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Change Attributes in individual drawing block by pick it.

Message 1 of 7
1436 Views, 6 Replies

Change Attributes in individual drawing block by pick it.

Is there a VB.net routine to change attributes in an individual drawing block
that is selected. I have looked at routines the change the block reference
but that changes all drawing blocks in a drawing.


Thank you,


Message 2 of 7
in reply to: muckmailer

This blog post should get you started:







"How we think determines what we do, and what we do determines what we get."

Message 3 of 7
in reply to: BlackBox_

I'm actually currently working on just such a routine.  At this time I've handled block selection, dynamic form build from the attribute prompts in the block, and at this time have it spit back out the text entered in the form textboxes.  I'm working on putting together the text from the form and the value of the attributes in the block.  If I get it done I'll be sure to share.  Code below as it sits now.  Not cleaned up obviously.  If anyone has any suggestions on how to get from txtarray(z) to the attribute value in the selected block I would be very appreciative.


Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Windows

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Internal
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ComponentModel
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsSystem
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.LayerManager
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.PlottingServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Publishing

Public Class EditAtt
    Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument   'Current drawing
    Dim db As Database = acDoc.Database                                     'Current drawing database
    Dim ed As Editor = acDoc.Editor                                         'Current drawing editor
    Dim x As Integer = 0
    Dim y As Integer = 0
    Dim tbname As String = Nothing
    Dim tb As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    Dim lb As System.Windows.Forms.Label
    Public Property promptlist As New List(Of String)()
    Public Property taglist As New List(Of String)()

    <CommandMethod("ea")> _
    Public Sub EditAtt()
        Dim form1 As EditAtt
        form1 = New EditAtt()
        form1 = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public Sub EditAtt_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim FilterList(0) As TypedValue
        FilterList.SetValue(New TypedValue(CInt(DxfCode.Start), "INSERT"), 0)
        Dim filter As New SelectionFilter(FilterList)
        Dim opts As New PromptSelectionOptions()
            opts.MessageForAdding = "Select a block with text to edit: "
            opts.SingleOnly = True
            Dim res As PromptSelectionResult = ed.GetSelection(opts, filter)
            If res.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
                Application.ShowAlertDialog("Try to select a block next time.")
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Dim selSet As SelectionSet = res.Value
            Dim idArray() As ObjectId = selSet.GetObjectIds
            Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
                For Each blkId As ObjectId In idArray
                    Dim blkRef As BlockReference = CType(tr.GetObject(blkId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockReference)
                    Dim bt As BlockTable = tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)
                    Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = CType(tr.GetObject(bt(blkRef.Name), OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTableRecord)
                    If btr.HasAttributeDefinitions Then
                        Dim blkname As String = blkRef.Name.ToString
                        For Each ObjId As ObjectId In btr
                            Dim obj As Entity = tr.GetObject(ObjId, OpenMode.ForRead)
                            If TypeOf obj Is AttributeDefinition Then
                                Dim AttDef As AttributeDefinition = obj
                                Dim prmt As String = promptlist(x)
                                tbname = "textbox" & x
                                Dim frm1 As New System.Windows.Forms.Form
                                lb = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
                                With lb
                                    .Size = New System.Drawing.Size(100, 40)
                                    .Location = New System.Drawing.Point(20, x * 50 + 45)
                                    .Text = prmt
                                End With
                                tb = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
                                With tb
                                    .Name = "tb" & x
                                    .Size = New System.Drawing.Size(500, 20)
                                    .Location = New System.Drawing.Point(120, x * 50 + 40)
                                End With
                                With Me
                                    .Text = blkname
                                    .AutoSize = True
                                End With
                                x = x + 1
                            End If
                    End If
            End Using
        Catch ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception
            ed.WriteMessage(("Exception: " + ex.Message))
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Sub OK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
        Dim txtlist As New List(Of String)()
        Dim childc As System.Windows.Forms.Control
        For Each childc In Me.SplitContainer1.Panel1.Controls
            If TypeOf childc Is System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Then
            End If
        Dim txtarray As String() = txtlist.ToArray()
        Dim tagarray As String() = taglist.ToArray()
        Dim prmtarray As String() = promptlist.ToArray()
        For z As Integer = 0 To txtarray.Length - 1

    End Sub

    Private Sub Cancel_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Cancel.Click
    End Sub

End Class


Message 4 of 7
in reply to: Anonymous

I looked at the code in the link that blockbox suggested. I converted it to Vb.net but I am having problems with it.

