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CADPower - What you can get for $39

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CADPower - What you can get for $39


CADPower - The complete commands reference

Polyline Tools

CP_3DJ                                   Join 3D Polylines
CP_PLJOIN                             Automated Join - 2D polylines

Change 2d -> 3d -> 2d
CP_CH2D3D                          2D-to-3D
CP_CH3D2D                          3D-to-2D

Vertex Management
CP_DELVX                              Delete Vertex
CP_INSVX                               Insert Vertex
CP_DENSIFY                           Densify vertices
CP_REM_LINVERTS              Weed (remove) collinear vertices from polyline
CP_PL_PLACE                       Place Points/Blocks along vertices
CP_FIXCLOSED                      Add / Remove redundant closing vertex in polylines
CP_DELSVP                            Delete single vertex polylines
CP_MVEDIT                           Multiple Vertex Editor
CP_NEWSTART                     Specify a new start point for closed polylines

Part Editing
CP_PARTEXTRACT                Extract part of a polyline
CP_PARTCOPY                      Copy(and move) part of a polyline
CP_PARTOFFSET                   Offset part of a polyline
CP_PARTSTRETCH                Stretch part of a polyline
CP_PARTMIRROR                 Mirror part of a polyline
CP_PARTROTATE                  Rotate part of a polyline
CP_PARTRESHAPE                Reshape part of a polyline

Inquiry & Statistics
CP_PL_STAT                          Compute detailed polyline statistics
CP_LAYERAREA                    Compute summed polyline areas from selected layers
CP_LENGTH                           Compute lengths
CP_CALCAREA                      Compute summed areas of closed polylines
CP_BULGE                             Display info. about polyline bulge (arc segments)

More editing
CP_XV                                    Express Pedit
CP_CP_MPEDIT                    Multiple Pedit
CP_CHW                                                Change Widths
CP_XP_WPL                          Explode Polylines with width
CP_SEGLENSET                      Specify segment lengths in polylines

CP_FLIP                                  Flip (Reverse) direction
CP_PLARCMIRROR               Flip (mirror) arc segments of polylines

CP_FILLETPOLY                     Enhanced fillet command
CP_MFILLET                          Fillet multiple polylines

CP_CP_INOUTOFFSET          Offset closed polylines INwards/OUTwards
CP_XPSPL                              Explode Splined
CP_POLYGETZ                       Acquire Neighboring polyline elevations
CP_FLOW_LT                        Control polyline linetypes
CP_ZPOLY                              Zoom to Polyline
CP_FIXUCS                             Fix line/polylines with different UCS
CP_LINPOLY                          Draw linear polylines from arced polylines


CP_PLARC2PL                       Convert Arc Polylines to linear segment polyline
CP_PLINE2ARC                     Convert linear polylines to arcs/arced polylines
CP_LINE2PL                           Convert lines and arcs to polylines
CP_SPL2PL                            Convert Splines to polylines
CP_PL2SPL                            Convert polylines to SPLINE

CP_PL23DFACE                    Convert polylines to 3dface
CP_PL2PFACE                       Convert polylines to PFACE
CP_3DF2PL                           3DFaces to polylines
CP_3DF2PFACE                    3DFaces to polyface mesh
CP_PFACE2PL                       Polyface mesh to polylines

More conversion
CP_BLKSHP2P                       Convert Blocks/Shapes/Text/Circle to Points
CP_P2BLKSHP                       Convert Points/Text/Circles to Blocks/Shapes
CP_0LEN2PNT                       Convert 0 Lengths to POINTs
CP_ATT2XD                           Attributes to Xdata

Polyline Types
CP_CH_H2L                           Heavy-Weight to Light-Weight
CP_CH_L2H                           Light-Weight to Heavy-Weight

CP_SCALE_Z                          Scale Z values
CP_BL2BE                              Change Properties ByLayer-to-ByEntity
CP_FLATTEN                          Flatten - Convert to 0.0 elevation


CP_IMPEX                              Import/Export points and lines
CP_MULTEXPORT                 Multiple drawing export in various formats
CP_3DF2DM                         Export 3dface objects into SMS 2DM file format
CP_IMPORT2DM                  Import 2DM files as 3dface objects


CP_CREATETAPER                Tapered lines
CP_SLOT                                                Slot
CP_HELIX                               Helix
CP_PARABOLA                     Parabola
CP_INVOLUTE                       Involute
CP_TUBE                                Tube
CP_TRUNCCONE                   Truncated Cone
CP_PERP                                Perpendicular lines
CP_DBOX                               Draw Rectangle with diagonals
CP_XLINES                             Projected(construction) lines
CP_TANCURVE                      Tangents to Curves

