It will litterally take you guys like 10 minutes to implement. But this one thing is holding you back from having an amazing start to finish PLM product . You failed to include one of the most bacis of things an engineer uses almost daily. The Depth, Counterbore, CounterSink, Degree and Unilateral sympbols. These are the most basic symbolls that any engineer use to efectivly express correct details on a diminsioned drawing.
I waited weeks for the new update hoping you guys would add these basic things. What I found was some bloated feature that was added for surface finish tolerancing. Are you kidding me!!!!! I have made probably 10,000 drawings on other CAD systems CATIA, Solidworks almost everyone one of them had a depth or counterbore symbol allot had unilateral symbol. However none of them had any surface finish tolerance. Really...........
Here is the only option you leave me with. I either have to use a photo editing program to fake the symbol breaking the paramertization and flexiblity that defines CAD. Or I completly omit this part of fusion. Export my models as STL bring them to another CAD system like CATIA where they have the basic symbols for diminsioning. Which again breaks the paramaterazation chain.
The symobls that you do give us are very very limited in scope. Currently in the GD&T box you only have acess to Dia. However sometimes you need to fake diminsion so you might need the Dia symbol within a Text/Leader box which isn't an option. Sometimes you might even want some of the GD&T symbols or maybe a +/- symbol.
You see CATIA has a symbol box where you can Insert any symbol into any text box. This is very flexible and very simple. Yet Very Very Powerful.