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Re: Autodesk: Think aggressive

Message 1 of 20
296 Views, 19 Replies

Re: Autodesk: Think aggressive

Thanks Matt. The main curtainwall was done using 'bruningcad' and a custom
program I wrote on HP Basic which used linear algebra to generate a
development of the glass planes so that all the 'horizontals' and glass
sizes could be shown true size. I and the archie from IM Pie played with
the cutting planes until we liked the look. The really nasty one was the
sunscreen tubes. I wrote another program which set up the cutting planes
for each of the 36 bays, and calculated the distances from the sides of the
parabolic steel trusses for each tube - 14,600+ tubes of various sizes - the
cutting list was over 80 pages long - each tube labelled as to it's panel
number & bay number (average panel length around 6' - adjusted for each bay)
The 3 lenses were much simpler - I only had to solve 1/2 of one of them!

At the top is where most bottleneck's occur.

Much design work is really 2D work anyway. When I lay out a new hospital
floor plan in an existing building the process is 90% 2D. There are certain
rooms that require the use of 3d objects and we apply it then. If anyone
thinks that we're spending hours drawing interior elevations - well we just
don't need to much of the time. Exceptions usually being millwork and
headwalls, and special accent/finished areas - which are few and far between
in a Canadian hospital. So I don't see where going all 3D would help. I
was being rather facetious when I said 1 or 10 TB, but the issues are still

And our consultants and owners would have no one capable of handling a large
3d model - the owner can't even maintain a layering system or draw a door
without using a line and a circle!

And really why should they? They are hospital workers - not cad gurus. Why
should they make any investment in this area? They have far more important
things to do like saving people's lives. And do you think that all the
firms that input graphical data are going to use the same cad standards you
have set up? That's pie in the sky thinking. Hand these guys a 3d model?
After what I see them do to a floor plan?

Although plan is misleading - our 'floor plan' has all of the information
for the entire floor either on or xref'd in - so ceilings, lighting, hvac,
floor patterns, fire separations, zones etc are all available - simply using
layer states.
They have the door information right on the plan, along with the room
finishes and equipment info along with the spreadsheets of that data.

There is a use for 3D, and some archie firms are doing very well with it.
Manufacture learned long ago that 3d was the way for 90% of them. However
sheet metal, glass, fabric cutting machines all get the data in 2D.

Princess Jamie,

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
- Anais Nin

"Matt" wrote in message
Very nice building. I like the lobby (east I think it was).
I work in strictly 2D also. Mostly because my boss is very resistant to
things he doesn't understand ๐Ÿ™‚ which makes things interesting to say the
least. But yet we turn all kinds of projects out (MEP) efficiently and
profitably as well. The biggest thing holding 3D up in this area
is.........hardly anyone is using it. We would lose money in a big way if
we tried to go to 3D. We would have to recreate the buildings (which isn't
going to happen) just to run our systems. I've also notice that are clients
with 3D capablities don't use it for beans. Nothing like a water closet 15
feet below the finished floor. Basically, our bottleneck starts at the top.

My 2cents

"mmm" wrote in message
let me get this straight.

in our jurisdiction, which is one of the most heavily regulated in NA, we
manage to produce excellent spec's and drawings, and the buildings go up,
and we all make money, and the owner is pleased. And we do it faster than
ever before.

What exactly is wrong with this business model?

If you want to point at inefficiencies - well there are a host of them out
there, but frankly, until we take the next big leap
(consultants/contractors/architects) the finger can and should be pointed at
the Gordian knot of red tape before it points our way.

And stop making the assumption that because I don't do things the way YOU
think they should be done that I'm either lazy, indifferent, stupid, archaic
or incompetent.

When you have $1 billion dollars of projects under your belt then I'll perk
up and listen - want to take a look at my work? google the Meyerson Symphony
centre in Dallas - I did the all of the curtainwalls working with IM Pei.

Princess Jamie,

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
- Anais Nin

Princess Jamie,

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
- Anais Nin

"Joe Blizzard" wrote in message
"Scott Davis" wrote
> It just means that we must not only re-think the way we design
> and produce CD's, we need to re-think contracts and liability.

