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Fix the file mover.

Fix the file mover.

Sorry, Your file mover is a mess.

It needs an overhaul and rethink... I tried to move one file into a different group and found the entire process deeply flawed.

There should be only on panel to deal with this, select a file: "from-to" "copy/move"

Clean and simple.

Different columns and situation-reveal tools make for fear based file movement.... for five minutes, I thought my file was erased!

It went into a folder I didn't want, couldn't move to the group I wanted, and filled me with a deep cold dread of moving files in 360.



Hi Tom! Thanks for your input, we'll do our best to improve the process!


Hi Tom. The Fusion 360 is pretty rocking when it comes to fixing or improving functionality. I'd love to see you post your requests a bit more constructively. The team does a great job listening and interacting.

Not applicable


I'd like to see fewer posts from "expert elite" users that have set the standard of usability this low.

Truth... I've had no less than Carl Bass interjecting on posts where my Beta user data (the data they want unprecidented control over) was out and out LOST. They want real world users... they want this to work (maybe not for exactly the same reasons, but still).

Listen, I want this idea to work, maybe more than you... frankly, I NEED it to work...  but I'm not going to do the detail work of carfully chosen, well educated empoyees that are PAID to create useable interfaces. 

The work is poor... it's not my job to re-design it for them. (and don't think I couldn't... been an Art Director twice and designed a few user interfaces in my day).

They can look at successful designs just like anyone else... I know that they are trying hard to please, I respect that... every time I appologize they say "Please help us by continuing to post comments".

Sure... they probably have a huge dart board with "Tom Twohy" in the bullseye and fangs drawn in... I understand my role as "Jackass User".

Thats what they seem to want.


The Fusion team has said over and over they want you to tell them if their baby is ugly. I think we just have to do it in a professional constructive way. I've looked at some of the things you have posted and you do good work. I appreciate the time you are putting into this and the fact that you participating on these boards.


Keep doing what you are doing. You comments are valuable. I just think you could be more pleasant about it that's all. I rewrote your comments below with some changes. Very little was added or removed but I think you can see the difference.



Your file mover workflow could use a lot of improvement in my opinion.

It needs an overhaul and rethink... I tried to move one file into a different group and found the entire process to not work very well. It is currently almost unusable.


There should be only on panel to deal with this, select a file: "from-to" "copy/move"
Clean and simple.


Different columns and situation-reveal tools make for fear based file movement.... for five minutes, I thought my file was erased. Can we get some sort of a message letting us know that something is happening in the background so we dont think our file is gone? It went into a folder I didn't want, couldn't move to the group I wanted, and filled me with a deep cold dread of moving files in 360.


I found this process to be difficult. I think this area should be a focus of improvement.


I think it would be a good idea if you guys would put redoing this high on your priority list.


@Anonymous wrote:

I'd like to see fewer posts from "expert elite" users that have set the standard of usability this low.

I think Kevin is correct. Your 'Passion' is evident, but it will be received a lot more positively by both the community and Autodesk if you were a nicer about it. Slamming Expert Elites like that is a bit childish really, they/we have received that title as a result of continuous contribution to the Autodesk Community and demonstate a deep knowledge of the products they specialise in. We're all here to help & support each other and not cause offence.


There's nothing wrong with conveying your frustration in a non aggressive manor. Maybe don't press send on your posts for a while if you are feeling particularly wound up about them, just like you would an email, then proof read it later before sending.


Community Manager
Status changed to: 実装済み
Not applicable

Do either one of you "Experts" have any comments on this File Mover?

Because I don't want this thread mired in some petty, whiney "writing style" bitch fest as it doesn't improve the actual product... are we clear?

Fusion 360 HUB file mover interface NEEDS AN OVERHAUL... BADLY.

Any Actual USERS agree with me?


LOL, you're the man. There are many things wrong in this world. The Fusion360 file mover is one of them as you have aggressively pointed out. your attitude is another.


I don't stress about tone etc.  Fusion is a brand new product and like all new software will have gap. We want to make it a great app with happy productive users.  The challenge for my Dev team is to choose what to do first, second, etc.  Add to that, product teams like mine, love complexity and love to work on the hard problems.   For reading many of these posts, it is quite clear that we have lots of opportunities to fix some of the easy stuff and quickly improve our users experience.  I am going to have the team work on some fast deliverables.


Community Manager
Status changed to: オートデスク審査落選
Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented

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