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AcDbSpacialFilter aka XClip

Message 1 of 5
1432 Views, 4 Replies

AcDbSpacialFilter aka XClip

Does anybody have any experience with Xref and Block clipping boundaries? I have done a litte 'snooping' and found the object Spacial Filter or "AcDbSpacialFilter" to by my stored Xclip rectangular boundary for a simple block. I was looking for any pointers to get into and out of this information so that I can create some much needed utilities.

One utility I desire to create involves searching a selected group of entities for block/xrefs and copying all the entities as shown on the screen to a new layer. This would extract all the clipped boundaries, trim the lines, and omit anything frozen or turned off. My first stumbling block is the lack of information on working with clipped boundaries in vb.net. ANY help would be appreciated.


Message 2 of 5

This is a class i have constructed to begin working on this first tool. Stop the code after the spf = dbdent.value.... line to see the data retrieved from any given Xclip'ed block or xref. I can't seem to put the pieces together just right. The ARX version of the Filter/Index system is a bit different than the .Net version, especially with the missing (or i just can't find it) Filter Manager object. Any help to get past the errors and retrieve the modifed entity list would be much appreciated.

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Filters

Public Class cmatMain

Inherits CommonAutoCADVariables

<CommandMethod("MergeVisibleEntities")> Public Sub MergeVisibleEngities()

'step by step

'for each block/xref in selection 'done

'get a collection of visible layers.

'get the entities in the block

'get the clipping boundary of the block 'done

'filter out any entity that is not visible.

'bountry trim the remaining entities inside the boundary

'remove any entities outside of the boundary.

'add remaining entities to new entity layer in model space block

'next block



Using trans As Transaction = ThisDrawing.TransactionManager.StartTransaction

Dim ssOid() As ObjectId

Dim oids As New ObjectIdCollection

Dim oid As ObjectId

Dim ss As SelectionSet = Nothing

Dim pso As New PromptSelectionOptions

pso.MessageForAdding = "Add Blocks/Xrefs to process: "

pso.MessageForRemoval = "Remove Blocks/Xrefs from processing: "

pso.AllowDuplicates = False

pso.RejectPaperspaceViewport = True

pso.AllowSubSelections = False

Dim psr As PromptSelectionResult = ed.GetSelection(pso)

If psr.Status = PromptStatus.OK Then

ss = psr.Value

ssOid = ss.GetObjectIds

For I As Integer = 0 To ssOid.GetUpperBound(0)



For Each oid In oids

Dim ent As Entity = trans.GetObject(oid, OpenMode.ForRead, False, True)

If ent.GetType Is GetType(BlockReference) Then

Dim bref As BlockReference = ent

Dim brDbd As DBDictionary = trans.GetObject(bref.ExtensionDictionary, OpenMode.ForRead, False, True)

For Each item As DBDictionaryEntry In brDbd


Dim dbd As DBDictionary = item.Value.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)

For Each dbdent As DBDictionaryEntry In dbd


'get spacial filter from xref

Dim spf As Filters.SpatialFilter = dbdent.Value.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)

'get point collection of boundary points from spacial filter (xclip boundary)

Dim pcol As Point2dCollection = spf.Definition.GetPoints

'create an index to attempt to activate this spacial filter and return filtered entities

Dim indy As New Filters.SpatialIndex

'create a collection pool to store the index data in

Dim indupd As IndexUpdateData = Nothing

'force the index to rebuild with this new pool

''unfortunately this throws the error "object not set.."


'get the iterator in order to cycle through the filtered entities

''unfortunately this throws the error "access to corrupted memory..."

Dim iter As Filters.FilteredBlockIterator = indy.GetIterator(spf)

'this never got to run, but it was supposed to recollect the object IDs so that i could use them.

Dim foids As New ObjectIdCollection



Dim foid As ObjectId = iter.Next

If foid = Nothing Then Exit Do





End If



Exit Sub

End If

End Using

Catch ex As System.Exception


Exit Sub

End Try

End Sub

End Class



Message 3 of 5

It's about time I answer my own question again...

