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Better surface modeling inside Inventor

Better surface modeling inside Inventor

Hi we have Inventor and Product Design Suite and various other CAD packages. In our team often we have to do some surface modelling and to be honest Inventor just isn’t great at this at all and then we always have to revert back to Solidworks. Construction surfaces are not always enough guys really!

We need surfacing power like in Alias, Solid Works, Catia please!!! And no we don’t want to learn yet another product (Alias) with a completely different way of working and toolbar layout and , and , and… Solidworks has mastered this “One product many functionalities” approach and it works really great. Once you know SW you get into the other stuff easily because the environment is familiar. With Inventor you have to learn the product every time you want to do surface modelling because lets face it, you might not need to do it or use that functionality for months at a time…

Anyway it would be really cool to see the technology, that certainly exists, filter down into Inventor.


Yes, I know now, this is an old post. Thanks!

Status changed to: Accepted
Accepted idea. Thanks!

I see that this is already accecpted, but I would like to make a suggestion for the improvement. In Fusion 360, when I am projecting a surface edge, I get a preview of the projection when I hoover over the edge.  That would be nice to have in Inventor.

Not applicable

К информации для разработчиков Autodesk: наша компания рассматривала CAD для приобретения, начинали с Inventor, он нравился, но оказалось, что он не может нормально моделировать поверхности, в итоге мы попробовали SolidWorks -- он тормозил во время работы, теперь мы покупаем CATIA V5.

Как вы думаете, почему мы заплатили 35 000 $ за CATIA (3 модуля) вместо 7000 $ за весь Inventor?


 Я вам отвечу: нам нужен работающий инструмент для производства, потому что результат нам приносит деньги.

У вас много клиентов, потому что много компаний строит внутренние конструкции кораблей, трубопроводы, стальные рамы, но там где нужен промышленный дизайн, там не ваши клиенты. Поверхности плохие в Inventor. Не говорите про Alias, это отдельный продукт, его поверхности надо импортировать в CAD, у него нет связи с деревом построения модели изделия в CAD, что сильно тормозит процесс разработки.

 Поверхности должны быть в CAD, тогда Inventor может быть конкурентноспособным.


Information for developers Autodesk: our company has CAD for acquisition, began with Inventor, he liked it, but it turned out that he could not properly simulate the surface, in the end, we tried the SolidWorks-it has stagnated during the work, now we buy CATIA V5.

Why do you think we paid $ 35,000 for CATIA (module 3) instead of $ 7,000 for the Inventor?


I shall answer you: the working tool for manufacture because the result to us brings money is necessary to us.

At you it is a lot of clients because many companies build internal designs of the ships, pipelines, steel frames, but there where the industrial design, there not your clients is necessary. Surfaces bad in Inventor. Do not speak about Alias, it is a separate product, its surfaces should be imported in CAD, it does not have communication with a tree of construction of model of a product in CAD, that process of development strongly brakes.

 Surfaces should be in CAD, then Inventor maybe competitive.

Not applicable

Another replica. T-splines are cool, but not enough, need tools to work with surfaces like CATIA, Alias, Icem surfase, I think that those who work in modeling and industrial design will understand what I'm saying.


Industrial designers need high class surface, not rendering in CAD environment.


  Why do I render in real time in the Inventor, if I have nothing to render?


Your first task is to make industrial designers modeling tools at an acceptable level, focus your attention and render it a second.

Easier and faster to import a model once after design render than constantly repeatedly import surfaces from Alias, CATIA for design parts in Inventor, you can be sure of this. Those who really works can confirm my words. So many do design in CATIA, SolidWorks, and render in Keyshot, so the faster it turns out.

И еще одна реплика. T-splines это круто, но не достаточно, нужны инструменты для работы с поверхностями как у CATIA, Alias, Icem surfase, я думаю, что те, кто работает в моделинге и промышленном дизайне поймут о чем я говорю.

Промышленным дизайнерам нужны поверхности высокого класса, а не рендеринг в среде САПР.

Зачем мне рендеринг в реальном времени в Inventor, если мне нечего рендерить?


