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how to Draw/create fillet using .NET ?

Message 1 of 14
6118 Views, 13 Replies

how to Draw/create fillet using .NET ?

I created a rectangle using draw line (i am wirking on Autocad 2010)
Now I want to create 4 fillets at each corner with some radius using vb.net
Please somebody help me please

dipak Edited by: dip_nik on Jan 13, 2010 11:22 AM
Message 2 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

This one is a bit tricky but working for mein A2008
(spell all prompts)
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using acadApp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application;

namespace CurveMod

public class CurveModify

[CommandMethod("FLT", CommandFlags.UsePickSet & CommandFlags.Redraw)]

static public void FilletLines()
Database db = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase;

Document doc = acadApp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

Editor ed = doc.Editor;

Transaction tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();

using (tr)
// Prompt for the fillet radius

PromptDoubleOptions pdo = new PromptDoubleOptions("\nEnter the fillet radius: ");
pdo.AllowZero = false;

pdo.AllowNegative = false;

pdo.AllowNone = false;

PromptDoubleResult pdr = ed.GetDouble(pdo);

if (pdr.Status != PromptStatus.OK)


double rad = pdr.Value;

// Prompt for the lines to fillet

PromptEntityOptions peo = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect first line:");

PromptEntityResult per = ed.GetEntity(peo);

if (per.Status != PromptStatus.OK)


ObjectId fid = per.ObjectId;

peo.Message = "\nSelect second line:";

per = ed.GetEntity(peo);

if (per.Status != PromptStatus.OK)


ObjectId sid = per.ObjectId;

// get entities

Entity ent1 = tr.GetObject(fid, OpenMode.ForRead) as Entity;

Entity ent2 = tr.GetObject(sid, OpenMode.ForRead) as Entity;
// cast entites as lines
Line line1 = ent1 as Line;

Line line2 = ent2 as Line;

Point3dCollection intpts = new Point3dCollection();
// get intersection between lines
line1.IntersectWith(line2, Intersect.OnBothOperands, intpts, 0, 0);

if (intpts.Count != 1)
acadApp.ShowAlertDialog("Lines are colinear or does not intersects");


Point3d ip = intpts[0];

Point3d midp1;

Point3d midp2;
// compare points
if (!(line1.StartPoint.Equals(ip)))

line1.EndPoint = line1.StartPoint;

line1.StartPoint = ip;
midp1 = line1.GetPointAtDist(rad);

if (!(line2.StartPoint.Equals(ip)))

line2.EndPoint = line2.StartPoint;

line2.StartPoint = ip;
midp2 = line2.GetPointAtDist(rad);
// get point on bisector
Point3d midp = new Point3d(
(midp1.X + midp2.X) / 2.0,
(midp1.Y + midp2.Y) / 2.0,
(midp1.Z + midp2.Z) / 2.0);
// get angles along lines from intersection
double ang1 = AngleFromX(ip, midp1);

double ang2 = AngleFromX(ip, midp2);
// get bisector angle
double ang = AngleFromX(ip, midp);
// calculate angle between lines
double angc = Math.Abs(ang2 - ang1);
// get a half of them
double bis = angc / 2.0;
// calculate hypotenuse
double hyp = rad / Math.Sin(bis);
// calculate center point of filleting arc
Point3d cp = PolarPoint(ip, ang, hyp);
// calculate another leg of a triangle
double cat = Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(hyp, 2)) - (Math.Pow(rad, 2)));
// calculate center point on arc
Point3d pa = PolarPoint(ip, ang, hyp - rad);
// calculate start point of arc
Point3d ps = PolarPoint(ip, ang1, cat);
// calculate end point of arc
Point3d pe = PolarPoint(ip, ang2, cat);
// define arc
Arc arc = new Arc();
// check on direction of points
if (isLeft(midp2, ip, midp1))
arc = new Arc(cp, rad, AngleFromX(cp, pe), AngleFromX(cp, ps));

arc = new Arc(cp, rad, AngleFromX(cp, ps), AngleFromX(cp, pe));

// trim lines by arc

line1.StartPoint = ps;


line2.StartPoint = pe;

BlockTableRecord btr = (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
// add arc to space

tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(arc, true);

catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception ex)
}//dispose transaction

