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iLogic rule to place table based on existing table style

Message 1 of 3
1039 Views, 2 Replies

iLogic rule to place table based on existing table style

I've been working through the VBA code in this post


attempting to convert it into iLogic (though this probably is an unnecessary complication), but I can't seem to figure out how to bypass all the table formatting and just place a table based on an already defined table style in my style manager.


Do I have to declare the column header, width, rows and data when I use this?


oSheet.CustomTables.Add(...long list of things which I already have in the Style Manager...)


Or can I declare the active table style, then place a new table?


Dim oActiveTableStyle As TableStyle
oActiveTableStyle = oDrawingDocument.StylesManager.TableStyles("Predefined Style Name Goes Here")



Inventor 2015

Message 2 of 3
in reply to: BrandonBG

Hi Brandon,


The Add method for a custom table has required parameters and some that are optional. This is from the API help. The parameters with square brackets are optional. Farther below is my iLogic code I used to test. It only uses the required parameters. (same as the VBA code you mentioned)


CustomTables.Add( Title As String, PlacementPoint As Point2d, NumberOfColumns As Long, NumberOfRows As Long, ColumnTitles() As String, [Contents] As Variant, [ColumnWidths] As Variant, [RowHeights] As Variant, [MoreInfo] As Variant ) As CustomTable


I don't see a way to add a table using the API without having to provide those required parameters. Also in my tests if the current table style has settings for the columns they can effect the results of the Add method. 



Here is the iLogic rule:


        Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
        oDrawDoc = ThisDoc.Document

        ' Set a reference to the active sheet.
        Dim oSheet As Sheet
        oSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet

        If oSheet.CustomTables.count > 0 Then
        End If

        'Set the column titles & Create the custom table
        Dim oInspTblTitle As String
        oInspTblTitle = "INSPECTION DIMENSIONS"
        Dim oTitles(2) As String
        oTitles(0) = "DIMENSION NUMBER"
        oTitles(1) = "DESIGN"
        oTitles(2) = "ACTUAL"
        'oDrawDoc.StylesManager.ActiveStandardStyle.ActiveObjectDefaults.TableStyle.HeadingGap = 0.125
        'oDrawDoc.StylesManager.ActiveStandardStyle.ActiveObjectDefaults.TableStyle.ColumnValueHorizontalJustification = HorizontalTextAlignmentEnum.kAlignTextCenter

        Dim oGenDimCount As Integer = 0
        Dim oDim As DrawingDimension
        For Each oDim In oSheet.DrawingDimensions
            If oDim.IsInspectionDimension Then
                oGenDimCount = oGenDimCount + 1
            End If

        Dim oInspDimTable As CustomTable
        'oInspDimTable = oSheet.CustomTables.Add(oInspTblTitle, ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(1.5, 27), 3, oGenDimCount, oTitles)
        Dim pnt As Point2d = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(1.5, 27)
  oInspDimTable = oSheet.CustomTables.Add(oInspTblTitle, pnt, 3, oGenDimCount, oTitles)
  'oInspDimTable = oSheet.CustomTables.Add(oInspTblTitle, pnt, , , oTitles)

        'Get Inspection Dimension Data
        Dim oInspDim As DrawingDimension 'WB commented
        Dim oInspDimShape As InspectionDimensionShapeEnum
        Dim oInspDimText As DimensionText
        Dim oInspDimText2 As Object
        Dim oInspDimNumber As String '= ""
        Dim oInspDimRate As String' = ""
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim oCellInspDimNum As Cell
        Dim oCellInspDim As Cell

        i = 1
        For Each oSheet In oDrawDoc.Sheets
            For Each oInspDim In oSheet.DrawingDimensions
                If oInspDim.IsInspectionDimension Then
                    oInspDim.GetInspectionDimensionData(oInspDimShape, oInspDimNumber, oInspDimRate)
                    oInspDimText = oInspDim.Text
                    oInspDimText2 = ThisApplication.UnitsOfMeasure.GetPreciseStringFromValue(oInspDim.ModelValue, UnitsTypeEnum.kInchLengthUnits)

                    oCellInspDimNum = oInspDimTable.Rows.Item(i).Item("DIMENSION NUMBER")
                    oCellInspDimNum.Value = oInspDimNumber
                    oCellInspDim = oInspDimTable.Rows.Item(i).Item("DESIGN")
                    oCellInspDim.Value = oInspDimText2
                    i = i + 1
                End If

        oInspDimTable.Sort("DIMENSION NUMBER", True)
        Dim oRow As Row
        For Each oRow In oInspDimTable.Rows
            If oCellInspDimNum.Value <> oInspDimNumber Then
            End If







Wayne Brill
Developer Technical Services
Autodesk Developer Network

Message 3 of 3
in reply to: wayne.brill

Thanks Wayne. Here's the ugly code I came up with to workaround the issue of not being able to call a table style before generating it. I activate a table style (do I need to?), generate the table, and then kind of backtrack and apply the active table style to the table. It appears to work for the purpose I need, although I have a feeling I'm overcomplicating the code. And I haven't used any error checking.


Brandon BG

Inventor 2015


Dim oDrawingDocument As DrawingDocument
oDrawingDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

Dim oSheet As Sheet
oSheet = oDrawingDocument.ActiveSheet

Dim oCustomTable As CustomTable
Dim oCustomTables As CustomTables
oCustomTables = oSheet.CustomTables

For Each oCustomTable In oCustomTables
	End If

Dim oInspectionDimension As DrawingDimension
Dim oInspectionDimensionShape As InspectionDimensionShapeEnum
Dim oInspectionDimensionText As DimensionText
Dim oInspectionDimensionString As String
Dim oCellInspectionDimensionItem As Cell
Dim oCellInspectionDimension As Cell
Dim oInspectionDimensionCount As Integer
oInspectionDimensionCount = 0

For Each oInspectionDimension In oSheet.DrawingDimensions
	If oInspectionDimension.IsInspectionDimension Then
	oInspectionDimensionCount = oInspectionDimensionCount + 1
	End If

Dim oColumnTitle(0 To 3) As String
oColumnTitle(0) = "Column1"
oColumnTitle(1) = "Column2"
oColumnTitle(2) = "Column3"
oColumnTitle(3) = "Column4"

Dim oActiveTableStyle As TableStyle
Dim oTableTitle As String
oActiveTableStyle = oDrawingDocument.StylesManager.TableStyles("Field Verification Dimensions")
oTableTitle = oActiveTableStyle.Title

Dim oFieldVerificationTable As CustomTable
oFieldVerificationTable = oSheet.CustomTables.Add(oTableTitle, ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(.635, oSheet.Height-.635), 4, oInspectionDimensionCount, oColumnTitle)

Dim oInspectionDimensionCount2 As Integer
oInspectionDimensionCount2 = 0

Dim oCellInspectionDimensionRow As Row

For Each oInspectionDimension In oSheet.DrawingDimensions
	If oInspectionDimension.IsInspectionDimension Then

	oInspectionDimensionCount2 = oInspectionDimensionCount2 + 1
	oInspectionDimensionText = oInspectionDimension.Text
	oInspectionDimensionString = oInspectionDimensionText.Text

	oCellInspectionDimensionItem = oFieldVerificationTable.Rows.Item(oInspectionDimensionCount2).Item("Column1")
	oCellInspectionDimensionItem.Value = oInspectionDimensionCount2
	oCellInspectionDimension = oFieldVerificationTable.Rows.Item(oInspectionDimensionCount2).Item("Column2")
	oCellInspectionDimension.Value = oInspectionDimensionString + "''"

	End If

oFieldVerificationTable.Style = oActiveTableStyle


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