I can figure out what ".Toupper" means in the code below.  I know if I try to set blockName to blkname as a string

it causes and error a statement  ar.UpgradeOpen(). I do not know what upgradeopen does.



Dim pr As PromptResult = ed.GetString(vbLf & "Enter name of block to search for: ")
        'Dim pr As PromptResult = ed.GetString(vbLf & blkName & vbLf)
        'Dim pr As PromptResult = bkname
        If pr.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
        End If
        Dim blockName As String = pr.StringResult.ToUpper()

        'blockName = blkName (blkName as a string)

 Here is my complete code in the box below. It is in form 2 with a textbox4 and a button click event.

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
Public Class Form2
    Private blkName As String
    Private idArray As ObjectId()
    Private Property btrid As Database
    Private blockname As String
    Public Sub SelectForBlkName()
        Dim ed As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
        Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
        Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
        ' Start the transaction
            ' Build a filter list so that only
            ' block references are selected
            Dim filList As TypedValue() = New TypedValue(0) {New TypedValue(CInt(DxfCode.Start), "INSERT")}
            'Private filList As TypedValue() = New TypedValue(0) {New TypedValue(CInt(DxfCode.Start), "INSERT")}
            Dim filter As New SelectionFilter(filList)
            'Was inbetween Note 3 in public Shared
            'Dim filList As TypedValue() = New TypedValue(0) {New TypedValue(CInt(DxfCode.Start), "INSERT")}
            'Dim filter As New SelectionFilter(filList)
            'was inbetween note 3 in public shared
            Dim opts As New PromptSelectionOptions()
            Dim dbObj As DBObject
            opts.MessageForAdding = "Select block references: "
            Dim res As PromptSelectionResult = ed.GetSelection(opts, filter)
            '***Dim ent As Entity = acTrans.GetObject(acObjId, OpenMode.ForRead)
            ' Do nothing if selection is unsuccessful
            If res.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
            End If
            Dim selSet As SelectionSet = res.Value
            'Dim res1 As PromptSelectionResult = ed.GetEntity
            'Dim ent As Entity = tr.GetObject(acObjId, OpenMode.ForRead)

            idArray = selSet.GetObjectIds()
            For Each blkId As ObjectId In idArray

                Dim blkRef As BlockReference = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(blkId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockReference)
                Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(blkRef.BlockTableRecord, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTableRecord)
                dbObj = tr.GetObject(blkId, OpenMode.ForRead)
                'TextBox4.Text = btr.Name
                blkName = btr.Name
                ed.WriteMessage(vbLf & "Block: " + btr.Name)
                'For Each attId As ObjectId In btr
                'For Each acObjId As ObjectId In acBlkTblRec
                Dim ent As Entity = tr.GetObject(blkId, OpenMode.ForRead)
                ed.WriteMessage(vbLf & "Layer: " & ent.Layer.ToString())

                'Dim attCol As AttributeCollection = blkRef.AttributeCollection
                'For Each attId As ObjectId In attCol
                'Dim attRef As AttributeReference = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(attId, OpenMode.ForRead), AttributeReference)
                'Dim str As String = ((vbLf & "  Attribute Tag: " + attRef.Tag & vbLf & "    Attribute String: ") + attRef.TextString)
        Catch ex As System.Exception
            'Catch ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception
            ed.WriteMessage(("Exception: " + ex.Message))
            MsgBox("Selection Routine Exception: " + ex.Message)
            Exit Sub
        End Try
        ' ListAttributes()
        'Returnvalue = blkName
    End Sub
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    End Sub
    Public Sub UpdateAttribute()
        Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
        Dim db As Database = doc.Database
        Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
        ' Have the user choose the block and attribute
        ' names, and the new attribute value

        Dim pr As PromptResult = ed.GetString(vbLf & "Enter name of block to search for: ")
        'Dim pr As PromptResult = ed.GetString(vbLf & blkName & vbLf)
        'Dim pr As PromptResult = bkname
        If pr.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
        End If
        Dim blockName As String = pr.StringResult.ToUpper()