/// Polar point // credit to Tony Tanzillo

public static Point3d PolarPoint(Point3d basepoint, double angle, double distance)
return new Point3d(
basepoint.X + (distance * Math.Cos(angle)),
basepoint.Y + (distance * Math.Sin(angle)),

public static double AngleFromX(Point3d pt1, Point3d pt2)
Plane ucsplane = new Plane(new Point3d(0, 0, 0), new Vector3d(0, 0, 1));

Vector3d vec = pt2 - pt1;

double ang = vec.AngleOnPlane(ucsplane);

return ang;
/// isleft function (edited) // credit to Bryco

public static bool isLeft(Point3d spt, Point3d ept, Point3d apt)
bool result = false;

double Ans = ((ept.X - spt.X) * (apt.Y - spt.Y) -
(apt.X - spt.X) * (ept.Y - spt.Y));

if (Ans > 0)
result = true;
result = false;
return result;



Message 3 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi hallex ,

Thanks a lottttttttt
for the reply.

Have a nice Day
Message 4 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

Glad to help
Cheers 🙂

Message 5 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

is there a vb.net version?



Message 6 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous


Here is a link that I personally find useful in converting code from C# to VB.Net and vice-versa.
Some basic things will need to be fixed if you get some compile errors.




Developer Technical Services
Autodesk Developer Network

Message 7 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous



        <CommandMethod("FilletLines", "FLT", CommandFlags.UsePickSet Or CommandFlags.Redraw)> _
        Public Shared Sub FilletLines()
            Dim db As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
            Dim doc As Document = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
            Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor
            Dim tr As Transaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
            Using tr
                    ' Prompt for the fillet radius
                    Dim pdo As New PromptDoubleOptions(vbLf & "Enter the fillet radius: ")
                    pdo.AllowZero = False
                    pdo.AllowNegative = False
                    pdo.AllowNone = False
                    Dim pdr As PromptDoubleResult = ed.GetDouble(pdo)
                    If pdr.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
                    End If
                    Dim rad As Double = pdr.Value
                    ' Prompt for the lines to be filleted
                    Dim peo As New PromptEntityOptions(vbLf & "Select first line:")
                    Dim per As PromptEntityResult = ed.GetEntity(peo)
                    If per.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
                    End If
                    Dim fid As ObjectId = per.ObjectId
                    peo.Message = vbLf & "Select second line:"
                    per = ed.GetEntity(peo)
                    If per.Status <> PromptStatus.OK Then
                    End If
                    Dim sid As ObjectId = per.ObjectId
                    ' get entities
                    Dim ent1 As Entity = TryCast(tr.GetObject(fid, OpenMode.ForRead), Entity)
                    Dim ent2 As Entity = TryCast(tr.GetObject(sid, OpenMode.ForRead), Entity)
                    ' cast entites as lines
                    Dim line1 As Line = TryCast(ent1, Line)
                    Dim line2 As Line = TryCast(ent2, Line)
                    Dim intpts As New Point3dCollection()
                    ' get intersection between lines
                    line1.IntersectWith(line2, Intersect.OnBothOperands, intpts, 0, 0)
                    If intpts.Count <> 1 Then
                        Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.ShowAlertDialog("Lines are colinear or does not intersects")
                    End If
                    Dim ip As Point3d = intpts(0)
                    Dim midp1 As Point3d
                    Dim midp2 As Point3d
                    ' compare points
                    If Not (line1.StartPoint.Equals(ip)) Then
                        line1.EndPoint = line1.StartPoint
                        line1.StartPoint = ip
                    End If
                    midp1 = line1.GetPointAtDist(rad)
                    If Not (line2.StartPoint.Equals(ip)) Then
                        line2.EndPoint = line2.StartPoint
                        line2.StartPoint = ip
                    End If
                    midp2 = line2.GetPointAtDist(rad)
                    ' get point on bisector
                    Dim midp As New Point3d((midp1.X + midp2.X) / 2.0, (midp1.Y + midp2.Y) / 2.0, (midp1.Z + midp2.Z) / 2.0)
                    ' get angles along lines from intersection
                    Dim ang1 As Double = AngleFromX(ip, midp1)
                    Dim ang2 As Double = AngleFromX(ip, midp2)
                    ' get bisector angle
                    Dim ang As Double = AngleFromX(ip, midp)
                    ' calculate angle between lines
                    Dim angc As Double = Math.Abs(ang2 - ang1)
                    ' get a half of them
                    Dim bis As Double = angc / 2.0
                    ' calculate hypotenuse
                    Dim hyp As Double = rad / Math.Sin(bis)
                    ' calculate center point of filleting arc
                    Dim cp As Point3d = PolarPoint(ip, ang, hyp)
                    ' calculate another leg of a triangle
                    Dim cat As Double = Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(hyp, 2)) - (Math.Pow(rad, 2)))
                    ' calculate center point on arc
                    Dim pa As Point3d = PolarPoint(ip, ang, hyp - rad)
                    ' calculate start point of arc
                    Dim ps As Point3d = PolarPoint(ip, ang1, cat)
                    ' calculate end point of arc
                    Dim pe As Point3d = PolarPoint(ip, ang2, cat)
                    ' define arc
                    Dim arc As New Arc()
                    ' check on direction of points
                    If isLeft(midp2, ip, midp1) Then
                        arc = New Arc(cp, rad, AngleFromX(cp, pe), AngleFromX(cp, ps))
                        arc = New Arc(cp, rad, AngleFromX(cp, ps), AngleFromX(cp, pe))
                    End If
                    ' trim lines by arc
                    line1.StartPoint = ps
                    line2.StartPoint = pe
                    Dim btr As BlockTableRecord = DirectCast(tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite), BlockTableRecord)
                    ' add arc to space
                    tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(arc, True)
                Catch ex As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception
                End Try
            End Using 'dispose transaction
        End Sub


