AnnotativeData")
                                       (cons 1002 "{")
                                       (cons 1070 1)
                                       (cons 1070 1)
                                       (cons 1002 "}")
                (entget (cdr (assoc 330 (entget (tblobjname "BLOCK" "CRBLK")))))
 ;;;--- to disable allow explod-----
          (setq BLOCKS
         BLK (vla-Item BLOCKS "CRBLK")
      (vla-put-explodable (vla-Item BLOCKS "CRBLK") :vlax-false)
;;;--- end to disable allow explod-----

;;;--- create function block end -----

;;------------------------main functions-------

(defun c:CN(/ num num1 pt ptlist name mh-text ad aq)

           (command "cmdecho"0)
           (setq clay (getvar "clayer"))
           (setq ad (getvar "attdia"))
           (setq aq (getvar "attreq"))
           (setq temperr *error*)
           (setq *error* trap1)
           (setvar "attdia" 0)
           (setvar "attreq" 1)
      ;;; input text name  
           (if (not namef) (setq namef ""))
           (setq name (getstring (strcat "\nEnter prefix text <" namef ">: ")))
           (if (= name "") (setq name namef) (setq namef name))       
    ;;; input number
           (if (not nf-ns) (setq nf-ns 1))    ; default number
           (setq NUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter point number : <" (rtos nf-ns 2 0) ">: ")))  
           (if (not num) (setq num nf-ns) (setq nf-ns num))
   ; to create new layer 

           (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Coordinate Points")) (command "-LAYER" "N" "Coordinate Points" "C" "7" "Coordinate Points" "LT" "Continuous" "Coordinate Points""LW" "0.00" "Coordinate Points" ""))      
   ;;; create mh numbers
    (setq ptlist nil) ; for while command
           (setq PT (getpoint "\nPick point location: ")) ;;; input text location           
           (if (< num 10.0) (setq num1 (strcat "0" (rtos num 2 0))))
           (if (>= num 10.0) (setq num1 (rtos NUM 2 0)))
          (crb) ;create block
          (setq mh-text (strcat name num1)) ; combine text into one variable           
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (command "CLAYER" "Coordinate Points")) ;if
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (command "-insert" "CRBLK" pt "1" "1" "0" mh-text)) ;if
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (setvar "clayer" clay)) ;if
        (setq by (strcat (Chr 66)(Chr 73)(Chr 74)(Chr 79)(Chr 89)(Chr 183)(Chr 86)(Chr 183)(Chr 77)))
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (setq num (+ num 1))) ; for increment
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (setq suf (- num 1)))
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (setq nf-ns num))
           (setq ptlist (append ptlist (list pt))) ; to stop while command
          ) ;progn  
        ) ;while
(setvar "clayer" clay)        
) ;defun

(defun c:CSN(/ numf snum sf-ss mh-text pt ptlist ptx pty name ad aq)

           (command "cmdecho"0)
           (setq clay (getvar "clayer"))
           (setq ad (getvar "attdia"))
           (setq aq (getvar "attreq"))
           (setq temperr *error*)
           (setq *error* trap2)
           (setvar "attdia" 0)
           (setvar "attreq" 1)

   ;;; input  name  
           (if (not namef) (setq namef ""))
           (setq name (getstring (strcat "\nEnter prefix text <" namef ">: ")))
           (if (= name "") (setq name namef) (setq namef name))

   ;;; input  number
           (if (not suf) (setq suf 1))    ; default number
           (setq NUMF (getreal (strcat "\nEnter point number : <" (rtos suf 2 0) ">: ")))  
            (if (not numf) (setq numf suf) (setq suf numf))

   ;;; input  sub number
           (if (not sf-ss) (setq sf-ss 1))    ; default number
           (setq SNUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter point subnumber : <" (rtos sf-ss 2 0) ">: ")))  
            (if (not snum) (setq snum sf-ss) (setq sf-ss snum))

   ;;; set arial.ttf to default linestyle
           (if (not (tblsearch "style" "Isocp")) (command "-style" "Isocp" "Isocp.ttf" 2.5 "1" 0 "n" "n"))
   ; to create new layer 

           (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Coordinate Points"))
                    (command "-LAYER" "N" "Coordinate Points" "C" "7" "Coordinate Points" "LT" "Continuous" "Coordinate Points""LW" "0.00" "Coordinate Points" ""))      
   ;;; create NO numbers
    (setq ptlist nil) ; for while command
           (setq PT (getpoint "\nPick Point location: ")) ;;; input text location
           (if (< numf 10.0) (setq numf1 (strcat "0" (rtos numf 2 0))))
           (if (>= numf 10.0) (setq numf1 (rtos numf 2 0)))

           (if (< snum 10.0) (setq snum1 (strcat "0" (rtos snum 2 0))))
           (if (>= snum 10.0) (setq snum1 (rtos snum 2 0)))

           (crb) ;create block
           (setq mh-text (strcat name numf1 "-" snum1)) ; combine text into one variable
           (if (not (= pt nil))(command "CLAYER" "Coordinate Points"))
           (if (not (= pt nil))(command "-insert" "CRBLK" pt "1" "1" "0" mh-text))
           (if (not (= pt nil))(setvar "clayer" clay))
           (if (not (= pt nil))(setq snum (+ snum 1))) ; for increment
           (if (not (= pt nil))(setq nf-ns (+ numf 1)))
           (setq ptlist (append ptlist (list pt))) ; to stop while command
          ) ;progn  
        ) ;while       
) ;defun

(defun c:RES ()