CAD Objects
CP_EASY3DPOINT                Easy 3dpoint
CP_EASY3DPOLY                  Easy 3dpolyline
CP_EASY3DFACE                  Easy 3dface

CP_ROUGHEN                       Roughen a Line

CP_DRAWPOLYINCDEC       Draw 3d polylines with auto.Elev increment/decrement
CP_BOXSCREEN                    Draw a rectangle box at the current screen extents
CP_BOUNDENT                     Draw bounding box around selected object(s)
CP_SORTEDPOLY                  Draw a polyline by joining points in sorted order
CP_SHOWPLARCS                Draw arc-ends to arc-center connections in arcs & polyarcs


CP_MOFFSETR                      Multiple Offset - Relative
CP_MOFFSETA                      Multiple Offset - Absolute
CP_CP_OFFSET                     Offset and delete original
CP_3DOFFSET                       Offset 3d polylines
CP_SEGOFFSET                     Offset single segment from polyline
CP_MVOFFSET                      Multiple Variable polyline segment offset

CP_CREATECENT                   Create centroid marks inside closed polygons
CP_MEASUREMANY             Measure multiple objects
CP_EXTRUDER                       Easy Solids Extruder
CP_JNE                                   Join nearest ends of lines, polylines

CP_CPROT                             Copy and then Rotate
CP_MVROT                            Move and then Rotate

CP_IDXYZ                               Label points
CP_VXLABEL                         Label polyline vertices
CP_SEGLABEL                       Label polyline segments
CP_ANGLABEL                      Label polyline Angles
CP_ANNOTATEENDS            Annotate ends of lines/polylines with symbols
CP_ANNOTPOINT S              Annotate points, based on layer names
CP_LENTEXT                          Create/update length annotation
CP_HNDLABEL                      Display object handles as text labels



CP_MOD_SHBL                    Globally Modify Block Properties
CP_REPBLK                            Replace Block
CP_XP_ATT                           Explode Block- Retain attributes as Text
CP_COMPAREBLKATTS       Compare Block attributes and create report
CP_CONNECTBLOCKS          Connect blocks based on attribute values
CP_MREDEFINE                     Multiple Redefine Blocks-Lyr/Clr
CP_EXPLODENESTED           Explode only nested blocks
CP_EXPLODE2LAYER           Explode blocks to a specified layer
CP_DRAWSEGBLOCKS         Place a block along each segment of the polyline
CP_MBLKTRIM                      Trim lines/polylines along intersecting blocks
CP_BLOCKINS                       Express Block Insert
CP_REPEATBLK                     Repeat Last Block Insert

CP_CP_ATTEDIT                    Global Attribute Editor
CP_CP_EASYATT                   Multiple-Choice attribute editor
CP_CP_EASYATT_SETUP     Multiple-Choice attribute editor Setup
CP_CP_EASYATTCLASS        Change block layers/color based on attribute values
CP_CP_ATTEXT                     Extract Block attributes to file
CP_PROP2ATT                      Transfer AutoCAD properties to Blocks Attributes
CP_TAGEXT                           Export Block Attribute Tags to ASCII file                         
CP_TAGREN                           Rename block attribute tags, prompts and defaults
CP_TAGDEL                           Delete block attribute tags from block definition
CP_ATTMOVE                       Move attribute
CP_ATTROTATE                    Rotate attribute
CP_ATTUPRIGHT                   Make attribute readable
CP_ATTXFER                          Transfer Attributes between blocks
CP_TXT2ATT                          Transfer Text strings to Block attributes

CP_ZOOMTXT                       Search and replace text/attributes
CP_BLKEDIT                           Edit blocks graphics and attribute properties independently
CP_DYNATTPLACE                Place Block - position attributes interactively
CP_SRCHBLK4TXT                                Search Blocks for text strings


CP_TC                                     Draw Quick Text (running numbers)
CP_CURVETEXT                     Create text along a curve
CP_EASYTEXT                        Create text aligned to a curve
CP_DATESTAMP                   Create Date/Drawing Stamp
CP_MT                                   Draw Multiple Text

CP_MODTXT                         Globally modify TEXT/MTEXT
CP_TXTFILTER                       Text Filter
CP_TXTROUND                     Round Off Numeric text
CP_ENCLOSE                         Enclose Text in Box
CP_CONS_TXT                      Consolidate Text into MText
CP_SPLITTEXT                       Split long text strings into individual strings
CP_UNCLUTTER                    Unclutter text objects
CP_TXTSLIDE                         Slide (move) text relative to its rotation angle
CP_TXT2FILE                         Write Text to File
CP_TXTEDIT                           Global Multiple Text Editor