Message 8 of 14
in reply to: Hallex

thx Hallex.


            '/// Polar point // credit to Tony Tanzillo
            Public Shared Function PolarPoint(ByVal basepoint As Point3d, ByVal angle As Double, ByVal distance As Double) As Point3d

                Return New Point3d(basepoint.X + (distance * Math.Cos(angle)), basepoint.Y + (distance * Math.Sin(angle)), basepoint.Z)

            End Function
            Public Shared Function AngleFromX(ByVal pt1 As Point3d, ByVal pt2 As Point3d) As Double

                Dim ang As Double
                Dim vec As Vector3d
                Dim ucsplane As Plane

                ucsplane = New Plane(New Point3d(0, 0, 0), New Vector3d(0, 0, 1))

                vec = pt2 - pt1

                ang = vec.AngleOnPlane(ucsplane)

                Return ang

            End Function
            '/// isleft function (edited) // credit to Bryco
            Public Shared Function isLeft(ByVal spt As Point3d, ByVal ept As Point3d, ByVal apt As Point3d) As Boolean

                Dim Ans As Double
                Dim result As Boolean

                result = False

                Ans = ((ept.X - spt.X) * (apt.Y - spt.Y) - (apt.X - spt.X) * (ept.Y - spt.Y))

                If (Ans > 0) Then
                    result = True
                    result = False
                End If

                Return result

            End Function

Message 9 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous

You're welcome

Cheers 🙂



Message 10 of 14
in reply to: Hallex



What about when we have line in 3D? Have you any idea? above code not work when one of the line is vertical.

Message 11 of 14
in reply to: Anonymous



Here's a 3d working example.


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using System;
using static System.Math;
using AcAp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application;

[assembly: CommandClass(typeof(Fillet3D.Commands))]

namespace Fillet3D
    public class Commands
        double radius = 0.0;

        public void Test()
            var doc = AcAp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
            var db = doc.Database;
            var ed = doc.Editor;

            var pdo = new PromptDistanceOptions("\nEnter the fillet radius: ");
            pdo.DefaultValue = radius;
            pdo.AllowNegative = false;
            pdo.AllowNone = true;
            pdo.UseDefaultValue = true;
            var pdr = ed.GetDistance(pdo);
            if (pdr.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return;
            radius = pdr.Value;

            var peo = new PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect the first line: ");
            peo.SetRejectMessage("\nSelected object is not a line.");
            peo.AddAllowedClass(typeof(Line), true);
            var per = ed.GetEntity(peo);
            if (per.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return;
            var id1 = per.ObjectId;
            var pp1 = ed.Snap("_near", per.PickedPoint).TransformBy(ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem);

            peo.Message = "\nSelect the second line: ";
            per = ed.GetEntity(peo);
            if (per.Status != PromptStatus.OK) return;
            var id2 = per.ObjectId;
            var pp2 = ed.Snap("_near", per.PickedPoint).TransformBy(ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem);

            using (var tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                // open the lines
                var line1 = (Line)tr.GetObject(id1, OpenMode.ForRead);
                var line2 = (Line)tr.GetObject(id2, OpenMode.ForRead);