I agree. The problem isn't with the building model, it's the business model.
Message 2 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous


Here, we do about $800 million annually, so here I have around $10 billion dollars of projects under my belt. My previous place I worked on about $4 billion worth, in 4 years, and the place before that (small place) I worked on about $1 billion in 4 years. So in the last 21 years working with AutoCAD, I have about $15 billion worth of contracts under my belt, and that doesn't count the 10 years of hand drafting prior to that.

Does that amount of experience make you "perk up and listen" as you've promised?? Probably not, just thought I'd ask.
Message 3 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

> here I have around $10 billion dollars of projects under my belt.

Where's here?
Message 4 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

My current place of employment.
Message 5 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

And where is it? Is there a web site to look at?



wrote in message
My current place of employment.
Message 6 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

I *do* listen to you. I just don't always see things the way you do.

Princess Jamie,

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
- Anais Nin

wrote in message
< perk up and listen >>

Here, we do about $800 million annually, so here I have around $10 billion
dollars of projects under my belt. My previous place I worked on about $4
billion worth, in 4 years, and the place before that (small place) I worked
on about $1 billion in 4 years. So in the last 21 years working with
AutoCAD, I have about $15 billion worth of contracts under my belt, and that
doesn't count the 10 years of hand drafting prior to that.

Does that amount of experience make you "perk up and listen" as you've
promised?? Probably not, just thought I'd ask.
Message 7 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

> My current place of employment.

And is the name and location of said place of employment a secret for some
Message 8 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

I'd rather not connect my current employer with my opinions posted here. My opinions are mine alone and do not always reflect the opinions and positions of my employer.

But if you must here is our parent company's website:
Message 9 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

> I'd rather not connect my current employer with my opinions posted here.
> But if you must here is our parent company's website:

Thanks. I sometimes find it a little easier to make sense of someone's
opinions knowing where they're coming from.
Message 10 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

Well, it makes it difficult to "perk up and listen" since you are hiding in
the bush somewhere. But I sort of guessed it before (that you are hiding,
that's it).


wrote in message

Does that amount of experience make you "perk up and listen" as you've
promised?? Probably not, just thought I'd ask.

I'd rather not connect my current employer with my opinions posted here. My
opinions are mine alone and do not always reflect the opinions and positions
of my employer.

But if you must here is our parent company's website:
Message 11 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

Why would my protection of my employer from my posted positions here be considered "hiding". And for anyone paying the least attention, my name has been posted dozens of times, so your "fear" of my "hiding" is misplaced at best.
Message 12 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

It is very simple. What one says and does could be two different things.
Thus, the samples of the work you have personally being involved with would
be good to see. Besides, you always claim that you work for the most
powerful, sophisticated, advanced in any respect company in the world. But
you are not on a payroll of my company. Than which company?


To reply please use address
wrote in message
Why would my protection of my employer from my posted positions here be
considered "hiding". And for anyone paying the least attention, my name has
been posted dozens of times, so your "fear" of my "hiding" is misplaced at
Message 13 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

He has posted examples of his work in these forums on at least 2 occasions
that I can think of. In both cases they were 3D structures drawn in Acad
2002. In one of his examples he has used multiple sheets in one file. As far
as I'm concerned he has backed up his claims when he has made them.

Perhaps I'm more forgiving or somewhat naive, but what I see as opinions a
lot of people see as doctrine. If you don't like or need his opinion ignore
it. It won't cost him a dime and will allow you to get on with your lives.

OC, sorry if my jumping to your defence has embarrassed you. This is as far
as I am going to get drawn into this thread.

"Igor Mironenko" wrote in message
It is very simple. What one says and does could be two different things.
Thus, the samples of the work you have personally being involved with would
be good to see. Besides, you always claim that you work for the most
powerful, sophisticated, advanced in any respect company in the world. But
you are not on a payroll of my company. Than which company?


To reply please use address
wrote in message
Why would my protection of my employer from my posted positions here be
considered "hiding". And for anyone paying the least attention, my name has
been posted dozens of times, so your "fear" of my "hiding" is misplaced at
Message 14 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

It is amazing how easily some people can miss the point. And the point was
that Randy invited to have a look at the achievements of the company he
works for and didn't provide the address. Where I came from, the address of
the place is supplied with the invitation. Or, you don't invite anyone. Is
this any different at your place?


