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GLOBAL warming

Message 1 of 48
1139 Views, 47 Replies

GLOBAL warming

Well this is general discussion and i want to know what you guys feel.
It may be funny for some people to read this thread or to see it here, but i'm feeling the effects of global warming and its not funny, 49 degrees in shade. I realised that art has always been the reason the world changes( formally at least). Look at how movies influence the way we live and how we act.

How do you guys feel?
I've been trying to do a character for some time now and for 3 or 4 days i cant concentrate because of the heat.
Message 2 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

Yeah i have also feeling this for many years
Every year temp is going high and there is lot of global warming.
there some tips on Google do read them and pass them to ur friends and they will pass them to there friends.
here samll software that help

LocalCooling is a 100% Free power management tool from Uniblue Labs that allows users to optimize their energy savings in minutes and as a result reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions.

Download the 100% Free LocalCooling Application and it automatically optimizes your PC's power consumption by using a more effective power save mode. You will be able to see your savings in real-time translated to more environmental terms such as how many trees and gallons of oil you have saved.

Local Cooling will:

* Cut your energy bills.
* Reduce the amount of Greenhouse Gas CO2 emissions as a result of your reduced PC power consumption.
* Give you full control over your power mode settings.
* Improve your overall computing experience and efficiency.
* Show you in detail how much you have saved since installing the software.
Download here

The best way to bring this down is teach value of it child
if this gones on,We will see soon see people shouts SOS
Message 3 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

Well, the global warming has already started and in the years to come we will feel it more and more. There's no turning back. The only solution to slow down the process is to stay at home mudboxing on a solar powered computer. 😉 (home, beeing a cool deep cave with the computer connected to an external solar pannel....)..
Message 4 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

Yes raul-reznek Global warming is a totally true probleme, specially for the survive of the human species and all other type of animals, insects etc... I currenly live in Canada, and the temperature is generaly cold, but yea since few years and specially this years the temperature are abnormally more hot and we beat new temperature record every years.

A Truely big probleme more than all others for the continuity of our small blue planet...

Survive with the evolution of technology!
Message 5 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

Global warming may be happening, but there is no evidence linking it to human activity. It's a perfectly normal natural phenomenon that's been happening constantly since the earth formed. We've only been around in any realistic capacity for a few thousand year, and if you look back over that period there is nor record showing a constant increase in temperatures to the present day, it goes up and down, with cold snaps and warm periods just like it's always done.
The temperature fluctuates because of sun activity and the solar wind's effects on cloud formation.
Don't listen to the hippies and the scientists who earn their living from global warming studies, and therefore are interested in comping up with doom and gloom scenarios to get more funding and publicity.
Message 6 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

Yes, Im sure the vast amounts of greenhouse gases etc that humans have been pumping into the air for decades have had absolutely no effect on the enviroment, thats crazy talk. :rolleyes:
Message 7 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

Don't listen to the hippies and the scientists who earn their living from global warming studies, and therefore are interested in comping up with doom and gloom scenarios to get more funding and publicity.

Puh ! Thanks for shedding some light on this !
Message 8 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

The global warming it totally linked to Human activity, this is not just a cold or warm period cause by cycle of the sun and earth, during all the history the CO2 never reach over 300 ppm. CO2, methane and all those type of gaz reduce the ozone. All this phenomenon i connected to human activity. Yea they have some crazy talk for some prediction, but otherwise that this is real phenomenon.
Message 9 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

I think this is again is a point where humans make themselves much bigger as they are.
As it was told above, there have been temperature increases much higher then now (and also temeprature drops) and all this long before humans started polluting.

And just some weeks ago I have read several articles where they showed that temperature is not increasing due to increasing amount of CO2 . It looks as if it is the other way around, first the remparature raises and because of higher temperatures you get more CO2.

Message 10 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

i was actually hoping you guys would see a different point of view. we have the power to influence the world trough what they see in our works. artists shape the wolrd of tomorrow, scientists build it. artists and fat rich men who dont care about anything but their fat ass lol 😄
Message 11 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

Don't listen to the hippies and the scientists who earn their living from global warming studies, and therefore are interested in comping up with doom and gloom scenarios to get more funding and publicity.

Right.. Instead, listen to those who would use illegal immigrants for slave labor, while price gouging us in ever way possible to increase profits at the expense of the people.

Those same people are off shoring labor to china because china is cheap and has no problem dumping toxic waste into rivers and streams, the land where they make counterfeit toothpaste regularly (its documented many cases even recent), and where they make counterfeit baby formula that kills babies, and where they make knock offs of every item possible for a quick dollar, just because they can and they can do it cheap.