   (setq namef "")
   (prompt "\nPrefix Text Variable Reseted")
) ;defun



;;---------- sub function for Table----------

(defun CRTable ()        
	(setq LEN (length CORDS))
	(setq CORDS (acad_strlsort CORDS))			;;;sorts list into order
	(setq CNT 0)
	(if (= (getvar "tilemode") 1) (setvar "tilemode" 0))
	(command "pspace")
	(setq SP (getpoint "\nPick start point for table"))
        (setq ht 2.5) ;; text hieght
        (command "-style" "Isocp" "Isocp.ttf" 2.5 "1" 0 "n" "n")
        (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Coordinate Table")) 
        (command "-LAYER" "N" "Coordinate Table" "C" "7" "Coordinate Table" "LT" "Continuous" "Coordinate Table""LW" "0.00" "Coordinate Table" ""))
	(if (/= SP nil)						;;;checks for null input
	    (setq TXTX (car SP))				;;;gets x coord of text start point
	    (setq fx txtx)                                      ;;; set first x value
	    (setq TXTY (cadr SP))				;;;gets y coord
	    (setq fy TXTY)
	    (setq encw 25.00)  ; easting & northing Column width
            (setq nocw 20.00)  ; number Column width            
            (setq ten (/ encw 2))
            (setq tno (+ (/ nocw 2) ten))
     ;; place easting & northing text
	        (cons 0 "text") 
	        (cons 1 "COORDINATES") 
	        (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	        (cons 10 (list (+ TXTX 2.5) (+ TXTY (/ ht 2) (* ht 2)))) 
	        (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX 2.5) (+ TXTY (/ ht 2) (* ht 2)))) 
	        (cons 40 3.0) 
	        (cons 50 0.0) 
	        (cons 72 4)
	        (cons 0 "text") 
	        (cons 1 "POINTS") 
	        (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	        (cons 10 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY)) 
	        (cons 11 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY)) 
	        (cons 40 ht) 
	        (cons 50 0.0) 
	        (cons 72 4)
	        (cons 0 "text") 
	        (cons 1 "EASTING") 
	        (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	        (cons 10 (list TXTX TXTY)) 
	        (cons 11 (list TXTX TXTY)) 
	        (cons 40 ht) 
	        (cons 50 0.0) 
	        (cons 72 4)
	        (cons 0 "text") 
	        (cons 1 "NORTHING") 
	        (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	        (cons 10 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) 
	        (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) 
	        (cons 40 ht) 
	        (cons 50 0.0) 
	        (cons 72 4)
     ;; place easting & northing horizontal table lines
	        (cons 0 "line") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") 
	        (cons 10 (list (- TXTX (+ ten nocw)) (+ TXTY ht)))
	        (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX ten encw) (+ TXTY ht)))
	        (cons 0 "line") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") 
	        (cons 10 (list (- TXTX (+ ten nocw)) (- TXTY ht)))
	        (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX ten encw) (- TXTY ht)))
	  (repeat LEN
		(setq TXTY (- TXTY (* 2 HT)))			;;;set new y coord for text
		(setq SP (list TXTX TXTY))			;;;creates code start point
		(setq CORD (nth CNT CORDS))			;;;gets coord from list
		(setq COLEN (strlen CORD))			;
		(setq COM 1 GAP 1)	
		(while (/= COLEN COM)						;
			(setq COM1 (substr CORD COM 1))				;finds ',' in strings for
			(if (and (= COM1 ",") (= GAP 1)) (setq S1 COM GAP 2))	;spliting string
			(if (and (= COM1 ",") (= GAP 2)) (setq S2 COM))		;
			(setq COM (+ COM 1))				;
		) ;while
		(setq CODE (substr CORD 1 (- S1 1)))		;;;strips of code
		(setq SON (substr CORD (+ S1 1) (- S2 S1 1)))	;;;strips of north
		(setq SOE (substr CORD (+ S2 1) (- COLEN S2)))	;;;strips of east
	            (cons 0 "text") 
	            (cons 1 code) 
	            (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	            (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	            (cons 10 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY))
	            (cons 11 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY)) 
	            (cons 40 ht) 
	            (cons 50 0.0) (cons 72 4)
	            (cons 0 "text") 
	            (cons 1 soe) 
	            (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	            (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	            (cons 10 (list TXTX TXTY)) 
	            (cons 11 (list TXTX TXTY)) 
	            (cons 40 ht) 
	            (cons 50 0.0) 
	            (cons 72 4)
	  	    (cons 0 "text") 
	  	    (cons 1 son) (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	  	    (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	  	    (cons 10 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) 
	  	    (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) 
	  	    (cons 40 ht) 
	  	    (cons 50 0.0) 
	  	    (cons 72 4)
                    (cons 0 "line") 
                    (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") 
                    (cons 10 (list (- TXTX (+ ten nocw)) (- TXTY ht)))
                    (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX ten encw) (- TXTY ht)))
                ) ;; horizontal lines
		(setq hl (entlast)) ; set hl as last horizontal line		
		(setq CNT (+ CNT 1))
	    ) ;repeat
                (setq ly (caddr (assoc 10 (entget hl)))) ;set last y value
      ;; place easting & northing vertical table lines
                    (cons 0 "line") 
                    (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") 
                    (cons 10 (list (- fx ten) (+ fy ht))) 
                    (cons 11 (list (- fx ten) ly))
                    (cons 0 "line") 
                    (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") 
                    (cons 10 (list (+ fx ten) (+ fy ht))) 
                    (cons 11 (list (+ fx ten) ly))
	            (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE")
	            (cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
	            (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline")
	            (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	            (cons 90 4)
	            (cons 70 1)
	            (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw)) (+ fy (* ht 4))))
	            (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw)) (+ fy (* ht 4))))
	            (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw)) ly))
	            (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw)) ly))
               ) ; inner rectangle
	            (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE")
	            (cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
	            (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline")
	            (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	            (cons 90 4)
	            (cons 70 1)
	            (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw 1)) (+ fy (* ht 4) 1)))
	            (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw 1)) (+ fy (* ht 4) 1)))
	            (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw 1)) (- ly 1)))
	            (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw 1)) (- ly 1)))
               ) ; outer rectangle	
	 (command "erase" hl "")
	  ) ; progn
	) ;if 
	(command "redraw")
) ; defun

;;-------------Main function to make List of points-----

(defun c:CRT (/ txtx txty len cord cords cnt sp ht code son soe sox soy so1 encw nocw ten tno lat hl ly fx fy)

	(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
	(setq temperr *error*)
        (setq *error* trap3)
	(setq CORDS nil LEN nil CNT 0)	;;resets coord list to nil
	(princ (strcat "\n "))
	(initget 1 "All Select")	 
	(setq sel (strcase (getkword "\Select individual coordinate points or Select All (S or A): ")))
	(if (= sel "SELECT") (setq SS (ssget '((2 . "crblk")))) (setq SS (ssget "X" '((2 . "crblk")))))
	(command "UCS" "WORLD")
	(while (/= SS nil)					;;;checks for nil selection
	  (setq LEN (sslength SS))
	    (repeat LEN
		(setq SO0 (ssname SS CNT))
		(setq CORD (cdr (assoc '10 (entget SO0))))	;;;gets coords of point
		(setq SOX (rtos (car CORD) 2 3))		;;;strips off X coord
		(setq SOY (rtos (cadr CORD) 2 3))		;;;strips off Y coord
		(setq SO1 (entnext SO0))			;;;gets attribute entity
		(setq CODE (cdr (assoc '1 (entget SO1))))	;;;strips off point code from attribute
		(setq CORD (strcat CODE "," SOY "," SOX))	;;;creates string of code,y,x
		(setq CORDL (list CORD))			;;;converts into list
		(if (= CORDS nil) (setq CORDS CORDL) (setq CORDS (append CORDL CORDS)))	;;;starts new list or adds to old
		(setq CNT (+ CNT 1))
	  (setq SS nil)						;;;finishes loop
	) ;while
	(command "UCS" "P")
	(if (/= (length CORDS) 0) (CRTable))
	(setq *error* temperr)
	(prompt "\n Coordinate Table is Placed\n © Bijoy Manoharan 2011")
) ;defun