        'blockName = blkName (blkName as a string)

        pr = ed.GetString(vbLf & "Enter tag of attribute to update: ")
        If pr.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
        End If

        Dim attbName As String = pr.StringResult.ToUpper()
        pr = ed.GetString(vbLf & "Enter new value for attribute: ")

        If pr.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then

        End If

        Dim attbValue As String = pr.StringResult
        UpdateAttributesInDatabase(db, blockName, attbName, attbValue)
    End Sub
    Private Sub UpdateAttributesInDatabase(db As Database, blockName As String, attbName As String, attbValue As String)
        Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
        Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
        ' Get the IDs of the spaces we want to process
        ' and simply call a function to process each
        Dim msId As ObjectId, psId As ObjectId
        Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
        Using tr

            Dim bt As BlockTable = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTable)

            msId = bt(BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace)
            psId = bt(BlockTableRecord.PaperSpace)
            ' Not needed, but quicker than aborting
        End Using

        Dim msCount As Integer = UpdateAttributesInBlock(msId, blockName, attbName, attbValue)
        Dim psCount As Integer = UpdateAttributesInBlock(psId, blockName, attbName, attbValue)

        ' Display the results
        ed.WriteMessage(vbLf & "Processing file: " & Convert.ToString(db.Filename))
        ed.WriteMessage(vbLf & "Updated {0} instance{1} of " & "attribute {2} in the modelspace.", msCount, If(msCount = 1, "", "s"), attbName)
        ed.WriteMessage(vbLf & "Updated {0} instance{1} of " & "attribute {2} in the default paperspace.", psCount, If(psCount = 1, "", "s"), attbName)

    End Sub
    Private Function UpdateAttributesInBlock(btrId As ObjectId, blockName As String, attbName As String, attbValue As String) As Integer
        ' Will return the number of attributes modified
        Dim changedCount As Integer = 0
        Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
        Dim db As Database = doc.Database
        Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
        Dim tr As Transaction = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
        Using tr
            Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(btrId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTableRecord)
            ' Test each entity in the container...

            For Each entId As ObjectId In btr
                Dim ent As Entity = TryCast(tr.GetObject(entId, OpenMode.ForRead), Entity)
                If ent IsNot Nothing Then
                    Dim br As BlockReference = TryCast(ent, BlockReference)
                    If br IsNot Nothing Then
                        Dim bd As BlockTableRecord = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(br.BlockTableRecord, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTableRecord)
                        ' ... to see whether it's a block with
                        ' the name we're after
                        If bd.Name.ToUpper() = blockName Then
                            ' Check each of the attributes...
                            For Each arId As ObjectId In br.AttributeCollection
                                Dim obj As DBObject = tr.GetObject(arId, OpenMode.ForRead)
                                Dim ar As AttributeReference = TryCast(obj, AttributeReference)
                                If ar IsNot Nothing Then
                                    ' ... to see whether it has
                                    ' the tag we're after
                                    If ar.Tag.ToUpper() = attbName Then
                                        ' If so, update the value
                                        ' and increment the counter
                                        ar.TextString = attbValue
                                        changedCount += 1
                                    End If
                                End If
                        End If

                        ' Recurse for nested blocks
                        changedCount += UpdateAttributesInBlock(br.BlockTableRecord, blockName, attbName, attbValue)
                    End If
                End If
        End Using
        Return changedCount
    End Function

    Private Sub Form2_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    End Sub
End Class


My problem with vb.net and Autocad is the I cannot find a place that tell how the statements are defined and used.  

Any suggestions?  ar.UpgradeOpen() is in the Function UpdateAttributesInBlock near the ending of the code.


Thank you,


Message 5 of 7
in reply to: muckmailer

This is sloppy but currently working for me as desired.  It needs some tweaking I know.


Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.Windows

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Internal
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ComponentModel
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsSystem
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.LayerManager
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.PlottingServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Publishing

Public Class EditAtt
    Dim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument   'Current drawing
    Dim db As Database = acDoc.Database                                     'Current drawing database
    Dim ed As Editor = acDoc.Editor                                         'Current drawing editor
    Dim x As Integer = 0
    Dim y As Integer = 0
    Dim tbname As String = Nothing
    Dim tb As System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    Dim lb As System.Windows.Forms.Label
    Public Property promptlist As New List(Of String)()
    Public Property taglist As New List(Of String)()
    Public Property txtlist As New List(Of String)()
    Public Property br As BlockReference
    Public Property bt As BlockTable
    Public Property btr As BlockTableRecord

    <CommandMethod("ea")> _
    Public Sub EditAtt()
        Dim form1 As EditAtt
        form1 = New EditAtt()
        form1 = Nothing
    End Sub

    Public Sub EditAtt_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim FilterList(0) As TypedValue
        FilterList.SetValue(New TypedValue(CInt(DxfCode.Start), "INSERT"), 0)
        Dim filter As New SelectionFilter(FilterList)
        Dim opts As New PromptSelectionOptions()
            opts.MessageForAdding = "Select a block with text to edit: "
            opts.SingleOnly = True
            Dim res As PromptSelectionResult = ed.GetSelection(opts, filter)
            If res.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
                Application.ShowAlertDialog("Try to select a block next time.")
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Dim selSet As SelectionSet = res.Value
            Dim idArray() As ObjectId = selSet.GetObjectIds
            Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
                For Each blkId As ObjectId In idArray
                    br = CType(tr.GetObject(blkId, OpenMode.ForRead), BlockReference)
                    bt = tr.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)
                    btr = CType(tr.GetObject(bt(br.Name), OpenMode.ForRead), BlockTableRecord)
                    If btr.HasAttributeDefinitions Then
                        Dim blkname As String = br.Name.ToString
                        For Each ObjId As ObjectId In btr
                            Dim obj As Entity = tr.GetObject(ObjId, OpenMode.ForRead)
                            If TypeOf obj Is AttributeDefinition Then
                                Dim AttDef As AttributeDefinition = obj
                                Dim prmt As String = promptlist(x)
                                tbname = "textbox" & x
                                Dim frm1 As New System.Windows.Forms.Form
                                lb = New System.Windows.Forms.Label
                                With lb
                                    .Size = New System.Drawing.Size(100, 40)
                                    .Location = New System.Drawing.Point(10, x * 40 + 45)
                                    .Text = prmt
                                End With
                                tb = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
                                With tb
                                    .Name = "tb" & x
                                    .Size = New System.Drawing.Size(500, 20)
                                    .Location = New System.Drawing.Point(120, x * 40 + 40)
                                End With
                                With Me
                                    .Text = blkname
                                    .AutoSize = True
                                End With
                                x = x + 1
                            End If
                    End If
            End Using
        Catch ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception
            ed.WriteMessage(("Exception: " + ex.Message))
        End Try

    End Sub

    Public Sub OK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OK.Click
        Dim txtlist As New List(Of String)()
        Dim childc As System.Windows.Forms.Control
        For Each childc In Me.SplitContainer1.Panel1.Controls
            If TypeOf childc Is System.Windows.Forms.TextBox Then
            End If
        Dim txtarray As String() = txtlist.ToArray()
        Dim tagarray As String() = taglist.ToArray()
        Dim prmtarray As String() = promptlist.ToArray()

        Using (acDoc.LockDocument())
            Using tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
                For z As Integer = 0 To txtarray.Length - 1


                    Dim btrIDs As ObjectIdCollection = btr.GetBlockReferenceIds(True, False)
                    For Each id As ObjectId In btrIDs
                        If Not id.IsEffectivelyErased Then
                            'Dim bref As BlockReference = id.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)
                            Dim AttCol As AttributeCollection = br.AttributeCollection
                            For Each AttID As ObjectId In AttCol
                                Dim AttR As AttributeReference = tr.GetObject(AttID, OpenMode.ForRead, False)
                                If AttR.Tag = tagarray(z) Then
                                    AttR.TextString = txtarray(z)

                                End If
                        End If
            End Using
        End Using
    End Sub

    Private Sub Cancel_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Cancel.Click
    End Sub

End Class               


Message 6 of 7
in reply to: Anonymous


   How is your code used. Should I cut and paste it in a form?

I am getting several errors cutting/pasting it in mycommands module.

Thank you,

Message 7 of 7
in reply to: muckmailer

You'll have to create the form for it.  I used the designer, not code to do that.  I use this as a separate windows form within my project.

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