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CAFM Staffing Requirements

Message 1 of 28
954 Views, 27 Replies

CAFM Staffing Requirements

I am looking for information regarding staffing levels to maintain a CAFM system. I work in health care and was wondering if there were any papers/data or published industry standards for staffing levels needed for CAFM (space management) in health care. We have over 3 million sqft and 1 CAD Tech. I am trying to justify a CAD Manager and more if needed.
Message 21 of 28
in reply to: Anonymous

oh, I am glad you explained that because I had no idea what you needed
acrylic for.

Also, I misread, and did not understand the Hoo Non Boy reference so thought
you said something about analgesics and unguents, and not adhesives and
unguents. Sorry, I thought you were talking about creaky joints in your


"Princess Jamie" wrote in message
>but I have forgotten the young's Modulus of acryllic and Hoo Non Boy has
>not applied sufficient adhesives

didn't want to break one of my acryllic nails...


"Princess Jamie" wrote in message
I have attempted to alleviate your plotting concerns in a professional
manner, one technologist to another as it were. However due to the
excessive verbiage commonly displayed within your frequent posting coupled
with my deleteriously fleeting attention span I may not have addressed all
of your needs and desires adequately. This is less a reflection on your
literary shortcomings and more of a self-inflicted diatribe against my own
self absorption and complete lack of interest.

Be that as it may, I continue to support and applaud your efforts albeit in
a slightly derisive and condescending manner befitting the royal beotch
reputation I cherish and uphold. I would normally capitalise every word for
imbecillic dramatic effect but I have forgotten the young's Modulus of
acryllic and Hoo Non Boy has not applied sufficient adhesives and unguents
to my digital extremities.


"JMT-02" wrote in message
As you well know, I have no need for sesquipedalian writing when one, two or
even a maximum of three syllables usually works well for me in my naturally
born talent to obfuscate through bloviation of what could have been a simple
10 word or less sentence in the first place. Bloviation seems to be my
natural inclination, even after eating, or before; as it seems to never make
much difference, with and without words.

Besides which, you are the sockdolager of record, never having been
surpassed by any living writer to which mine eyes have had the pleasure of
reading. I can never hope to match you wit for wit, or in general intellect
to intellect. You are the royal Queen, and I am only a mere prince in
service at your whim and fancy.

So take a look at my plotting question in the plotting newsgroup and see if
you can solve that minor bloviated question for me.


"Jamie Duncan" wrote in message
what lovely sentiments Jack. surely you a bring a level of eloquent
erudition that exceeds all expectations, and although some rebellious
disidents might bemoan your writing style as simply an attempt at
obfuscation through sesquipedalean bloviation, rest assured that rest of us
deem your literary efforts as a mark of excellence within the field of
airport architectural scribblings.....

Princess Jamie

"JMT-02" wrote in message
Isn't Melanie just the greatest? She always has a relevant and accurate
answer. I think she is way under appreciated. She is a very multi-faceted
and talented woman, and I adore her.

Jack Talsky

wrote in message
I am looking for information regarding staffing levels to maintain a CAFM
system. I work in health care and was wondering if there were any
papers/data or published industry standards for staffing levels needed for
CAFM (space management) in health care. We have over 3 million sqft and 1
CAD Tech. I am trying to justify a CAD Manager and more if needed.
Message 22 of 28
in reply to: Anonymous

and you are a woman. I thought it was just me because I am a man and don't
know about finger nails, except I like to pick mine so they break and hurt.
Actually, I think my metabolism has slowed and it affects my need to pick at
my nails. The result is that they now grow out and I can peel the labels
off of fruit, for which in earlier days I needed to use a knife.

fingernails are really a great invention. I never realized how great until
I slowed down enough to let them grow out a little bit.


"melanie stone" wrote in message

Aaaah. see, I didn't get that on the first read... 😉 thx

"Princess Jamie" wrote in message
>but I have forgotten the young's Modulus of acryllic and Hoo Non Boy has
>not applied sufficient adhesives

didn't want to break one of my acryllic nails...


"Princess Jamie" wrote in message
I have attempted to alleviate your plotting concerns in a professional
manner, one technologist to another as it were. However due to the
excessive verbiage commonly displayed within your frequent posting coupled
with my deleteriously fleeting attention span I may not have addressed all
of your needs and desires adequately. This is less a reflection on your
literary shortcomings and more of a self-inflicted diatribe against my own
self absorption and complete lack of interest.

