Model Details: ============= Mesh Type = 3D Tetrahedra Tetrahedral refinement layers (specified minimum) = 6 Laminates across radius of beam elements = 12 Total number of part nodes = 631857 Number of tetrahedron nodes = 631785 Number of beam nodes = 68 Number of beam-tetrahedron connection nodes = 4 Total number of injection location nodes = 1 The injection location node numbers are: 55402 Total number of elements = 3813049 Number of part elements = 3813049 Number of tetrahedral elements = 3812978 Number of sprue/runner/gate elements = 71 Number of hot sprue/runner/gate elements = 71 Total volume = 53.9637 cm^3 Volume of tetrahedral elements = 32.4727 cm^3 Volume of sprue/runner/gate elements = 21.4910 cm^3 Volume of hot sprue/runner/gate elements = 21.4910 cm^3 Volume filled initially = 21.4910 cm^3 Volume to be filled = 32.4727 cm^3 Part volume to be filled = 32.4727 cm^3 Sprue/runner/gate volume to be filled = 0.0000 cm^3 Parting plane normal (dx) = 0.0000 (dy) = 0.0000 (dz) = 1.0000 Total projected area = 160.5118 cm^2 ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55503 and 598249 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55502 and 598250 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55340 and 598251 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55519 and 598182 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55498 and 598254 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55337 and 598248 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 598249 and 55338 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 598250 and 55339 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55336 and 598247 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55501 and 598251 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 598182 and 14787 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 598254 and 55362 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55330 and 598242 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 598248 and 55504 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55335 and 598246 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 598247 and 55505 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55331 and 598243 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55510 and 598242 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 598246 and 55506 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 598243 and 55509 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304220 ** Coincident nodes. Nodes 55516 and 598236 have the same coordinates. ** WARNING 304260 ** Altogether there are at least 51 pairs of coincident nodes. ** WARNING 304920 ** There is insufficient refinement of the tetrahedral mesh in some areas, which may affect solution accuracy. Inspect with the "Node layer number" plot and consider improving the mesh. [For the 6 tetrahedral refinement layers requested, the node layer number is expected to reach 4 at the part centreline.] ** WARNING 304930 ** The node layer number on the part centreline is 3 or less for 56.7 percent of the part. --------------------------------------------------------------------------