An Xref or block that has a boundary clip creates a collection of points and stores it in its extention dictionary. A rectangular clip stores 2 points (opposite corners) and all other polylines store all the points of the polyline.  Over time, I managed to compile all the help info and previous posts from each of you to create a few consice chunks of code I use to determine if an object in code is also an object on screen, or is it clipped out.  Here is that code:

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.Filters

Public Class XClippedBlock

    Dim mXClipPoints As Point3dCollection = Nothing

    Public Property BlockRef As BlockReference
    Public Property XClipped As Boolean = False
    Public Property XClipBounds As Point2dCollection = Nothing
    Public Property XClipMatrix As Matrix3d = Nothing
    Public Property XClipSpatialFilter As SpatialFilter = Nothing

    Public ReadOnly Property XClipBoundaryPoints As Point3dCollection
            If mXClipPoints = Nothing Then
                If XClipBounds IsNot Nothing Then
                    If XClipBounds.Count > 0 Then
                        mXClipPoints = New Point3dCollection
                        If XClipBounds.Count = 2 Then
                            Dim p1 As New Point3d(XClipBounds(0).X, XClipBounds(0).Y, 0)
                            Dim p2 As New Point3d(XClipBounds(1).X, XClipBounds(0).Y, 0)
                            Dim p3 As New Point3d(XClipBounds(1).X, XClipBounds(1).Y, 0)
                            Dim p4 As New Point3d(XClipBounds(0).X, XClipBounds(1).Y, 0)
                            For Each Point2d In XClipBounds
                                mXClipPoints.Add(New Point3d(Point2d.X, Point2d.Y, 0))
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            Return mXClipPoints
        End Get
    End Property

