ok, I'm not sure about the PseudoRandomPointsInBox...but the PseudoRandomFloats I think I can explain.
So by my post on FB, I think we came to the conclusion that the PseudoRandomFloats compound is wrong...it is giving an array
of 'Random' rather than 'random floats'. I've made the change to this compound and the compound in 'downloads\Cloud_Proxy\Compounds' should have this change.....however, the catch is...I think when MCG evaluates the graph...it sees a PseudoRandomFloats (the incorrect one) in C:\Users\xxx\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\Max Creation Graph\Compounds and uses that instead of using MY corrected one....this is quite annoying...
so what I've done now is made a new compound called Vu_PseudoRandomFloats so that it is guaranteed to be unique. If you've
been reading my FB post...you'd also noticed that I asked the Scale Seed does not work if I simply swapped the order of the
Combine...in theory it should not matter if I do randomize Pos or Scale first...it should work either way...but not so...it's doing
my head in !!! So in the new version I've taken away the order of Combine out of the equation and well...combine both Random Pos and Scale at the same time....
Hope this works...as said, I'm not sure about the error messages about PseudoRandomPointsInBox...I haven't modified this at all...