These companies will enslave you, for their own profit. That is exactly why slavery started. That is why we hire Illegal immigrants rather than our own people. We like slave labor, and we love to take advantage of our own human race at the cost of LIFE ITSELF.

So dont listen to the hippies. Listen to those who profit off the continual exacerbation of the problem.

Put it this way... What if they're right and we do nothing? THEN WHAT?

I think its better to buy clean energy vehicles, and everyone by law should receive a subsidy for installing solar panels on their homes.

We should take this seriously, and we should also pioneer it, the technology, the manufacturing and all that entails. We should not hire illegals to manufacture this tech, nor should we off shore it to china or other countries... but instead.. sell it directly around the world. Benefiting our economy, and the planet.

It is so amazing that so few running for office, or in office dare say it. A few have, but its the future of America... or any other country that dares take that step... and someone will, you can bet on that.
Message 12 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

i was actually hoping you guys would see a different point of view. we have the power to influence the world trough what they see in our works.

Full ack. As I said, even if I don
Message 13 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

Right.. Instead, listen to those who would use illegal immigrants for slave labor, while price gouging us in ever way possible to increase profits at the expense of the people.

What the hell has that got to do with a global warming topic?

...meanwhile, back on topic -

CO2 is not even the main the main greenhouse gas.
Water vapour is by far the main greenhouse gas, CO2 is a few percent of total greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and humans produce a minuscule amount of that CO2 compared to natural sources.
That makes the total contribution of humans to greenhouse gasses laughable.

Furthermore, and most importantly, the co2 in the atmosphere, including the tiny percentage of it that we produce, has got nothing to to with temperature increases in the first place.

All studies show that more CO2 in the atmosphere does NOT cause temperature increases. It's the exact opposite. Warmer temperatures cause more CO2 to be prodcued.
This is because most co2 is produced by the oceans, and warmer water releases more c02.

So the cycle is thusly -
More sun activity (flares, sunspots) causes fluctuations in the solar wind, the amount of solar wind hitting the earth affects the amount of water vapour, the amount of water vapour affects the amount of cloud formation, and the amount of cloud formation affects the temperatures.
At the bottom of the scale, and least important, is the CO2. It is caused by warmer temperatures.
Message 14 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

i think baroody was trying to point out the fact that beacuse of some countries that produce and consume too much, the harm we do to our environment is obviosly significant. through the process of creating so many objects u produce also a lot of harmful effects for the planet. and i am not a scientist, but i can agree to the fact that the human race has helped produce some part of this problem. Otherwise you wouldnt see important country leaders on the TV and internet asking ppl to stop consuming so much...
Message 15 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

you geeks make things so warming is real....and yes we humans are the major cause of what can we do?

Plant some trees
Get a hybrid car
Don't drive any car
Take the bus or walk or ride a bike

I do some of these already because the though scares me....but as an artist I want to do some work that put this massage out.

I say we open a new Thread for art thats on this issue and try to express yourself so others can see how serious this really is.

its a start...........
Message 16 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

Message 17 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

oh-oh, here we go again...
Message 18 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

In my opinion I think its a bit of a blinkered view to believe that human activity has had no bearing on climate change over the last 150 years, but then you can argue either way with different facts and figures (sometimes with the same facts and figures).

What happens in fifty years IF the naysayers are proven correct? It would be a bit late to change things then.
Message 19 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

That's not how science should be done. I want to see solid proof first, not media scare stories. This whole thing has become a political bandwagon, and not only that, but its fucking over developing countries, such as in Africa, who are being told they cannot use their follisl fuel deposits, but must use alternatives -alternatives they can't afford.
While the world's 'climate experts' ponce off to some swanky Nairobi hotel for yet another handshaking conference that's costing millions, a few miles away people are living in huts with nothing but an open fire for their lighting, heating and cooking needs, and being told by said 'experts' they have to use solar panels.
Message 20 of 48
in reply to: Anonymous

Here are a group of scientists who believe that global warming is happening and is attributable to human activity:

and here is a link to a group of scientists who believe that global warming is either a natural occurrence or a fallacy:

Who is right? I don't know and I doubt that a bunch of mudboxers wil ever figure it out. But i think that earth is far more resilient than we give her credit for. She is going to be alright. I don't believe the gloom and doom scenarios, but that being said, I think that we should conscientiously be looking for cleaner less destructive energy. Just because the earth can take a punch, doesn't mean we should be trying to knock her out.

Oddity, I think you have misconception about solar energy. Solar panels are really cheap these days and the prices are continually dropping. And you only pay for them once.
When you buy fossil fuels, you pay endlessly (monthly, weekly), and the cost is, war, the destruction of lives and the land, and possibly global warming. Those people living in huts, if they could afford to pay for fossil fuels, would be better off spending their money on a 200 dollar solar panel.

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