Ваша первая задача сделать промышленным дизайнерам инструменты моделирования на приемлемом уровне, сфокусируйте на этом ваше внимание, а в чем рендерить это дело второе.
 Проще и быстрей импортировать готовую модель один раз после дизайна в рендер, чем постоянно многократно импортировать поверхности из Alias, CATIA для доработки дизайна детали в Inventor , можете быть в этом уверенны.
 Те, кто реально работает может подтвердить мои слова. Поэтому многие делают дизайн в CATIA, SolidWorks, а рендерят в Keyshot, так в итоге быстрей получается.


Surface Modeling.
Autodesk Inventor surface modeling capability development in the years to do why not? Seriously advanced surface modeling options, to facilitate the work of users when do you plan to offer? In today's competitive industry of design software offers a lot of features must be able to simultaneously feature.
Machine design and prismatic parts drawing capabilities in Autodesk Inventor is doing fine. However, consumer products, automotive sector, especially in plastic molds and sheet metal molds, surface modeling capabilities (commands) is restricted users remain in a difficult situation. Products are forced to writhe or to develop a Turkish proverb to describe the challenges of a business used to say " forty creek, bring water".
Please allow users emancipation in modeling. Especially the T -spline Autodesk, Alias, 3DS, Maya, etc. While there are a lot of software technology in your hand, why the Autodesk Inventor users all surface modeling can be linked not be found in -house development.
Thank you.
Best Regards.

Status changed to: Implemented

This idea has been implemented within Autodesk Inventor 2016. Special thanks to the author of this Idea and likewise to everyone who cast your Kudo for it.  Freeform tools (originally intorduced in Inventor 2015) have been significantly enhanced in Inventor 2016 and now have a dedicated ribbon to organize the myriad of enhancments (including create face, convert, flatten, unweld, soft modification, toggle translucent, toggle select through and many more). 

Not applicable

2016 Freeform Tools looks really good, the new Ruled Surface Tool and Patch Boundary Enhancements are great but we still need more, something like Boundary Surface in Solidworks or more enhancements in the Surface Loft Tool in Inventor.


I think Autodesk's idea was to implement T-Splines and that will be enough. The issue here is not just freeform design but more about raw surface modeling power. If they just look at what their competition is doing then they will see what we mean. T-Splines is great and certainly clsing the gap but not all the way. I have a feeling that Autodesk's focus is now more on Fusion 360 than on Inventor... 😞


T-Spline is good but not enough, we need something like Autodesk Shape Modeling Plug-in for Rhino inside Inventor, this right here is what we need, Class-A surface Modeling Plug-in build right in Inventor just like T-Spline, Autodesk please implement this in Inventor, if you agree with me please give Kudos to the post in the link below.

Autodesk Shape Modeling (VSR) For Inventor

Not applicable

Some of those tools from Autodesk Shape Modeling Plug-in could make a big diferences in the surfacing area inside Inventor.
Autodesk we still need and use traditional surfacing for especific jobs as much as we need more tools, t-splines solve some of the problems but not all of them.
Come on Autodesk you own ASM/VSR Technology, can you give us some of that thechnology inside Inventor just like you did with T-Splines.

I just don't get it, why Autodesk keep suporting a surface Plug-in for Rhino but won't take some time to add some of those surface tools to Inventor, Extrude, Revolve, Sweep, Loft and Boundary Patch is not enough, we need better surface tools.



By- tech | Posted ‎04-13-2015 12-29 PM.png

Yes, we need more surface tools like what other cad competitors are offering and we are not just talking about T-Splines, we need surface blend, matching...bla, bla, bla, just look at some of the tools in the plug-in for Rhino, that is kind of what we are asking for, T-Spline Is great addition to inventor but not enough, on top of that we don't even have all the T-splines tools I see in Rhino Plug-in, Fusion 360 and even the new Alias Speedform have more t-spline tools than Inventor, I know many people is asking why?

I love Inventor but when it comes to traditional surfacing it allways changes mi mind.

Please Autodesk, you have so much surface power in your hands, you can make surface shine in Inventor.


Not applicable

If are only option is T-Splines, can at least we get all the tools and power of T-Splines in Inventor, what I mean is that I want to see all T-Splines tools from Fusion 360 and Speedform in Inventor Freeform Tab. Why put some and not all of them?

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