After you Import the model from Civil 3D follow this steps to create a personalized Style Rule.
- Access the Style Rules dialog box.
- Find the Tab called "Coverage Areas".
- Click in "plus" button .
- Give a name for yours Style Rule.
- In Rule Editor Dialog Box, add a new expression in Edit button .
- In Create Filter Expression dialog box, in Properties, expand the "Common" and select the option TAG with a double click.
- In Operators select the option Comparison and with a double click select the option "="
- Double Click in [value].
- Go to Values Pane, if you don't find the Values Pane click in "Show Value Pane"
- In Values Pane, find the option TAG and with a double click select the coverage area do you wanna create a style rule.
- Click in OK button.
- Now we add the Style, clique em Plus Button called Add .
- Select the best option for the coverage area, the best options are in the "Material" tab.
- After that click in OK.
- Repeat the steps 3 to 14 for all TAG in Coverage Areas.
- After all TAG are ok click in button "Run Rules""
That's it, thanks.
See here the video about this Tip.