Be that as it may, I continue to support and applaud your efforts albeit in
a slightly derisive and condescending manner befitting the royal beotch
reputation I cherish and uphold. I would normally capitalise every word for
imbecillic dramatic effect but I have forgotten the young's Modulus of
acryllic and Hoo Non Boy has not applied sufficient adhesives and unguents
to my digital extremities.


"JMT-02" wrote in message
As you well know, I have no need for sesquipedalian writing when one, two or
even a maximum of three syllables usually works well for me in my naturally
born talent to obfuscate through bloviation of what could have been a simple
10 word or less sentence in the first place. Bloviation seems to be my
natural inclination, even after eating, or before; as it seems to never make
much difference, with and without words.

Besides which, you are the sockdolager of record, never having been
surpassed by any living writer to which mine eyes have had the pleasure of
reading. I can never hope to match you wit for wit, or in general intellect
to intellect. You are the royal Queen, and I am only a mere prince in
service at your whim and fancy.

So take a look at my plotting question in the plotting newsgroup and see if
you can solve that minor bloviated question for me.


"Jamie Duncan" wrote in message
what lovely sentiments Jack. surely you a bring a level of eloquent
erudition that exceeds all expectations, and although some rebellious
disidents might bemoan your writing style as simply an attempt at
obfuscation through sesquipedalean bloviation, rest assured that rest of us
deem your literary efforts as a mark of excellence within the field of
airport architectural scribblings.....

Princess Jamie

"JMT-02" wrote in message
Isn't Melanie just the greatest? She always has a relevant and accurate
answer. I think she is way under appreciated. She is a very multi-faceted
and talented woman, and I adore her.

Jack Talsky

wrote in message
I am looking for information regarding staffing levels to maintain a CAFM
system. I work in health care and was wondering if there were any
papers/data or published industry standards for staffing levels needed for
CAFM (space management) in health care. We have over 3 million sqft and 1
CAD Tech. I am trying to justify a CAD Manager and more if needed.
Message 23 of 28
in reply to: Anonymous

lmao... just like my hair, my nails grow crazy fast, so I don't wear
but, thank goodness PJ knows we're slow, so she doesn't mind explaining
stuff to us. 😄

"JMT-02" wrote in message
and you are a woman. I thought it was just me because I am a man and don't
know about finger nails, except I like to pick mine so they break and hurt.
Actually, I think my metabolism has slowed and it affects my need to pick at
my nails. The result is that they now grow out and I can peel the labels
off of fruit, for which in earlier days I needed to use a knife.

fingernails are really a great invention. I never realized how great until
I slowed down enough to let them grow out a little bit.


"melanie stone" wrote in message

Aaaah. see, I didn't get that on the first read... 😉 thx

"Princess Jamie" wrote in message
>but I have forgotten the young's Modulus of acryllic and Hoo Non Boy has
>not applied sufficient adhesives

didn't want to break one of my acryllic nails...


"Princess Jamie" wrote in message
I have attempted to alleviate your plotting concerns in a professional
manner, one technologist to another as it were. However due to the
excessive verbiage commonly displayed within your frequent posting coupled
with my deleteriously fleeting attention span I may not have addressed all
of your needs and desires adequately. This is less a reflection on your
literary shortcomings and more of a self-inflicted diatribe against my own
self absorption and complete lack of interest.

Be that as it may, I continue to support and applaud your efforts albeit in
a slightly derisive and condescending manner befitting the royal beotch
reputation I cherish and uphold. I would normally capitalise every word for
imbecillic dramatic effect but I have forgotten the young's Modulus of
acryllic and Hoo Non Boy has not applied sufficient adhesives and unguents
to my digital extremities.


"JMT-02" wrote in message
As you well know, I have no need for sesquipedalian writing when one, two or
even a maximum of three syllables usually works well for me in my naturally
born talent to obfuscate through bloviation of what could have been a simple
10 word or less sentence in the first place. Bloviation seems to be my
natural inclination, even after eating, or before; as it seems to never make
much difference, with and without words.

Besides which, you are the sockdolager of record, never having been
surpassed by any living writer to which mine eyes have had the pleasure of
reading. I can never hope to match you wit for wit, or in general intellect
to intellect. You are the royal Queen, and I am only a mere prince in
service at your whim and fancy.

So take a look at my plotting question in the plotting newsgroup and see if
you can solve that minor bloviated question for me.


"Jamie Duncan" wrote in message
what lovely sentiments Jack. surely you a bring a level of eloquent
erudition that exceeds all expectations, and although some rebellious
disidents might bemoan your writing style as simply an attempt at
obfuscation through sesquipedalean bloviation, rest assured that rest of us
deem your literary efforts as a mark of excellence within the field of
airport architectural scribblings.....