;;------------- end Main function --------------------


Message 2 of 9
in reply to: marlance

is it possible? It would help a lot

Message 3 of 9
in reply to: marlance

I know that routine very will, i'v learned auto lisp programming by studying it.

first you'll need to fix the point order issue when you have more than 100 point.

  ;; Title: Cordinates with Table          ;;
  ;; Purpose: Numbering & create table     ;;
  ;; Written: Bijoy Manoharan              ;;
  ;; Command: CN, CSN, RES, CRT            ;;
  ;; Date   : Sep-2011                     ;;

;; sub function error 
(defun trap1 (errmsg)

           (setvar "attdia" ad)
	   (setvar "attreq" aq)
           (setq *error* temperr)
           (prompt "\n Enter Command CSN for Point Sub Numbering or CRT for Table")
) ;defun

(defun trap2 (errmsg)

           (setvar "attdia" ad)
	   (setvar "attreq" aq)
           (setq *error* temperr)
           (prompt "\n Enter Command CN to Continue Point Numbering or CRT for Table")
) ;defun

(defun trap3 (errmsg)

           (setq *error* temperr)
           (prompt "\nCoordinate Table Command Cancelled")
) ;defun

;;-----------------------------------sub function to create block

;;;--- create block function start -----

(defun crb ( )

    (if (not (tblsearch "BLOCK" "CRBLK"))
            (if (not (tblsearch "STYLE" "Isocp"))
                        (cons 0 "STYLE")
                        (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")
                        (cons 100 "AcDbTextStyleTableRecord")
                        (cons 2 "Isocp")
                        (cons 70 0)
                        (cons 40 2.5)
                        (cons 3 "Isocp.ttf")
                    (cons 0 "BLOCK")
                    (cons 8 "0")
                    (cons 370 0)
                    (cons 2 "CRBLK")
                    (cons 70 2)
                    (cons 4 "Block to Place Coordinate Points")
                    (list 10 0.0 0.0 0.0)
                    (cons 0 "CIRCLE")
                    (cons 8 "0")
                    (cons 370 0)
                    (list 10 0.0 0.0 0.0)
                    (cons 40 1.25)
                    (cons 0 "ATTDEF")
                    (cons 8 "0")
                    (cons 370 0)
                    (cons 7 "Isocp")
                    (list 10 3.0 2.5 0.0)
                    (list 11 3.0 2.5 0.0)
                    (cons 40 2.5)
                    (cons 1 "00")
                    (cons 3 "Coordinate Point")
                    (cons 2 "00")
                    (cons 70 0)
                    (cons 72 0)
                    (cons 74 2)
                    (cons 0 "ENDBLK")
                    (cons 8 "0")
   ;;;--- To set block units in metre 70-6
	                   (lambda ( lst )
	                       (regapp "ACAD")
	                           (append (subst (cons 70 6) (assoc 70 lst) lst)
	                                  (list -3
	                                      (list "ACAD"
	                                          (cons 1000 "DesignCenter Data")
	                                          (cons 1002 "{")
	                                          (cons 1070 1)
	                                          (cons 1070 1)
	                                          (cons 1002 "}")
	                   (entget (cdr (assoc 330 (entget (tblobjname "BLOCK" "CRBLK")))))
 ;;;--- To make block annotative
                (lambda ( lst )
                    (regapp "ACAD")
                    (regapp "AcadAnnotative")
                        (append (subst (cons 70 1) (assoc 70 lst) lst)
                               (list -3
                                   (list "ACAD"
                                       (cons 1000 "DesignCenter Data")
                                       (cons 1002 "{")
                                       (cons 1070 1)
                                       (cons 1070 1)
                                       (cons 1002 "}")
                                   (list "AcadAnnotative"
                                       (cons 1000 "AnnotativeData")
                                       (cons 1002 "{")
                                       (cons 1070 1)
                                       (cons 1070 1)
                                       (cons 1002 "}")
                (entget (cdr (assoc 330 (entget (tblobjname "BLOCK" "CRBLK")))))
 ;;;--- to disable allow explod-----
          (setq BLOCKS
         BLK (vla-Item BLOCKS "CRBLK")
      (vla-put-explodable (vla-Item BLOCKS "CRBLK") :vlax-false)
;;;--- end to disable allow explod-----

;;;--- create function block end -----

;;------------------------main functions-------

(defun c:CN(/ num num1 pt ptlist name mh-text ad aq)

           (command "cmdecho"0)
           (setq clay (getvar "clayer"))
           (setq ad (getvar "attdia"))
           (setq aq (getvar "attreq"))
           (setq temperr *error*)
           (setq *error* trap1)
           (setvar "attdia" 0)
           (setvar "attreq" 1)
      ;;; input text name  
           (if (not namef) (setq namef ""))
           (setq name (getstring (strcat "\nEnter prefix text <" namef ">: ")))
           (if (= name "") (setq name namef) (setq namef name))       
    ;;; input number
           (if (not nf-ns) (setq nf-ns 1))    ; default number
           (setq NUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter point number : <" (rtos nf-ns 2 0) ">: ")))  
           (if (not num) (setq num nf-ns) (setq nf-ns num))
   ; to create new layer 

