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LDD Companion 2007 errors running on Win 7 64

Message 1 of 17
6074 Views, 16 Replies

LDD Companion 2007 errors running on Win 7 64

I am building a new PC for a user and he needs to have the CIVIL 3D - LAND DESKTOP COMPANION working on it.

The computer is an Intel I7 CPU with 8 Gig RAM and an Nvidia Quadro FX 1800 running Windows 7 Pro 64 fully patched.

I've done the install but when the software is run I am getting error messages and no the some menus are not opening.

He has the new version of the LAND DESKTOP COMPANION but he needs to have the 2007 version running for a few reasons. There are projects that are in the middle of being worked on that were started in 2007. The other big reason is that it's been 3 years since the last major update of software and there is a big learning curve. Projects need to get done so there isn't time to train on the latest version so they need to stick with 2007 for a while.

He also needs to run Windows 7 64 instead of Windows XP 64 because of directory issues with our NAS.

Here are some errors when it first loads up:

Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: LAND
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: ACAD
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: CIVILDESIGN
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: SURVEY
Customization file loaded successfully. Customization Group: EXPRESS
Regenerating model.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\AcMapWorkspace.arx cannot
find a dll or other file that it needs.
AcMapWorkspace.arx Load Failed
C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\AecCMapCogoCmds50.arx cannot
find a dll or other file that it needs.
AutoCAD Express Tools Copyright © 2002-2004 Autodesk, Inc.
AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.
AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\aeccapp50.arx cannot find a
dll or other file that it needs.
; error: ARXLOAD failed

Does anyone know how I might be able to fix the issue so things will work on the new machine?

Thanks for any help.

Message 2 of 17
in reply to: Anonymous

From what I've read - you need to install LDC in Vista Compatability mode.

check out the following blogs....

hope this helps
Message 3 of 17
in reply to: Anonymous

Thank you for the ideas. I wasn't able to get it working that way however I was able to install Windows XP as a virtual machine and get it working fine in that.

The user has a 2009 version of AutoCAD that I will install on Windows 7 so it should be fine. He was saying that the format from 2007 to 2009 is the same so they should be able to do what they need to. AutoCAD 2010 is a different format and would have been harder to work with. Since they have 9 they are good to go.

They actually need AutoCAD 2004 for some older systems they use so the Win XP virtual machine running in Windows 7 should work for that.

Thanks again.
Message 4 of 17
in reply to: Anonymous

Finally got LDD 2007 to work on Windows x64 (Windows7)

(go the ACMapWorkspace.arx error loading, etc. before)


Install DirectX 9.0c runtime



 I racked my brains to figure this one out. Worked on my laptop, but not the other CAD workstations.


Only difference is I had Microstation on my PC, which installs DirectX 9 as a prerequisite program.


Also edit the "acad.exe config" file to use only .Net v2.0.50727 otherwise Layer Manager can crash LDD


  <!--We always use the latest version of the framework installed on the computer. If you
are having problems then explicitly specify .NET 2.0 by uncommenting the following line.
  <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/>
 <supportedRuntime version="v2.0.50727"/> 

<runtime><assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"><probing privatePath="Fdo\bin"/></assemblyBinding></runtime></configuration>

Message 5 of 17
in reply to: gvildys

Same issue slightly different, I need to get LDD 2006 to run on a Windows 7 64bit system.  After install, same errors above.


Autocad runs but with little LDD functionality.  Again same errors.


 I will try the Directx 9.0c install and since 2006 uses dotnet 1.1 with sp1 (which I did install, that was fun too.....not) will I have to modify the acad.exe cfg file the same way except point to dotnet 1.1?????


Anyone manage to get LDD2006 to run on Windows 7 64bit????


Yes I know we need to upgrade but like other things in life, I cannot control this one.  Required for a contract with a govt. agency.... now you know!!!

Message 6 of 17
in reply to: Anonymous

The .NET has to do with Layer Manager in 2007 (which causes LDD to and anything else that uses .NET for the backend You probably need to change the acadexe config (if that exists there to use .NET v1.1.4322, not sure if it's the correct version or not).


