Hello Fusion team.
In its current state preselection highlighting is quite visually intrusive, with surfaces and sketch lines flashing in and out when hovering over a model with the mouse pointer. As someone with mild motion sickness and a sensitivity to strobe lights, this can get quite tiring very fast. I believe there should be an option to lessen the strength of the preselection effect (from 100% all the way down to zero), and maybe also options to individually enable or disable the different kinds of preselection highlighting (surfaces, sketches, points, and so on).
Here is an example showing the difference between the current preselection highlighting in Fusion360, and preselection highlighting being fully disabled in a program like Blender. I think it is quite striking how the absence of preselection highlighting in the second part of the clip makes everythingthing much more "relaxing" to look at.
And here is a mockup showing preselection highlighting in Fusion360 being reduced down to about 15% of the current look.
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On a related topic, there is currently a bug going with edge/point/surface selection. When a model is zoomed out, the selection engine seems to favor edges over surfaces. However the correct behavior should be to *always* favor whatever is currently right under the mouse pointer, as actively dictated by the user. This is illustrated in the following capture, showing two surfaces being unselectable even though the cursor is precisely hovering over them :
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I understand that these issues are not deal breakers and are probably low priority topics, but I believe that their impact on user-friendliness is far from negligeable.
Thanks !