           (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Coordinate Points")) (command "-LAYER" "N" "Coordinate Points" "C" "7" "Coordinate Points" "LT" "Continuous" "Coordinate Points""LW" "0.00" "Coordinate Points" ""))      
   ;;; create mh numbers
    (setq ptlist nil) ; for while command
           (setq PT (getpoint "\nPick point location: ")) ;;; input text location           
           (if (< num 10.0) (setq num1 (strcat "0" (rtos num 2 0))))
           (if (>= num 10.0) (setq num1 (rtos NUM 2 0)))
          (crb) ;create block
          (setq mh-text (strcat name num1)) ; combine text into one variable           
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (command "CLAYER" "Coordinate Points")) ;if
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (command "-insert" "CRBLK" pt "1" "1" "0" mh-text)) ;if
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (setvar "clayer" clay)) ;if
        (setq by (strcat (Chr 66)(Chr 73)(Chr 74)(Chr 79)(Chr 89)(Chr 183)(Chr 86)(Chr 183)(Chr 77)))
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (setq num (+ num 1))) ; for increment
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (setq suf (- num 1)))
        (if (not (= pt nil))  (setq nf-ns num))
           (setq ptlist (append ptlist (list pt))) ; to stop while command
          ) ;progn  
        ) ;while
(setvar "clayer" clay)        
) ;defun

(defun c:CSN(/ numf snum sf-ss mh-text pt ptlist ptx pty name ad aq)

           (command "cmdecho"0)
           (setq clay (getvar "clayer"))
           (setq ad (getvar "attdia"))
           (setq aq (getvar "attreq"))
           (setq temperr *error*)
           (setq *error* trap2)
           (setvar "attdia" 0)
           (setvar "attreq" 1)

   ;;; input  name  
           (if (not namef) (setq namef ""))
           (setq name (getstring (strcat "\nEnter prefix text <" namef ">: ")))
           (if (= name "") (setq name namef) (setq namef name))

   ;;; input  number
           (if (not suf) (setq suf 1))    ; default number
           (setq NUMF (getreal (strcat "\nEnter point number : <" (rtos suf 2 0) ">: ")))  
            (if (not numf) (setq numf suf) (setq suf numf))

   ;;; input  sub number
           (if (not sf-ss) (setq sf-ss 1))    ; default number
           (setq SNUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter point subnumber : <" (rtos sf-ss 2 0) ">: ")))  
            (if (not snum) (setq snum sf-ss) (setq sf-ss snum))

   ;;; set arial.ttf to default linestyle
           (if (not (tblsearch "style" "Isocp")) (command "-style" "Isocp" "Isocp.ttf" 2.5 "1" 0 "n" "n"))
   ; to create new layer 

           (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Coordinate Points"))
                    (command "-LAYER" "N" "Coordinate Points" "C" "7" "Coordinate Points" "LT" "Continuous" "Coordinate Points""LW" "0.00" "Coordinate Points" ""))      
   ;;; create NO numbers
    (setq ptlist nil) ; for while command
           (setq PT (getpoint "\nPick Point location: ")) ;;; input text location
           (if (< numf 10.0) (setq numf1 (strcat "0" (rtos numf 2 0))))
           (if (>= numf 10.0) (setq numf1 (rtos numf 2 0)))

           (if (< snum 10.0) (setq snum1 (strcat "0" (rtos snum 2 0))))
           (if (>= snum 10.0) (setq snum1 (rtos snum 2 0)))

           (crb) ;create block
           (setq mh-text (strcat name numf1 "-" snum1)) ; combine text into one variable
           (if (not (= pt nil))(command "CLAYER" "Coordinate Points"))
           (if (not (= pt nil))(command "-insert" "CRBLK" pt "1" "1" "0" mh-text))
           (if (not (= pt nil))(setvar "clayer" clay))
           (if (not (= pt nil))(setq snum (+ snum 1))) ; for increment
           (if (not (= pt nil))(setq nf-ns (+ numf 1)))
           (setq ptlist (append ptlist (list pt))) ; to stop while command
          ) ;progn  
        ) ;while       
) ;defun

(defun c:RES ()