The DirectX 9 had to do with all the arx issues.

Message 7 of 17
in reply to: gvildys

Just an update

Followed your recommendation and installed Directx9----no change


Then noticed that in AutoCAD under options everything pointed to C:\Program Files\.........

However when it was installed a directory called C:\Program Files (86)\..... was created and that is where the files were at.


So, revised all of the file paths in AutoCAD to point to that directory that had calls to "C:\Program Files\....." to C:\Program Files (86)


Most of the errors are gone

However still does not run LDD commands.   Still these errors.
C:\ADSK2006\LDT\Land\AecCmapCogoCmds46.arx is an invalid Arx file.
C:\ADSK2006\LDT\Land\Aeccapp46.arx is an invalid Arx file.
I have yet to direct it to use dotnet 1.1 ver. 1.1.4322  Which I will do when I get my hands on the laptop again.
Only had 15 minutes with it this morning before I had to let it go for other duties.

Message 8 of 17
in reply to: Anonymous

Just an update


Did the edit of the acad.exe.config file to use only net 1.1--------------------------  NO CHANGE same errors as before.


C:\ADSK2006\LDT\Land\AecCmapCogoCmds46.arx is an invalid Arx file.
C:\ADSK2006\LDT\Land\Aeccapp46.arx is an invalid Arx file.
I saw a post about adding the location of the ac1st16.dll to enviromental variables.  I do not know how to do this.  I know its under My Computer and I see the varible listings.  Just have never added one before so I do not know the syntax.  Any Help???


Message 9 of 17
in reply to: Anonymous

Back in the forums someone suggested this: (LDD 2006 seems like a real pain...2007 was a little better)



1. Check your support paths (in AutoCAD and in the SDSK.DFM file) - make sure there are no references to older paths (like from LDT2005)

2. This usually means there is something messed up with the current .NET install. Try running a repair on it.

Message 10 of 17
in reply to: Anonymous

 This error can occur after reinstalling or uninstalling some Windows applications. The AC1ST16.DLL is probably not missing, only AutoCADcannot find it.


To set Windows environment variables, right-click on the 'My Computer' icon, select 'Properties'. In the 'System Properties' dialog, go to the 'Advanced' tab and click the 'Environment variables' button. You can modify the User- (for you) or System- (for all) variables.


Go to Windows System settings of your computer and in the Environment variables, make sure that the PATH variable contains the folder name C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared (without the backslash at the end, you can remove it using the Edit button).


If the file is really missing, you have to reinstall or repair your AutoCAD installation.

Message 11 of 17
in reply to: gvildys

I think you just solved my issue but cannot test it yet.  I forgot all about the path variable!!!!!  I did not check it, so when the Laptop user comes back into the office I will make the edit to C:\program files (x86)\..........  if its not there.


We shall see.   


I do not believe its a .net issue.  I have the latest installed (Ver. 4) along with a force install of 1.1 and its service pack.   That was a whole other issue that drove me nuts also until someone also helped create a .msi file to do the install of .net 1.1 and its service pack.   


This is a new laptop and this is the first install of AutoCad so there should be no ref. to any past product anywhere..... I hope.


We did install the DWG Trueview 2012 on the Laptop and it works great for down converting drawings..... most of the time.... some point data goes away on some down conversions.... but can live with it.  


By the way, its a Asus G74sx and is it fast!!! It outruns most of our desktops!  


Really appreciate this help..   Hope I can return the favor someday.

Message 12 of 17
in reply to: Anonymous

Well unfortunatly it was already pathed correctly under environmental variables.  So that is not the answer.  Frack!!!

Message 13 of 17
in reply to: Anonymous

You checked the SDSK.DFM file for correct pathing as well?? and the backslash was removed at the end of the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared   in the PATH variable?

