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Task Scheduler - Migrate Task - Select A Range of Folders

Task Scheduler - Migrate Task - Select A Range of Folders



I have recently begun working on a project where we have to migrate 100,000 + parts from various previous versions of Inventor to Inventor 2015.  However, the folder structure is such that the parts are broken down to a very fine level.  Some of the folders contain only a handful of parts, for example.  When I launch into Task Scheduler, I can create a migration task easy enough, but can only choose either a single file, a single folder or for an entire project.  While we could just use the project as a whole, we would like to leverage several of our computers to accomplish the task more quickly.  To make this process faster, I would like to select multiple folders to populate one task, instead of manually choosing each folder individually.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Hope all is well and have a most blessed day!





You can use Task Scheduler on multi folders.  Each folder require a line in the task or you can just do the top level folder






That's true, Task Scheduler can run on multiple folders, but it takes a while to populate those tasks one at a time.  What I would like to see is the ability to select a range of folders to populate the individual lines of the migration task.  Then I can move on to the next computer and select a similar range.  I could use a top level folder, but that would tie up that computer for a long time.  I could likely complete the task more quickly by leveraging multiple computers.  Hope this helps to shed some more light on my request and thanks for the input.  Have an awesome and most blessed day!





Even better would be being able to type in the input folder path directly into the form so you don't have to wait the 15+ minutes it takes the task scheduler to populate the "add folder" dialog box each time you click it.


Seriously, that "add folder" dialog is one of the worst designed dialog boxes ever. It should list the top level folder, then demand-load the subfolders and sub-subfolders etc as needed. Instead, it goes through the process of loading the entire vault folder structure everytime you click it... At least it should be be smart enough to cache the entire folder structure if they're going to do it that way so the next time you click it it doesn't take forever to load.


See the same slowness now in Inventor 2018.1.2.......On top of it taking a minute or so just to give you the chance to pick the folder, its a real PITA having to select one-folder-at-a-time.  Soooo much room for improvement. Hopefully they will get it fixed in the next year or three.


I'm going through this now for our Vault, and it is a painful job to select folder by folder.

Best practice is to not exceed 10.000 files, but that's just something that could be scripted, within the application... Divide a large job in smaller portions... Checkout only 1000 files at a time, migrate them, checkin, next batch.


Logging can also be improved, sometimes task scheduler just crashes, no log about the corrupt file whatsoever.


The interface and automation doesn't seem to have been updated in the past decade... That doesn't motivate to migrate an entire 2TB Vault every year, for each update..!


When you say migrating.  Your talking migrate every Inventor file (ipt, iam,idw,ipn)?  For what it's worth we've been on Inventor and Vault since day one of Inventor (R1) and utilize Vault Professional and Items and Change Orders and never do a mass migration.  We only migrate files when they're being revised.  We were informed by the Development teams years ago that with Inventors architecture mass migrating is not necessary.  We quit migrating when we quit using Mechanical Desktop the predecessor to Inventor and makes life so much easier.




I don't migrate all the Inventor files either with TS.  I do like to migrate some of our heavily used library parts and iParts. I am doing this now for 2022.  I does seems that TS is better at doing the migrate task where it checks-out the file, migrates, then checks it back in. As far as having to pick the individual folders, that is still such a PITA. If it would just remember the last folder it would be better than what we got now. The "Select from Vault" dialog cannot even be re-sized or sorted. So we have to browse thru the folder searching for a particular filename.  So much room for improvement. 


We've had some strange behaviour on the jobprocessor 'suddenly' failing to resolve references. Some (not all) of those failing references appeared to be solvable with a migration job, so we started to migrate (and then purge) our entire enormous Vault. Later, we narrowed that down to Vault 2022 SP4 having major bugs... After installing SP4.1 the issue had been fixed.


Furthermore: we re-use a large part of our Vault, meaning that everytime that a "Released" model is placed in an assembly, it will be migrated locally, but cannot be checked in since status is Released. This causes unnecessary dialogs and processing time, each time that model is referenced. A major migration job should prevent that.


Our CAD supplier recommends to migrate the entire Vault with each major version update as well. (They may be wrong, obviously). Their best practice: first ipt's, then iam's, folder by folder, trying to prevent a max of 10.000 files. That number cannot be easily predicted, since I'm not going to count all references that simplified parts have, for example...


Therefore I'd love to see some smarter selection possibilities (as referenced in the start if this specific topic), but also reliability-, loggin- and speed improvements. (I upvoted those ideas too, today)


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