   (setq namef "")
   (prompt "\nPrefix Text Variable Reseted")
) ;defun



;;---------- sub function for Table----------

(defun CRTable ()        
	(setq LEN (length CORDS))
	;(setq CORDS (acad_strlsort CORDS))			;;;sorts list into order
	(setq CORDS (vl-sort CORDS '(lambda (x1 x2) (< (atoi x1) (atoi x2))))) ;;; sorts list into order NEW
	(setq CNT 0)
	(if (= (getvar "tilemode") 1) (setvar "tilemode" 0))
	(command "pspace")
	(setq SP (getpoint "\nPick start point for table"))
        (setq ht 2.5) ;; text hieght
        (command "-style" "Isocp" "Isocp.ttf" 2.5 "1" 0 "n" "n")
        (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Coordinate Table")) 
        (command "-LAYER" "N" "Coordinate Table" "C" "7" "Coordinate Table" "LT" "Continuous" "Coordinate Table""LW" "0.00" "Coordinate Table" ""))
	(if (/= SP nil)						;;;checks for null input
	    (setq TXTX (car SP))				;;;gets x coord of text start point
	    (setq fx txtx)                                      ;;; set first x value
	    (setq TXTY (cadr SP))				;;;gets y coord
	    (setq fy TXTY)
	    (setq encw 25.00)  ; easting & northing Column width
            (setq nocw 20.00)  ; number Column width            
            (setq ten (/ encw 2))
            (setq tno (+ (/ nocw 2) ten))
     ;; place easting & northing text
	        (cons 0 "text") 
	        (cons 1 "COORDINATES") 
	        (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	        (cons 10 (list (+ TXTX 2.5) (+ TXTY (/ ht 2) (* ht 2)))) 
	        (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX 2.5) (+ TXTY (/ ht 2) (* ht 2)))) 
	        (cons 40 3.0) 
	        (cons 50 0.0) 
	        (cons 72 4)
	        (cons 0 "text") 
	        (cons 1 "POINTS") 
	        (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	        (cons 10 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY)) 
	        (cons 11 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY)) 
	        (cons 40 ht) 
	        (cons 50 0.0) 
	        (cons 72 4)
	        (cons 0 "text") 
	        (cons 1 "EASTING") 
	        (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	        (cons 10 (list TXTX TXTY)) 
	        (cons 11 (list TXTX TXTY)) 
	        (cons 40 ht) 
	        (cons 50 0.0) 
	        (cons 72 4)
	        (cons 0 "text") 
	        (cons 1 "NORTHING") 
	        (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	        (cons 10 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) 
	        (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) 
	        (cons 40 ht) 
	        (cons 50 0.0) 
	        (cons 72 4)
     ;; place easting & northing horizontal table lines
	        (cons 0 "line") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") 
	        (cons 10 (list (- TXTX (+ ten nocw)) (+ TXTY ht)))
	        (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX ten encw) (+ TXTY ht)))
	        (cons 0 "line") 
	        (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") 
	        (cons 10 (list (- TXTX (+ ten nocw)) (- TXTY ht)))
	        (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX ten encw) (- TXTY ht)))
	  (repeat LEN
		(setq TXTY (- TXTY (* 2 HT)))			;;;set new y coord for text
		(setq SP (list TXTX TXTY))			;;;creates code start point
		(setq CORD (nth CNT CORDS))			;;;gets coord from list
		(setq COLEN (strlen CORD))			;
		(setq COM 1 GAP 1)	
		(while (/= COLEN COM)						;
			(setq COM1 (substr CORD COM 1))				;finds ',' in strings for
			(if (and (= COM1 ",") (= GAP 1)) (setq S1 COM GAP 2))	;spliting string
			(if (and (= COM1 ",") (= GAP 2)) (setq S2 COM))		;
			(setq COM (+ COM 1))				;
		) ;while
		(setq CODE (substr CORD 1 (- S1 1)))		;;;strips of code
		(setq SON (substr CORD (+ S1 1) (- S2 S1 1)))	;;;strips of north
		(setq SOE (substr CORD (+ S2 1) (- COLEN S2)))	;;;strips of east
	            (cons 0 "text") 
	            (cons 1 code) 
	            (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	            (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	            (cons 10 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY))
	            (cons 11 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY)) 
	            (cons 40 ht) 
	            (cons 50 0.0) (cons 72 4)
	            (cons 0 "text") 
	            (cons 1 soe) 
	            (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	            (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	            (cons 10 (list TXTX TXTY)) 
	            (cons 11 (list TXTX TXTY)) 
	            (cons 40 ht) 
	            (cons 50 0.0) 
	            (cons 72 4)
	  	    (cons 0 "text") 
	  	    (cons 1 son) (cons 7 "Isocp") 
	  	    (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	  	    (cons 10 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) 
	  	    (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) 
	  	    (cons 40 ht) 
	  	    (cons 50 0.0) 
	  	    (cons 72 4)
                    (cons 0 "line") 
                    (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") 
                    (cons 10 (list (- TXTX (+ ten nocw)) (- TXTY ht)))
                    (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX ten encw) (- TXTY ht)))
                ) ;; horizontal lines
		(setq hl (entlast)) ; set hl as last horizontal line		
		(setq CNT (+ CNT 1))
	    ) ;repeat
                (setq ly (caddr (assoc 10 (entget hl)))) ;set last y value
      ;; place easting & northing vertical table lines
                    (cons 0 "line") 
                    (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") 
                    (cons 10 (list (- fx ten) (+ fy ht))) 
                    (cons 11 (list (- fx ten) ly))
                    (cons 0 "line") 
                    (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") 
                    (cons 10 (list (+ fx ten) (+ fy ht))) 
                    (cons 11 (list (+ fx ten) ly))
	            (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE")
	            (cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
	            (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline")
	            (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	            (cons 90 4)
	            (cons 70 1)
	            (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw)) (+ fy (* ht 4))))
	            (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw)) (+ fy (* ht 4))))
	            (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw)) ly))
	            (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw)) ly))
               ) ; inner rectangle
	            (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE")
	            (cons 100 "AcDbEntity")
	            (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline")
	            (cons 8 "Coordinate Table")
	            (cons 90 4)
	            (cons 70 1)
	            (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw 1)) (+ fy (* ht 4) 1)))
	            (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw 1)) (+ fy (* ht 4) 1)))
	            (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw 1)) (- ly 1)))
	            (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw 1)) (- ly 1)))
               ) ; outer rectangle	
	 (command "erase" hl "")
	  ) ; progn
	) ;if 
	(command "redraw")
) ; defun

;;-------------Main function to make List of points-----

(defun c:CRT (/ txtx txty len cord cords cnt sp ht code son soe sox soy so1 encw nocw ten tno lat hl ly fx fy)

	(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
	(setq temperr *error*)
        (setq *error* trap3)
	(setq CORDS nil LEN nil CNT 0)	;;resets coord list to nil
	(princ (strcat "\n "))
	(initget 1 "All Select")	 
	(setq sel (strcase (getkword "\Select individual coordinate points or Select All (S or A): ")))
	(if (= sel "SELECT") (setq SS (ssget '((2 . "crblk")))) (setq SS (ssget "X" '((2 . "crblk")))))
	(command "UCS" "WORLD")
	(while (/= SS nil)					;;;checks for nil selection
	  (setq LEN (sslength SS))
	    (repeat LEN
		(setq SO0 (ssname SS CNT))
		(setq CORD (cdr (assoc '10 (entget SO0))))	;;;gets coords of point
		(setq SOX (rtos (car CORD) 2 3))		;;;strips off X coord
		(setq SOY (rtos (cadr CORD) 2 3))		;;;strips off Y coord
		(setq SO1 (entnext SO0))			;;;gets attribute entity
		(setq CODE (cdr (assoc '1 (entget SO1))))	;;;strips off point code from attribute
		(setq CORD (strcat CODE "," SOY "," SOX))	;;;creates string of code,y,x
		(setq CORDL (list CORD))			;;;converts into list
		(if (= CORDS nil) (setq CORDS CORDL) (setq CORDS (append CORDL CORDS)))	;;;starts new list or adds to old
		(setq CNT (+ CNT 1))
	  (setq SS nil)						;;;finishes loop
	) ;while
	(command "UCS" "P")
	(if (/= (length CORDS) 0) (CRTable))
	(setq *error* temperr)
	(prompt "\n Coordinate Table is Placed\n © Bijoy Manoharan 2011")
) ;defun

;;------------- end Main function --------------------

here is the fix, your main requests however i'll try my best but later when i have the time.