Message 14 of 17
in reply to: gvildys

Yes, the backslash was there, so I removed it..... Reboot, No change


By the way, thanks for the follow up on the backslash, I forgot about that part!


Checked the SDSK.dfm file and all pathing seemed correct.... in other words, I did not see any ref. to older versions and all ref. to C:\Users.......  Instead of C:\Documents and Settings\.......seemed correct.


Same two errors and no LDD commands will work.  Regular AutoCAD does work.


I do not know if this matters but the laptop borrows a lic. from the network to run while it is away from the office.


Our XP laptops are the same, no issues there.

Message 15 of 17
in reply to: Anonymous



Really want to follow up on this so everyone does not go through what I have.




Installed AutoCAD LDD 2006, Civil 2006, Survey and Raster on Aug 1st.  You do the install with admin rights with a user that has admin rights.  We had the initial following errors but Autocad ran and LDD worked::


C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\AcMapWorkspace.arx cannot
find a dll or other file that it needs.
AcMapWorkspace.arx Load Failed
C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\AecCMapCogoCmds50.arx cannot
find a dll or other file that it needs.
AutoCAD Express Tools Copyright © 2002-2004 Autodesk, Inc.
AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.
AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk Land Desktop 2007\aeccapp50.arx cannot find a
dll or other file that it needs.
; error: ARXLOAD failed


I revised file support tab in autocad options to point to directories on the laptop for its stand alone operation and all is well.


CadUser goes to County for first day of contract, he is handed a 2009 drawing and attempts to open it up and bam... computer freezes, locks up, and he has to reboot. (I WAS NEVER TOLD THIS UNTIL TODAY).  They down convert the drawings and load them on the laptop.


So after this point, AutoCad still works but LDD commands no longer function.  No dialog box to get assigned to a project  and in addition to the errors before we now get the following.


C:\ADSK2006\LDT\Land\AecCmapCogoCmds46.arx is an invalid Arx file.
C:\ADSK2006\LDT\Land\Aeccapp46.arx is an invalid Arx file.

I start my research, internet forums and find this one.  I discover the file support tab under options in autocad points to "C:\program files....." instead of "C:\program files (x86)...."  I fix this and the intial errors go away but I am left with the red ones above. 


I found other solutions about net 1.1 needed to be installed and directx90c.  Did both of those, made sure Autocad pointed to the net 1.1..... still no luck.


gvildys suggested I check the pathing in enviromental variables... it was OK except for a / which I removed... still no luck


gvidys then suggested I review the SDSK.dfm file and it did have a lot of ref. to directories not supported in Windows 7 so I corrected those... Most pointed to "Documents and Settings" when it should have been pointing to "users"


(By the way gvildys... I was doing most of the work through a third party's eyes and I made him look at certain lines and at that time those lines were correct in the SDSK.dfm file.... certain lines, not all. So in person, today I have inspected them and discovered the other lines that were incorrect and fixed them)


OK, now time for system restore.... So I did this and took it back to the time when it worked........ and just like before ...IT WORKS.    I reset up all of the previous calls in the support file directories including the fixes to point to the correct Program Files directory, fixed the SDSK.dfm file.  IT WORKS.


So AutoDesk  Land Development Desktop 2006 will work.... in my case I did not need Directx90c nor an install of net 1.1


I am so happy now.    Thanks for everyones input on this.... Thank Gvildys..... appreciate the support and effort.  It is difficult to diagonose these issues over the net...... love the support forums.



Message 16 of 17
in reply to: gvildys

I got LDD2007 to work by making the appropriate changes to the SDSK file AND installing DirectX as described above. Then I installed Service Pack 2A and now get a fatal error upon trying to run LDD....go figure.

Message 17 of 17
in reply to: Anonymous

We had to have our IT guys install a dual boot system with windows 7 and windows xp on our new computers to run LDD2007 with full funtionality.  Its a bit of a pain in the **** because now I have to restart the computer to choose xp or windows7 operating system.  When running civil3d2013 I use windows7 and when running LDD2007 i use windows xp.


Hope this helps.

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