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Sketch Improvement to make things more stable

Sketch Improvement to make things more stable

How many times have you needed to edit a part, then after the edit you get this.. "Missing or invalid origin for defining sketch coordinate system..."




This is because the sketch is using an EDGES to define both the coordinate origin and direction.  When I see this error, I always redefine the sketch origin using the orgin Center Point.  If I have to define a new axis direction, I will use one of the orgin axis for the definition. OnceI do this, I NEVER have to do it again for this part.  It makes things so much easier, but it takes a few minutes to do if there are several sketches that fail.


In order for Inventor to be more stable, why not use the orgin center point and origin axis to define the sketch coordinate system?


If I never had to edit my parts, then the way it is now would be fine.... but not having to make changes is not how it is in the real world.





At times, when editing part geometry, the geometry that the sketch coordinate system is attached to is modified or deleted so the coordinate loses it's definition and must be redefined. On new sketch creation, please attach the sketch coordinate system to the projected part origin.


The most stable features are the ones that are built around the part origin.  Never understood why it picks an edge when creating a new sketch.  90% of the time when my sketch is sick it is because of the missing coordinate sys.  When I reapply it, I always choose the projected origin.

Not applicable

I can's agree more! Please simply use the origin that is already there (the part origin) and stop flipping the part in several directions to create an origin on an edge that may be edited.


I strongly recommend your idea.

The irregularly created origin and coordinate sys is inefficient.

Especially try to redefine sketch plane, it makes additional work to place the feature where I want.

Please review below images.

<Orignal Model>



<Redefined model>



<What I want>



Please recommend and accept this idea.



Not applicable


In the work of the current sketch, I will try to change the sketch plane of the other work of the existing sketch plane.


But the Inventor, the origin of the coordinate system is positioned at one arbitrary point on the plane by drawing as follows.


I was transferred to the surface of another object plane redirection.


Thus, the reference point of the object error occurs.


However, in Solidworks, reference point does not change when you change the plane of the object in such a way as described above.


It is the case that the origin of the coordinate Sucheki is located at the position that is the origin projection in Inventor.Inventor1.jpg



1 스케치 평면편집 sw.JPG2 스케치 평면편집 sw.JPG

3 스케치 평면편집 sw.JPG

Not applicable

Please make this a user defined setting to use either the part centre point and origin axis, or the current system of origins defined by sketch planes. I would suggest default as using the part centre point as it seems to be more robust.


yes this is a pain so often. i think karthurs idea has merit.


maybe at least offer the user to have the sketch origin information set to the part origin information if they prefer, or under the present system just subsitute lost information with part origin information.


ps- if the feature & associated sketch is able to rebuild itself, even with unresolved sketch origin then it may not even need to be an error. maybe we could have inventor tie the sketch back to something close to the original origin, or the part origin, and provide a feedback with something other than a red cross or error just ot let the user know that inventor has resolved the sketch itself, and the user then has the option to change that if they wish to.

Not applicable

Great idea!

It often happens for me too with the same way to correct it.



Unless I'm missing the point here... having a sketch do that on something the size of a plane or ship, when you are designing something at the stern... and the WCS is at the bow. Then everytime to zoom extents, the view will zoom miles out. That already happens if you have autoproject origin turned on.


I would much prefer to see a more robust way to fix these issues, and a less convoluted way to redefine a sketch's origin.



The idea/suggestion is that rather than using model geometry to define the ucs... it would be better (IMHO) to use the origin elements.  The way it is now, if something later gets changed in the model, the sketch will fail and the coord system has to be redefined.  If the origin elements were used, it would never fail.


When I run into this, I always use the origin center and origin axis to redefine the coord system.  I have never had issue with doing this, it just takes a bit of time to redefine it.  I do not have to autoproject the orgin elements to the sketch in order to define the coord system.


Thanks for commenting.

I think that's valid as long as you can type in an origin offset and align the X axis with the Y axis etc..

i´m wondering when i placed a similar wish a few years ago (2013) i didn´t get so much kudos :Smiley Surprised



Not really sure.  May have been ther wording. I just did a search and found these other Idea's as well that are releted to the same subject. from (12/3/2012) (from 07/22/2013)




Hello Kirk


thanks for the comment to my idea on:


I searched the idea station, but I didn't find yours. I think the wording is really a problem for this theme.


Now we have 5 threads showing one idea, all together more than 100 Kudos...


As your thread got the most Kudos at the moment, other user should also vote for yours. So I will add comments to the other ideas linking to this one!






Hello guys!


Do you like this idea? Please refer to and give your Kudos for this idea!






Hello guys!


Do you like this idea? Please refer to and give your Kudos for this idea!






Similar idea has also been in AUGI wish list since Nov 17, 2011_poista_3.png


There are a bunch of duplicates of this idea floating around out there. In order of creation:


@Discussion_Admin / @dan_szymanski, could these please be merged?


Also, just to clarify the distinction:

  • All of the above ideas are regarding the Sketch Coordinate System origin point location
  • This idea and all its duplicates (which I listed in a comment on that idea) are regarding the Sketch Coordinate System orientation




Hi Duckjae.Lee and hjsong,

We improved the sketch redefine workflow in 2017 R3:

Projected Sketch References are Now Maintained After Redefining a Sketch

Previously if you redefined the plane that a part or assembly sketch was created on, the projected references were lost (sketch turned green). Currently, when you redefine a sketch plane the sketch origin is translated by following the sketch normal and sketch axis with the least amount of rotation. For your mention above case, after you redefine the sketch plane and the feature will be updated as expected:

Redefine Sketch Plane.png 




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