                // get the intersection
                var pts = new Point3dCollection();
                line1.IntersectWith(line2, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pts, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
                if (pts.Count != 1)
                    ed.WriteMessage("\nSelected lines do not intersect.");
                var inters = pts[0];

                var sp1 = line1.StartPoint;
                var ep1 = line1.EndPoint;
                var sp2 = line2.StartPoint;
                var ep2 = line2.EndPoint;

                // get the farest points from intersection on the picked side of both lines
                Func<Point3d, Point3d, Point3d, Point3d> getFarest = (sp, ep, pp) =>
                    var dir = inters.GetVectorTo(pp);
                    if (!inters.GetVectorTo(sp).IsCodirectionalTo(dir)) return ep;
                    if (!inters.GetVectorTo(ep).IsCodirectionalTo(dir)) return sp;
                    if (inters.DistanceTo(sp) < inters.DistanceTo(ep)) return ep;
                    return sp;
                var fp1 = getFarest(sp1, ep1, pp1);
                var fp2 = getFarest(sp2, ep2, pp2);

                // if radius == 0, just trim/extend the lines
                if (radius == 0.0)
                    if (sp1.IsEqualTo(line1.StartPoint))
                        line1.EndPoint = inters;
                        line1.StartPoint = inters;

                    if (sp2.IsEqualTo(line2.StartPoint))
                        line2.EndPoint = inters;
                        line2.StartPoint = inters;
                // compute the fillet
                    // 2D work in the plane defined by the two lines
                    var normal = (fp1 - inters).CrossProduct(fp2 - inters);
                    var plane = new Plane(inters, normal);
                    var v1 = fp1.Convert2d(plane).GetAsVector();
                    var v2 = fp2.Convert2d(plane).GetAsVector();
                    double angle = v1.GetAngleTo(v2) / 2.0;
                    var dist = radius / Tan(angle);
                    if (v1.Length <= dist || v2.Length <= dist)
                        ed.WriteMessage("\nRadius too large to fillet the selected lines.");

                    double hyp = radius / Sin(angle);
                    var center = new Point2d(hyp * Cos(angle + v1.Angle), hyp * Sin(angle + v1.Angle));
                    var p1 = Point2d.Origin + v1.GetNormal() * dist;
                    var p2 = Point2d.Origin + v2.GetNormal() * dist;
                    var a1 = center.GetVectorTo(p1).Angle;
                    var a2 = center.GetVectorTo(p2).Angle;

                    // back to 3D
                    Func<Point2d, Point3d> convert3d = (pt) =>
                        new Point3d(pt.X, pt.Y, 0.0).TransformBy(Matrix3d.PlaneToWorld(plane));
                    var arc = new Arc(new Point3d(center.X, center.Y, 0.0), radius, a2, a1);
                    var curSpace = (BlockTableRecord)tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                    tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(arc, true);

                    line1.StartPoint = convert3d(p1);
                    line1.EndPoint = fp1;
                    line2.StartPoint = fp2;
                    line2.EndPoint = convert3d(p2);


Gilles Chanteau
Programmation AutoCAD LISP/.NET

Message 12 of 14
in reply to: _gile

_gile wrote:



Here's a 3d working example.




Hi Gilles, @_gile

Nice example of using Delegates !


Regards and thanks for all your hard work.



// Called Kerry in my other life.

Everything will work just as you expect it to, unless your expectations are incorrect.

class keyThumper<T> : Lazy<T>;      another  Swamper

Message 13 of 14
in reply to: kdub_nz

KerryBrown a écrit :

Hi Gilles, @_gile

Nice example of using Delegates !

Regards and thanks for all your hard work.


Thanks Kerry, @kdub_nz


Delegates are an alternative to local functions which are coming with the C# 7 as tuples and pattern matching.

C# get closer to F# at each new version...