To reply please use address
"Mac" wrote in message
He has posted examples of his work in these forums on at least 2 occasions
that I can think of. In both cases they were 3D structures drawn in Acad
2002. In one of his examples he has used multiple sheets in one file. As far
as I'm concerned he has backed up his claims when he has made them.

Perhaps I'm more forgiving or somewhat naive, but what I see as opinions a
lot of people see as doctrine. If you don't like or need his opinion ignore
it. It won't cost him a dime and will allow you to get on with your lives.

OC, sorry if my jumping to your defence has embarrassed you. This is as far
as I am going to get drawn into this thread.

"Igor Mironenko" wrote in message
It is very simple. What one says and does could be two different things.
Thus, the samples of the work you have personally being involved with would
be good to see. Besides, you always claim that you work for the most
powerful, sophisticated, advanced in any respect company in the world. But
you are not on a payroll of my company. Than which company?


To reply please use address
wrote in message
Why would my protection of my employer from my posted positions here be
considered "hiding". And for anyone paying the least attention, my name has
been posted dozens of times, so your "fear" of my "hiding" is misplaced at
Message 15 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

He has provided examples but shouldn't have to. If you believe his info is
suspect don't listen to him. I have found however that he knows what he is
talking about as it applies to his company and industry. Have you posted
your work? I know I haven't and I won't. I don't really need anyone's
approval besides the guy that is signing my check - and that should be the
same for everyone. So, what's the point? Are you interested in information
or are you looking to pick things apart?

Message 16 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

Jump in any time Mac, on either side, I'm cool. Igor is still miffed at me that I thumped him a few weeks ago over his eccentric reducer approximations. Apparently SO miffed he missed the fact that I DID post a link to my current employer's website just a few posts back.
Message 17 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous


hmm... that's odd, I can't find a post with any such invitation.

>and didn't provide the address

hmmm... but, yes I did. so... what's yer beef?

>Where I came from, the address of the place is supplied with the invitation. Or, you don't invite anyone.

Well, as I pointed out earlier, no such invitation was given, but that's another issue. One with which you were so enamored, you missed the link I posted. Message was edited by: OLD-CADaver
Message 18 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

wrote in message

Does that amount of experience make you "perk up and listen" as you've
promised?? Probably not, just thought I'd ask.

Placed above is a quote from your own post. What was the meaning of that
You gave the address of the parenting company, not the company you work for.
It is not the same thing.
And yes, Matt, I was interested in some information, that's why I asked for
a website.

To reply please use address
wrote in message
the company he works for >>

hmm... that's odd, I can't find a post with any such invitation.

>and didn't provide the address

hmmm... but, yes I did. so... what's yer beef?

>Where I came from, the address of the place is supplied with the
>invitation. Or, you don't invite anyone.

Well, as I pointed out earlier, no such invitation was given, but that's
another issue. One with which you were so enamored, you missed the link I

Message was edited by: OLD-CADaver
Message 19 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous

>You gave the address of the parenting company, not the
> company you work for. It is not the same thing.

Well that's as good as it gets, we have a corporate website, not individual sites for each facet. BTW, I'm not only the Chair of the CAD Management team at my company, but I have chaired the corporate CAD Management team in the past as well, and still am a member of that team. So, from a CAD standpoint that site is the company for which I work.

> I was interested in some information, that's why
> I asked for a website.

Ask me anything you like, I'd be glad to answer.
Message 20 of 20
in reply to: Anonymous



To reply please use address
wrote in message
>You gave the address of the parenting company, not the
> company you work for. It is not the same thing.

Well that's as good as it gets, we have a corporate website, not individual
sites for each facet. BTW, I'm not only the Chair of the CAD Management
team at my company, but I have chaired the corporate CAD Management team in
the past as well, and still am a member of that team. So, from a CAD
standpoint that site is the company for which I work.

> I was interested in some information, that's why
> I asked for a website.

Ask me anything you like, I'd be glad to answer.

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