    Private Sub New()
        'hide me
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByRef bref As BlockReference, trans As Transaction)
        If bref IsNot Nothing Then BlockRef = bref
        If bref.ExtensionDictionary <> ObjectId.Null Then
            Dim brDbd As DBDictionary = trans.GetObject(bref.ExtensionDictionary, OpenMode.ForRead, False, True)
            For Each item As DBDictionaryEntry In brDbd
                If item.ToString.Contains("ACAD_FILTER") Then
                    Dim dbd As DBDictionary = item.Value.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)
                    For Each dbdent As DBDictionaryEntry In dbd
                        If dbdent.ToString.Contains("SPATIAL") Then
                            'get spacial filter from xref
                            XClipSpatialFilter = dbdent.Value.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead)
                            ''get point collection of boundary points from spacial filter (xclip boundary)
                            XClipped = XClipSpatialFilter.Definition.Enabled
                            If XClipped Then
                                XClipBounds = XClipSpatialFilter.Definition.GetPoints
                                ''create an index to attempt to activate this spacial filter and return filtered entities
                                XClipMatrix = XClipSpatialFilter.ClipSpaceToWorldCoordinateSystemTransform
                            End If
                        End If
                End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub IntersectsWith(ByRef ent As Entity, ByRef pts As Point3dCollection, ByRef trans As Transaction)
        If XClipped Then
            'verify if the object in question is even withing the clipped bounds
            If XClipSpatialFilter.ClipVolumeIntersectsExtents(ent.GeometricExtents) Then
                'explode the blockref, and cycle through the entities
                Using trans2 As Transaction = trans.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
                    Dim objs As DBObjectCollection = New DBObjectCollection()
                    For Each obj As DBObject In objs
                        'verify if each enitity is within the clipped bounds
                        Dim brefpts As New Point3dCollection
                        Dim entBref As Entity = CType(obj, Entity)
                        If XClipSpatialFilter.ClipVolumeIntersectsExtents(entBref.GeometricExtents) Then
                            IntersectionPtsForEntities(entBref, ent, brefpts, trans2)
                            If brefpts.Count > 0 Then
                                'qualify these points inside the xclip bounds
                                For Each pnt As Point3d In brefpts
                                    Dim pExtents As New Extents3d(pnt, pnt)
                                    If XClipSpatialFilter.ClipVolumeIntersectsExtents(pExtents) Then
                                        If Not pts.Contains(pnt) Then pts.Add(pnt)
                                    End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    For Each obj In objs
                End Using
            End If
            Using trans2 As Transaction = trans.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
                Dim objs As DBObjectCollection = New DBObjectCollection()
                For Each obj As DBObject In objs
                    Dim entBref As Entity = CType(obj, Entity)
                    IntersectionPtsForEntities(entBref, ent, pts, trans2)
                For Each obj In objs
            End Using
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Function ExplodeBlockRef(ByRef trans As Transaction) As List(Of Entity)
        Dim finalList As New List(Of Entity)
        Dim eSet As New DBObjectCollection
        For Each obj As DBObject In eSet
            'verify if each enitity is within the clipped bounds
            Dim entFromExplode As Entity = CType(obj, Entity)
            If TypeOf entFromExplode Is BlockReference Then
                Dim xcBlockRef As New XClippedBlock(entFromExplode, trans)
                If XClipSpatialFilter.ClipVolumeIntersectsExtents(entFromExplode.GeometricExtents) Then
                    'either add par of the entity or the whole thing...
                    Dim booAddedPart As Boolean = False
                    'trim the entitiy to the bounds before adding
                    If TypeOf entFromExplode Is Curve Then
                        Dim curv As Curve = entFromExplode
                        'collect intersection point for all sides
                        Dim boundaryIntersectPoints As New Point3dCollection
                        For i As Integer = 0 To XClipBoundaryPoints.Count - 1
                            Dim indexStart As Integer = i
                            Dim indexEnd As Integer = i + 1
                            If i = XClipBoundaryPoints.Count - 1 Then
                                indexEnd = 0
                            End If
                            Dim lBoundary As New Line(XClipBoundaryPoints(indexStart), XClipBoundaryPoints(indexEnd))
                            'add to the intersection points for this side
                            IntersectionPtsForEntities(curv, lBoundary, boundaryIntersectPoints, trans)
                        'if anything is found, then with all combined points, split the curve on these points
                        If boundaryIntersectPoints.Count > 0 Then
                            'note to self sc=SplitCurves
                            Dim scObjColl As DBObjectCollection = Nothing
                            scObjColl = curv.GetSplitCurves(boundaryIntersectPoints)
                            'if anything was split, then find the objects that remain in the xclipped boundary
                            If scObjColl IsNot Nothing Then
                                For Each scObj As Object In scObjColl
                                    If TypeOf scObj Is Entity Then
                                        Dim scEnt As Entity = scObj
                                        Dim scCurve As Curve = scObj
                                        Dim sP As Point3d = scCurve.StartPoint
                                        Dim eP As Point3d = scCurve.EndPoint
                                        Dim ext As New Extents3d(sP, sP)
                                        If XClipSpatialFilter.ClipVolumeIntersectsExtents(ext) Then
                                            ext = New Extents3d(eP, eP)
                                            If XClipSpatialFilter.ClipVolumeIntersectsExtents(ext) Then
                                                'both points are within the boundary
                                                If TypeOf scObj Is Arc Then
                                                    Dim midPoint As Point3d = FindArcMidpoint(scObj)
                                                    'check if object swings inside of boundary by testing it's midpoint
                                                    ext = New Extents3d(midPoint, midPoint)
                                                    If XClipSpatialFilter.ClipVolumeIntersectsExtents(ext) Then
                                                        booAddedPart = True
                                                    End If
                                                    booAddedPart = True
                                                End If
                                            End If
                                        End If
                                    End If
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    If Not booAddedPart Then
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Return finalList
    End Function

End Class


 The limitations in this code is the breaking of polylines and splines when clipping.  So now whenever I run across a block that may be xclipped, I run the block through this object to find it's boundaries and if I have a possible intersection.  There may be better ways to rewrite this code or portions of it, so feel free.




Tags (2)
Message 4 of 5
in reply to: JamieVJohnson2
Message 5 of 5
in reply to: jeff

Yea, that was one of my sources as well.  Notice he sets the XClip data in the Extention Dictionary.  Would be nice if there were a more higher level approach in the API.




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