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Dimension round off to nearest 10mm or nearest 20mm, etc

Dimension round off to nearest 10mm or nearest 20mm, etc

Sometimes we don't need dimensions to the nearest millimeter. We should be able to round off to the nearest 5mm or nearest 10mm or whatever is required.




A draftsperson should NEVER over-ride a dimesnion.

We have people here at my work over-riding dimensions to round them off.

Not applicable



It would also be helpful to round-off to the nearest 5, 0.5, 0.005 etc


Sheetmetal work is rarely measured to anything smaller than 0.5mm as that is the smallest increment on an engineering rule.


Furthermore, 2.5, 0.25 and 0.025 etc are also helpful as some older title blocks and company standards use the accuracy of measurement to define the general tolerance


For exmaple


10mm = ±2mm

5mm = ±0.5mm

1mm = ±0.1mm

0.5mm = ±0.05mm

0.25mm = ±0.001mm


Above might not be a very good example as it was rushed, but it is a demonstration of how is works.



Not applicable

A more simple approach on the programming side might be to expand the "Precision" dropdowns to include "10", "100", "1000" on the topside of "0".  Might be able to include "5", "50", or "0.5" and "0.05" to get dimensions to the nearest half.


Why not edit the model dim to be what you want?  It seems very dangerous to have a difference between what is displayed on the print and what is modeled in the 3D file.


I don't see the advantage of false dims on the print.


Why not show all dimensions to full nine decimal places?


Do a web search on the term significant figures of a number.

It's the digits that carry meaning contributing to its precision.


In many cases too much accuracy is a waste of time and is unnecessary.

That's why we can choose how many decimal places we want to show.

It all depends on the situation. Is it a precise tolerance engine component or something much less accurate.


It's very common in structural drawings to round off dimensions to the nearest 5mm.

The fabricators are NOT going to measure the steel members to the nearest millimetre.

So it's a waste of time showing it.

Not applicable

Can't the drawing be switched to display in meters/centimeters?  Wouldn't rounding remove the significant figure aspect since it's going to maintain all the digits until it hits the 1 column?  I agree it's a good idea, but I don't think significant figures is a valid argument for it.

Not applicable

So i see the discussion point and agree with a comment that "It's very common in structural drawings to round off dimensions to the nearest 5mm." So how to round up to nearest 5 mm?? 


I have been trying this but havent figured it out yet. Any help would be great!


Thought I'd give this idea a bump. Cable and Harness, or Tube and Pipe (Hoses) would make good use of this option. The nearest 10mm would be ideal. 0.01 meters is too cumbersome and nobody uses centimeters.


In response to swalton, try to get your wire or hose to be exactly 3450 mm. It is near impossible unless you want to work at it for 3 hours. Especially when you want five wires to the nearest 10 mm but changing one affects the rest of them. And, in regard to "false dims", show me a true dim. There is no such thing since there will always be rounding to some precision. We just want better control of the precision.


We make refrigerated trailers and dimensions in fibreglass body is always shown and measured in nearest 5mm in AutoCAD drawings. When the beams are wrapped in fibreglass for a length of 12~14 metres we cannot draw to nearest 5mm on each beam as the rounding on each beam will cause huge difference in the other end.

Since Inventor does round dimensions to nearest 1mm (preciaion 0), the dimensions shown are not true dimensions anyway. Then why can't we round the dimensions to nearest 5mm or 10mm?

We need this ability to draw our Fibreglass parts in Inventor.

Not applicable


It would be sometimes useful to be able to set rounding dimensions in IDW to what ever you want, like it is in Autocad.

For example: you have general drawing showing something that is quite big but for some particular design reasons dimensions are not so round for example 1500236,36.

In genera view this 236,36 is not important and you would like to be able to have dimension rounded to 1000 in this case.

Currently it is not possible.


Allow rounding dimensions in .idw to 1, 5, 10, 100 ....




Are there any news on this subject? My company is about to update from the old Inventor 2012 to 2016 these days, and I'm wondering if there's been any changes regarding this issue. Since the previous posts that are not too old, I'm afraid not.


As others have stated, it would be very useful to be able to round off to the closest 10mm or even 100mm, instead of showing dimensions like 18507mm to a fabricator equipped with a chainsaw. Hence, I'll override the dimensions way more often than I'd like to. It's time consuming and somewhat risky too, because if I change the geometry of a part, a dimension in the drawing that has been overridden doesn't change while the others do. Sometimes I use meters as the scale, but very often it doesn't work well in other parts of the drawing, or in other drawings within the same document. So I would definitely need the possibility to round to the closest 10 or 100mm, hopefully it will get implemented soon.


Another related issue... I would often like to make all drawings related to a certain project in one and the same file, but it doesn't seem possible to separate units for different sheets. Am I doomed to make separate files always when different units are needed? I've checked out the alternative units system, but it doesn't work at all the way I'd want.

Not applicable

How is this not a thing yet? Upvoted and bumped for good measure. (see what i did there? 😄 )

I currently have a dimension 2249.4435 and I want to round it to 2250.

I am torn to override the dimension, but I have to I fear.


For me this simple addition would be sufficient in right click precision list:









0 - [0]

1,1 - [1/2]

2,12 - {1/4]

3,123 - [1/8]



And make this precision table available in application options - drawings tab (or Styles Editor - dimension), so you can checkbox on and off which precision you want. For example, I never had to set a precision lower than 1,1.




Not applicable

I'm another one (and there must be thousands of us!) who'd like to see this, although my usual wish would be for plus or minus 0.5mm.

Fed up with being told about significant figures, and this is not the same thing!


Come on Autodesk, how many years does it take? I can't believe this is a difficult task.


I'll chime in supporting this idea. Still no news?

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Status changed to: Archived

This needs to get implemented.  It already exists in AutoCAD dimension styles, but not Inventor.  We now have to use Inventor to model, and detail in AutoCAD, causing us to be inefficient.  


We are waiting for this a very long time! We make truck bodies and work with tolerance of 1 to 10 mm. Some equipment is mounted to the truck chassi. Because we don't always have the precise information we draw the equipment on the theoretical right place, but we mount it in such a way that we can use the original mounting holes and/or brackets. Why put on a precision that we will never use.
Please Autodesk, make this option available!


At my company there is a "Round to 10mm Dimension style". The way they did this is set the Units to cm and aadd a zero as a Suffix. See screenshot. 


Untill Autodesk speeds up this setting (adding it to the precision looks like the way to go) it pahaps could help you guys. 



0 suffix.JPG

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