Princess Jamie

"JMT-02" wrote in message
Isn't Melanie just the greatest? She always has a relevant and accurate
answer. I think she is way under appreciated. She is a very multi-faceted
and talented woman, and I adore her.

Jack Talsky

wrote in message
I am looking for information regarding staffing levels to maintain a CAFM
system. I work in health care and was wondering if there were any
papers/data or published industry standards for staffing levels needed for
CAFM (space management) in health care. We have over 3 million sqft and 1
CAD Tech. I am trying to justify a CAD Manager and more if needed.
Message 24 of 28
in reply to: Anonymous

thank goodness she likes us. Otherwise the word choice she uses can be acid
on the eyes.

Message 25 of 28
in reply to: Anonymous


she's my hero.

"JMT-02" wrote in message
thank goodness she likes us. Otherwise the word choice she uses can be acid
on the eyes.

Message 26 of 28
in reply to: Anonymous

its a good thing for me I don't live near her. My heart breaks too easily.
And my wife wouldn't appreciate PJ as much as I do, however, she might join
up with the upstairs maid.


"melanie stone" wrote in message

she's my hero.

"JMT-02" wrote in message
thank goodness she likes us. Otherwise the word choice she uses can be acid
on the eyes.

Message 27 of 28
in reply to: Anonymous

Perhaps a mild infusion of bicarbonate is in order then?

Message 28 of 28
in reply to: Anonymous

It seems that most of the people who work in nail salons around here are
from Vietnam.

Currently the joints I make the most frequent use of appear to be well


"JMT-02" wrote in message
oh, I am glad you explained that because I had no idea what you needed
acrylic for.

Also, I misread, and did not understand the Hoo Non Boy reference so thought
you said something about analgesics and unguents, and not adhesives and
unguents. Sorry, I thought you were talking about creaky joints in your


"Princess Jamie" wrote in message
>but I have forgotten the young's Modulus of acryllic and Hoo Non Boy has
>not applied sufficient adhesives

didn't want to break one of my acryllic nails...


"Princess Jamie" wrote in message
I have attempted to alleviate your plotting concerns in a professional
manner, one technologist to another as it were. However due to the
excessive verbiage commonly displayed within your frequent posting coupled
with my deleteriously fleeting attention span I may not have addressed all
of your needs and desires adequately. This is less a reflection on your
literary shortcomings and more of a self-inflicted diatribe against my own
self absorption and complete lack of interest.

Be that as it may, I continue to support and applaud your efforts albeit in
a slightly derisive and condescending manner befitting the royal beotch
reputation I cherish and uphold. I would normally capitalise every word for
imbecillic dramatic effect but I have forgotten the young's Modulus of
acryllic and Hoo Non Boy has not applied sufficient adhesives and unguents
to my digital extremities.


"JMT-02" wrote in message
As you well know, I have no need for sesquipedalian writing when one, two or
even a maximum of three syllables usually works well for me in my naturally
born talent to obfuscate through bloviation of what could have been a simple
10 word or less sentence in the first place. Bloviation seems to be my
natural inclination, even after eating, or before; as it seems to never make
much difference, with and without words.

Besides which, you are the sockdolager of record, never having been
surpassed by any living writer to which mine eyes have had the pleasure of
reading. I can never hope to match you wit for wit, or in general intellect
to intellect. You are the royal Queen, and I am only a mere prince in
service at your whim and fancy.

So take a look at my plotting question in the plotting newsgroup and see if
you can solve that minor bloviated question for me.


"Jamie Duncan" wrote in message
what lovely sentiments Jack. surely you a bring a level of eloquent
erudition that exceeds all expectations, and although some rebellious
disidents might bemoan your writing style as simply an attempt at
obfuscation through sesquipedalean bloviation, rest assured that rest of us
deem your literary efforts as a mark of excellence within the field of
airport architectural scribblings.....

Princess Jamie

"JMT-02" wrote in message
Isn't Melanie just the greatest? She always has a relevant and accurate
answer. I think she is way under appreciated. She is a very multi-faceted
and talented woman, and I adore her.

Jack Talsky

wrote in message
I am looking for information regarding staffing levels to maintain a CAFM
system. I work in health care and was wondering if there were any
papers/data or published industry standards for staffing levels needed for
CAFM (space management) in health care. We have over 3 million sqft and 1
CAD Tech. I am trying to justify a CAD Manager and more if needed.

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