Message 4 of 9
in reply to: marlance

here you go new command added FCRT

  ;; Title: Cordinates with Table          ;;
  ;; Purpose: Numbering & create table     ;;
  ;; Written: Bijoy Manoharan              ;;
  ;; Command: CN, CSN, RES, CRT            ;;
  ;; Date   : Sep-2011                     ;;
  ;; Modifications:                        ;;
  ;; 1-fixed list sorting function         ;;
  ;; 2-aded fields table command FCRT      ;;
  ;; Written: Mahmoud Awad                 ;;
  ;; Date   : Dec-2015                     ;;
;; Mail ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; sub function error (defun trap1 (errmsg) (setvar "attdia" ad) (setvar "attreq" aq) (setq *error* temperr) (prompt "\n Enter Command CSN for Point Sub Numbering or CRT for Table") (princ) ) ;defun (defun trap2 (errmsg) (setvar "attdia" ad) (setvar "attreq" aq) (setq *error* temperr) (prompt "\n Enter Command CN to Continue Point Numbering or CRT for Table") (princ) ) ;defun (defun trap3 (errmsg) (setq *error* temperr) (prompt "\nCoordinate Table Command Cancelled") (princ) ) ;defun ;;-----------------------------------sub function to create block ;;;--- create block function start ----- (defun crb ( ) (if (not (tblsearch "BLOCK" "CRBLK")) (progn (if (not (tblsearch "STYLE" "Isocp")) (entmake (list (cons 0 "STYLE") (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord") (cons 100 "AcDbTextStyleTableRecord") (cons 2 "Isocp") (cons 70 0) (cons 40 2.5) (cons 3 "Isocp.ttf") ) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "BLOCK") (cons 8 "0") (cons 370 0) (cons 2 "CRBLK") (cons 70 2) (cons 4 "Block to Place Coordinate Points") (list 10 0.0 0.0 0.0) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "CIRCLE") (cons 8 "0") (cons 370 0) (list 10 0.0 0.0 0.0) (cons 40 1.25) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "ATTDEF") (cons 8 "0") (cons 370 0) (cons 7 "Isocp") (list 10 3.0 2.5 0.0) (list 11 3.0 2.5 0.0) (cons 40 2.5) (cons 1 "00") (cons 3 "Coordinate Point") (cons 2 "00") (cons 70 0) (cons 72 0) (cons 74 2) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "ENDBLK") (cons 8 "0") ) ) ;;;--- To set block units in metre 70-6 ( (lambda ( lst ) (regapp "ACAD") (entmod (append (subst (cons 70 6) (assoc 70 lst) lst) (list (list -3 (list "ACAD" (cons 1000 "DesignCenter Data") (cons 1002 "{") (cons 1070 1) (cons 1070 1) (cons 1002 "}") ) ) ) ) ) ) (entget (cdr (assoc 330 (entget (tblobjname "BLOCK" "CRBLK"))))) ) ;;;--- To make block annotative ( (lambda ( lst ) (regapp "ACAD") (regapp "AcadAnnotative") (entmod (append (subst (cons 70 1) (assoc 70 lst) lst) (list (list -3 (list "ACAD" (cons 1000 "DesignCenter Data") (cons 1002 "{") (cons 1070 1) (cons 1070 1) (cons 1002 "}") ) (list "AcadAnnotative" (cons 1000 "AnnotativeData") (cons 1002 "{") (cons 1070 1) (cons 1070 1) (cons 1002 "}") ) ) ) ) ) ) (entget (cdr (assoc 330 (entget (tblobjname "BLOCK" "CRBLK"))))) ) ) ) ;;;--- to disable allow explod----- (vl-load-com) (setq BLOCKS (vla-get-Blocks (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object) ) ) BLK (vla-Item BLOCKS "CRBLK") ) (vla-put-explodable (vla-Item BLOCKS "CRBLK") :vlax-false) ;;;--- end to disable allow explod----- (princ) ) ;;;--- create function block end ----- ;;------------------------main functions------- (defun c:CN(/ num num1 pt ptlist name mh-text ad aq) (command "cmdecho"0) (setq clay (getvar "clayer")) (setq ad (getvar "attdia")) (setq aq (getvar "attreq")) (setq temperr *error*) (setq *error* trap1) (setvar "attdia" 0) (setvar "attreq" 1) ;;; input text name (if (not namef) (setq namef "")) (setq name (getstring (strcat "\nEnter prefix text <" namef ">: "))) (if (= name "") (setq name namef) (setq namef name)) ;;; input number (if (not nf-ns) (setq nf-ns 1)) ; default number (setq NUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter point number : <" (rtos nf-ns 2 0) ">: "))) (if (not num) (setq num nf-ns) (setq nf-ns num)) ; to create new layer (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Coordinate Points")) (command "-LAYER" "N" "Coordinate Points" "C" "7" "Coordinate Points" "LT" "Continuous" "Coordinate Points""LW" "0.00" "Coordinate Points" "")) ;;; create mh numbers (setq ptlist nil) ; for while command (while (progn (setq PT (getpoint "\nPick point location: ")) ;;; input text location (if (< num 10.0) (setq num1 (strcat "0" (rtos num 2 0)))) (if (>= num 10.0) (setq num1 (rtos NUM 2 0))) (crb) ;create block (setq mh-text (strcat name num1)) ; combine text into one variable (if (not (= pt nil)) (command "CLAYER" "Coordinate Points")) ;if (if (not (= pt nil)) (command "-insert" "CRBLK" pt "1" "1" "0" mh-text)) ;if (if (not (= pt nil)) (setvar "clayer" clay)) ;if (setq by (strcat (Chr 66)(Chr 73)(Chr 74)(Chr 79)(Chr 89)(Chr 183)(Chr 86)(Chr 183)(Chr 77))) (if (not (= pt nil)) (setq num (+ num 1))) ; for increment (if (not (= pt nil)) (setq suf (- num 1))) (if (not (= pt nil)) (setq nf-ns num)) (setq ptlist (append ptlist (list pt))) ; to stop while command ) ;progn ) ;while (setvar "clayer" clay) (princ) ) ;defun (defun c:CSN(/ numf snum sf-ss mh-text pt ptlist ptx pty name ad aq) (command "cmdecho"0) (setq clay (getvar "clayer")) (setq ad (getvar "attdia")) (setq aq (getvar "attreq")) (setq temperr *error*) (setq *error* trap2) (setvar "attdia" 0) (setvar "attreq" 1) ;;; input name (if (not namef) (setq namef "")) (setq name (getstring (strcat "\nEnter prefix text <" namef ">: "))) (if (= name "") (setq name namef) (setq namef name)) ;;; input number (if (not suf) (setq suf 1)) ; default number (setq NUMF (getreal (strcat "\nEnter point number : <" (rtos suf 2 0) ">: "))) (if (not numf) (setq numf suf) (setq suf numf)) ;;; input sub number (if (not sf-ss) (setq sf-ss 1)) ; default number (setq SNUM (getreal (strcat "\nEnter point subnumber : <" (rtos sf-ss 2 0) ">: "))) (if (not snum) (setq snum sf-ss) (setq sf-ss snum)) ;;; set arial.ttf to default linestyle (if (not (tblsearch "style" "Isocp")) (command "-style" "Isocp" "Isocp.ttf" 2.5 "1" 0 "n" "n")) ; to create new layer (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Coordinate Points")) (command "-LAYER" "N" "Coordinate Points" "C" "7" "Coordinate Points" "LT" "Continuous" "Coordinate Points""LW" "0.00" "Coordinate Points" "")) ;;; create NO numbers (setq ptlist nil) ; for while command (while (progn (setq PT (getpoint "\nPick Point location: ")) ;;; input text location (if (< numf 10.0) (setq numf1 (strcat "0" (rtos numf 2 0)))) (if (>= numf 10.0) (setq numf1 (rtos numf 2 0))) (if (< snum 10.0) (setq snum1 (strcat "0" (rtos snum 2 0)))) (if (>= snum 10.0) (setq snum1 (rtos snum 2 0))) (crb) ;create block (setq mh-text (strcat name numf1 "-" snum1)) ; combine text into one variable (if (not (= pt nil))(command "CLAYER" "Coordinate Points")) (if (not (= pt nil))(command "-insert" "CRBLK" pt "1" "1" "0" mh-text)) (if (not (= pt nil))(setvar "clayer" clay)) (if (not (= pt nil))(setq snum (+ snum 1))) ; for increment (if (not (= pt nil))(setq nf-ns (+ numf 1))) (setq ptlist (append ptlist (list pt))) ; to stop while command ) ;progn ) ;while (princ) ) ;defun (defun c:RES () (setq namef "") (prompt "\nPrefix Text Variable Reseted") (princ) ) ;defun ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;---------- sub function for Table---------- (defun CRTable () (setq LEN (length CORDS)) ;(setq CORDS (acad_strlsort CORDS)) ;;;sorts list into order (setq CORDS (vl-sort CORDS '(lambda (x1 x2) (< (atoi x1) (atoi x2))))) ;;; sorts list into order NEW (setq CNT 0) (if (= (getvar "tilemode") 1) (setvar "tilemode" 0)) (command "pspace") (setq SP (getpoint "\nPick start point for table")) (setq ht 2.5) ;; text hieght (command "-style" "Isocp" "Isocp.ttf" 2.5 "1" 0 "n" "n") (if (not (tblsearch "layer" "Coordinate Table")) (command "-LAYER" "N" "Coordinate Table" "C" "7" "Coordinate Table" "LT" "Continuous" "Coordinate Table""LW" "0.00" "Coordinate Table" "")) (if (/= SP nil) ;;;checks for null input (progn (setq TXTX (car SP)) ;;;gets x coord of text start point (setq fx txtx) ;;; set first x value (setq TXTY (cadr SP)) ;;;gets y coord (setq fy TXTY) (setq encw 25.00) ; easting & northing Column width (setq nocw 20.00) ; number Column width (setq ten (/ encw 2)) (setq tno (+ (/ nocw 2) ten)) ;; place easting & northing text (entmake (list (cons 0 "text") (cons 1 "COORDINATES") (cons 7 "Isocp") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list (+ TXTX 2.5) (+ TXTY (/ ht 2) (* ht 2)))) (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX 2.5) (+ TXTY (/ ht 2) (* ht 2)))) (cons 40 3.0) (cons 50 0.0) (cons 72 4) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "text") (cons 1 "POINTS") (cons 7 "Isocp") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY)) (cons 11 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY)) (cons 40 ht) (cons 50 0.0) (cons 72 4) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "text") (cons 1 "EASTING") (cons 7 "Isocp") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list TXTX TXTY)) (cons 11 (list TXTX TXTY)) (cons 40 ht) (cons 50 0.0) (cons 72 4) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "text") (cons 1 "NORTHING") (cons 7 "Isocp") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) (cons 40 ht) (cons 50 0.0) (cons 72 4) ) ) ;; place easting & northing horizontal table lines (entmake (list (cons 0 "line") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list (- TXTX (+ ten nocw)) (+ TXTY ht))) (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX ten encw) (+ TXTY ht))) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "line") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list (- TXTX (+ ten nocw)) (- TXTY ht))) (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX ten encw) (- TXTY ht))) ) ) (repeat LEN (setq TXTY (- TXTY (* 2 HT))) ;;;set new y coord for text (setq SP (list TXTX TXTY)) ;;;creates code start point (setq CORD (nth CNT CORDS)) ;;;gets coord from list (setq COLEN (strlen CORD)) ; (setq COM 1 GAP 1) (while (/= COLEN COM) ; (setq COM1 (substr CORD COM 1)) ;finds ',' in strings for (if (and (= COM1 ",") (= GAP 1)) (setq S1 COM GAP 2)) ;spliting string (if (and (= COM1 ",") (= GAP 2)) (setq S2 COM)) ; (setq COM (+ COM 1)) ; ) ;while (setq CODE (substr CORD 1 (- S1 1))) ;;;strips of code (setq SON (substr CORD (+ S1 1) (- S2 S1 1))) ;;;strips of north (setq SOE (substr CORD (+ S2 1) (- COLEN S2))) ;;;strips of east (entmake (list (cons 0 "text") (cons 1 code) (cons 7 "Isocp") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY)) (cons 11 (list (- TXTX tno) TXTY)) (cons 40 ht) (cons 50 0.0) (cons 72 4) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "text") (cons 1 soe) (cons 7 "Isocp") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list TXTX TXTY)) (cons 11 (list TXTX TXTY)) (cons 40 ht) (cons 50 0.0) (cons 72 4) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "text") (cons 1 son) (cons 7 "Isocp") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX encw) TXTY)) (cons 40 ht) (cons 50 0.0) (cons 72 4) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "line") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list (- TXTX (+ ten nocw)) (- TXTY ht))) (cons 11 (list (+ TXTX ten encw) (- TXTY ht))) ) ) ;; horizontal lines (setq hl (entlast)) ; set hl as last horizontal line (setq CNT (+ CNT 1)) ) ;repeat (setq ly (caddr (assoc 10 (entget hl)))) ;set last y value ;; place easting & northing vertical table lines (entmake (list (cons 0 "line") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list (- fx ten) (+ fy ht))) (cons 11 (list (- fx ten) ly)) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "line") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 10 (list (+ fx ten) (+ fy ht))) (cons 11 (list (+ fx ten) ly)) ) ) (entmake (list (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE") (cons 100 "AcDbEntity") (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 90 4) (cons 70 1) (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw)) (+ fy (* ht 