CP_TXT2ATTDEF                   Convert text strings to attribute definitions
CP_ATTDEF2TXT                   Convert attribute definitions to text objects
CP_CHCASE                           Change Case

CP_ALIGNTEXT                      Align Text Objects
CP_ALIGNTEXT2LINE            Align Text Objects to a line
CP_TORIENT                          Text Orient: Make Text,MText readable
CP_UND_LINE                       Underline Text
CP_TXTEVAL                          Apply arithmetic/statistical operations on text objects
CP_DWGFONTS                    List Drawing Fonts

Extended Entity Data
CP_REMXD                            Remove Xdata
CP_XD_SEARCH                    Search and replace extended entity data
CP_SHOWXD                        Display extended entity data from picked object
CP_XD_EXTRACT                  Extract extended entity data to ASCII files
CP_OD_XD_LABEL               Create text labels from Object data / extended entity data
CP_NODATA                         Check for no Xdata / Object Data
CP_EASYEED                          Edit XDATA in a dialog box

File Management

CP_FILEMAN                         File Manager
CP_DWGBROWSER              DWG browser, with thumbnail previews
CP_BINDXREF                        Detaches all un-referenced XREFs and binds all others into current DWG
CP_BATCHPROCESS             Batch process multiple drawings with scripts
CP_MULTINS                         Multiple DWG Inserts
CP_MXREF                             Multiple drawings XREF
CP_READEXIF                        Display EXIF data from images & other files (photo-forensics)

CP_LYRS2DWG                     Layers to DWG
CP_DWGSPLIT                      Split a drawing into smaller parts
CP_FILEESORT                       Sort ASCII files

CAD Procedures
CP_MATCH                            Match Properties
CP_OBJALIGN                       Align Objects
CP_XYZSCL                            Scale objects (unequally) in X, Y and Z directions
CP_MEANPOINT                   Create a mean (averaged) point from a cluster of points
CP_FLIPZ                                Flip (reverse) elevations(Z) from selected objects
CP_ROUNDOFF                     Round Off Values from points/lines
CP_HATCHBOUND               Re-Create Hatch boundaries from HATCH object
CP_XTRACT                           Extract from XREF
CP_XP_RETDAT                    Explode objects - Retain Object Table and extended entity data
CP_HATCHAREA                   Report on areas covered by HATCH objects
CP_FLIPARCS                        Flip ECS of arcs with negative normals
CP_CHOP                               Object Chopper
CP_AUTODIM                       Automatic Dimensioning
CP_FACENORMAL                Control 3dface Face Normals
CP_CONTBREAK                   Break(Split) objects along a polyline
CP_ZOOMENT                       Zoom to extent of selected object(s) (with 5% margin)
CP_DELETELAYOUTS            Delete paper-space layouts
CP_NULLTEXT                       Delete Null TEXT
CP_PURGEALL                      Purge All Unused Symbols
CP_SCALECLEAN                  Remove all unreferenced scales
CP_VISIBLE                            Change object visibility


CP_PLFILTER                         Polylines based on properties
CP_FINDENCLOSED              Find points enclosed within 3dface space
CP_3DFFILTER                       3DFaces based on properties
CP_ESELECT                           Enhanced Entity Selector
CP_MAKESEL                        Build Selection Set
CP_FINDZRNG                       Find objects in selected Z range
CP_SL                                     Select Current Layer
CP_SS                                     Select Current Style
CP_LASTSEL                          Put last CADPower selection in 'previous' sel.set

CP_SURFAREA                      Compute Surface Area of 3DFACEs
CP_ANGLE                             Display angle between two lines
CP_CGRAV                             Compute Center of Gravity
CP_DWG_STAT                     Display Drawing Statistics
CP_PERIMTR                         Compute running distance/perimeter
CP_VISIT                                 Object Selection Browser
CP_Q                                      Quick elevation Info
CP_DXY                                  Enhanced DIST command

CP_LAYERMAN                     Layer Names Editor
CP_ISOD                                                Isolate layer(s)
CP_RESTORE                         Restore Isolated layer(s)
CP_SL_1                                                Save Layer State - 1
CP_SL_2                                                Save Layer State - 2
CP_SL_3                                                Save Layer State - 3
CP_RL_1                                                Restore Layer State - 1
CP_RL_2                                                Restore Layer State - 2
CP_RL_3                                                Restore Layer State - 3
CP_CCL                                  Change to current layer
CP_CPCL                                                Copy to current layer
CP_COPYLYR                         Copy layer contents to another layer


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