F# code

namespace Fillet3d

open System
open Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
open Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
open Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
open Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
type AcAp = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application

type Command () =

    let mutable radius = 0.0

    member x.test () =
        let doc = AcAp.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
        let db = doc.Database
        let ed = doc.Editor

        let pdo = PromptDistanceOptions("\nSpecify the radius: ")
        pdo.DefaultValue <- radius
        pdo.UseDefaultValue <- true
        pdo.AllowNegative <- false
        let pdr = ed.GetDistance(pdo)
        if (pdr.Status = PromptStatus.OK) then
            radius <- pdr.Value
            ed.WriteMessage("\nRadius = {0}", radius)

            let peo = PromptEntityOptions("\nSelect the first line: ")
            peo.SetRejectMessage("\nSelected object is not a line.")
            peo.AddAllowedClass(typeof<Line>, true)
            let per = ed.GetEntity(peo)
            if (per.Status = PromptStatus.OK) then
                let id1 = per.ObjectId
                let pp1 = ed.Snap("_near", per.PickedPoint).TransformBy(ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem)

                peo.Message <- "\nSelect the second line: "
                let per = ed.GetEntity(peo)
                if (per.Status = PromptStatus.OK) then
                    let id2 = per.ObjectId
                    let pp2 = ed.Snap("_near", per.PickedPoint).TransformBy(ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem)

                    use tr = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
                    // open the lines
                    let line1 = tr.GetObject(id1, OpenMode.ForRead) :?> Line
                    let line2 = tr.GetObject(id2, OpenMode.ForRead) :?> Line

                    // get the intersection
                    let pts = new Point3dCollection()
                    line1.IntersectWith(line2, Intersect.ExtendBoth, pts, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)
                    if (pts.Count = 0) then
                        ed.WriteMessage("\nSelected lines do not intersect.")
                        let inters = pts.[0]

                        // get the farest points from intersection on the picked side of both lines
                        let getFarest sp ep pp =
                            let dir = pp - inters
                            if not ((sp - inters).IsCodirectionalTo(dir)) then ep
                            elif not ((ep - inters).IsCodirectionalTo(dir)) then sp
                            elif inters.DistanceTo(sp) < inters.DistanceTo(ep) then ep
                            else sp
                        let fp1 = getFarest line1.StartPoint line1.EndPoint pp1
                        let fp2 = getFarest line2.StartPoint line2.EndPoint pp2

                        // if radius equals 0.0, just trim or extend the lines
                        if radius = 0.0 then
                            let trimExtend (line: Line) fp =
                                if line.StartPoint.IsEqualTo(fp) 
                                then line.EndPoint <- inters
                                else line.StartPoint <- inters
                            trimExtend line1 fp1
                            trimExtend line2 fp2
                        else // compute the fillet
                            // 2D work in the plane defined by the 2 lines
                            let norm = (fp1 - inters).CrossProduct(fp2 - inters)
                            let plane = new Plane(inters, norm)
                            let v1 = fp1.Convert2d(plane).GetAsVector()
                            let v2 = fp2.Convert2d(plane).GetAsVector()
                            let ang = v1.GetAngleTo(v2) / 2.
                            let dist = radius / tan ang
                            if (v1.Length <= radius || v2.Length <= radius) then
                                ed.WriteMessage("\nRadius too large too fillet the lines.")
                                let hyp = radius / sin ang
                                let cen = Point2d(hyp * cos (ang + v1.Angle), hyp * sin (ang + v1.Angle))
                                let pointAngle (v : Vector2d) = 
                                    let p = Point2d.Origin + v.GetNormal() * dist
                                    (p, (p - cen).Angle)
                                let (p1, a1) = pointAngle v1
                                let (p2, a2) = pointAngle v2

                                // back to 3D
                                let arc = new Arc(Point3d(cen.X, cen.Y, 0.0), radius, a2, a1)
                                let space = tr.GetObject(db.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite) :?> BlockTableRecord
                                space.AppendEntity(arc) |> ignore
                                tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(arc, true)

                                let convert3d (pt : Point2d) = 
                                    Point3d(pt.X, pt.Y, 0.0).TransformBy(Matrix3d.PlaneToWorld(plane))
                                let trimExtend (line : Line) fp p =
                                    if line.StartPoint.IsEqualTo(fp) 
                                    then line.EndPoint <- convert3d p
                                    else line.StartPoint <- convert3d p
                                trimExtend line1 fp1 p1
                                trimExtend line2 fp2 p2



Gilles Chanteau
Programmation AutoCAD LISP/.NET

Message 14 of 14
in reply to: _gile

what would be the implementation to join the lines with the arc forming a spline

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