4)))) (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw)) (+ fy (* ht 4)))) (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw)) ly)) (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw)) ly)) ) ) ; inner rectangle (entmake (list (cons 0 "LWPOLYLINE") (cons 100 "AcDbEntity") (cons 100 "AcDbPolyline") (cons 8 "Coordinate Table") (cons 90 4) (cons 70 1) (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw 1)) (+ fy (* ht 4) 1))) (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw 1)) (+ fy (* ht 4) 1))) (cons 10 (list (+ fx (+ ten encw 1)) (- ly 1))) (cons 10 (list (- fx (+ ten nocw 1)) (- ly 1))) ) ) ; outer rectangle (command "erase" hl "") ) ; progn ) ;if (command "redraw") (princ) ) ; defun ;;-------------Main function to make List of points----- (defun c:CRT (/ txtx txty len cord cords cnt sp ht code son soe sox soy so1 encw nocw ten tno lat hl ly fx fy) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setq temperr *error*) (setq *error* trap3) (setq CORDS nil LEN nil CNT 0) ;;resets coord list to nil (princ (strcat "\n ")) (initget 1 "All Select") (setq sel (strcase (getkword "\Select individual coordinate points or Select All (S or A): "))) (if (= sel "SELECT") (setq SS (ssget '((2 . "crblk")))) (setq SS (ssget "X" '((2 . "crblk"))))) (command "UCS" "WORLD") (while (/= SS nil) ;;;checks for nil selection (setq LEN (sslength SS)) (repeat LEN (setq SO0 (ssname SS CNT)) (setq CORD (cdr (assoc '10 (entget SO0)))) ;;;gets coords of point (setq SOX (rtos (car CORD) 2 3)) ;;;strips off X coord (setq SOY (rtos (cadr CORD) 2 3)) ;;;strips off Y coord (setq SO1 (entnext SO0)) ;;;gets attribute entity (setq CODE (cdr (assoc '1 (entget SO1)))) ;;;strips off point code from attribute (setq CORD (strcat CODE "," SOY "," SOX)) ;;;creates string of code,y,x (setq CORDL (list CORD)) ;;;converts into list (if (= CORDS nil) (setq CORDS CORDL) (setq CORDS (append CORDL CORDS))) ;;;starts new list or adds to old (setq CNT (+ CNT 1)) ) (setq SS nil) ;;;finishes loop ) ;while (command "UCS" "P") (if (/= (length CORDS) 0) (CRTable)) (setq *error* temperr) (prompt "\n Coordinate Table is Placed\n © Bijoy Manoharan 2011") (princ) ) ;defun ;;------------- end Main function -------------------- ;;-------------Main function to make List of points by fields and in reail table----- (defun c:FCRT (/ e n blk corlis txtx txty len cord cords cnt sp ht code son soe sox soy so1 encw nocw ten tno lat hl ly fx fy) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setq temperr *error*) (setq *error* trap3) (setq CORDS nil LEN nil CNT 0) ;;resets coord list to nil (princ (strcat "\n ")) (initget 1 "All Select") (setq sel (strcase (getkword "\Select individual coordinate points or Select All (S or A): "))) (if (= sel "SELECT") (setq SS (ssget '((2 . "crblk")))) (setq SS (ssget "X" '((2 . "crblk"))))) (command "UCS" "WORLD") (if (/= SS nil) (repeat (setq n (sslength ss)) (setq blk (ssname ss (setq n (- n 1)))) (setq corlis (cons (list (cdr (assoc '1 (entget (entnext blk)))) (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId " (ObjectID (vlax-ename->vla-object (entnext blk))) ">%).TextString>%") (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId " (ObjectID (vlax-ename->vla-object blk)) ">%).InsertionPoint \\f \"" "%lu2%pt1%pr3" "\">%") (strcat "%<\\AcObjProp Object(%<\\_ObjId " (ObjectID (vlax-ename->vla-object blk)) ">%).InsertionPoint \\f \"" "%lu2%pt2%pr3" "\">%") ) corlis ) ) ) ) (if (> (setq n (length corlis)) 0) (progn ;(setq n (+ n 1)) (setq corlis (vl-sort corlis '(lambda (x1 x2) (< (if (> (atoi (car x1)) 0) (atoi (car x1)) (car x2)) (if (> (atoi (car x2)) 0) (atoi (car x2)) (car x2)))))) (command "_table" 3 n(getpoint "\n select point for table")) (setq tap (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast))) (vla-SetText tap 0 0 "COORDINATES") (vla-SetText tap 1 0 "POINTS") (vla-SetText tap 1 1 "EASTING") (vla-SetText tap 1 2 "NORTHING") (foreach li corlis (if (not e) (setq e 2) (setq e (+ e 1))) (vla-SetText tap e 0 (nth 1 li)) (vla-SetText tap e 1 (nth 2 li)) (vla-SetText tap e 2 (nth 3 li)) ) ) ) (command "UCS" "P") (setq *error* temperr) (prompt "\n Coordinate Table is Placed") (princ) ) ;defun (defun ObjectID ( obj ) (eval (list 'defun 'ObjectID '( obj ) (if (and (vl-string-search "64" (getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE")) (vlax-method-applicable-p (vla-get-utility (acdoc)) 'getobjectidstring) ) (list 'vla-getobjectidstring (vla-get-utility (acdoc)) 'obj ':vlax-false) '(itoa (vla-get-objectid obj)) ) ) ) (ObjectID obj) ) (defun acdoc nil (eval (list 'defun 'acdoc 'nil (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (acdoc) ) ;;------------- end Main function --------------------
Message 5 of 9
in reply to: mint09

Is it possible to get the out in seperate tables? ive added a screenshot for reference, if possible please help. trying for the same field options, Please Check Attachment for an idea.... Thanks....

Message 6 of 9
in reply to: mint09

Just a suggestion because the code is so long just attach as a file much easier to read the posters comments etc. If a couple of lines change post those in a code block only plus file. 11,000 posts elsewhere.

Message 7 of 9
in reply to: mmawad

can u please add a  column to a table for adding another content with coordinates

Message 8 of 9
in reply to: marlance

A point only has say XYZ as properties, if you have say XYZ & Description then its not a point, rather text or a block, then you may have XYZ & Attributes, the code above looks for a block with a particular name. 


I would google "blocks attributes to table autocad lisp" there will be an answer out there as an example reading the extra item you want.

Message 9 of 9
in reply to: mmawad

Hi Dear mmawad:

I used your very practical and detailed program.

Is it possible for you to add the Polyline vertex (geometry X,Y) in AutoCAD to your program(fields table)?

I will be very grateful if you help.

Yours sincerely: mrmonemi

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